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On 2/1/2017 at 1:58 PM, Fernando said:

That's largely due to your pal Trump empowering neonazis and white supremacists. 


This is what liberals don't get when they make the false equivalency between "alt-right" speech and other political speeches. It's not hypothetical, we are seeing the result of allowing people to incite hate freely right now.  Hate crimes against Jews, Muslims, LGBTQ and all vulnerable minority groups has gone through the roof in the past year. 

Free speech is guaranteed by the state and I certainly don't want the state to decide what speech should be allowed and what not. But I would be deeply disappointed if my community does not do everything in its power to block, through protest, people who are inciting violence against some of its members from speaking publicly

DON'T give fascists a platform. 

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1 hour ago, Spike said:

I love Milo Yiannopolous, he gets people like you lot writhing in agony with tightened sphincters. Mission accomplished for Yiannopolis if you two sincerely believe those posts. He espouses a lot of nonsense but is the most entertaining clown in the media circus.

Yet he fervently denies being a part of the Alt-Right and frequently mentions that he has been threatened by them. It's only the media that paints him as Alt-Right and a 'white supremacist', and they are desperate because they love a bogeyman. Looks like you bought into the media spinning and Yiannopoulis' controversy. It's exactly what he wants and you give it to him. The last I checked white guys that suck black cock usually aren't white supremacists.

He doesn't even say that controversial stuff, he just crassly points out statistics and people get all wound up about it and the guy makes bank on it. He even calls himself a 'troll' yet you people still keep taking the bait, it's truly hilarious. :cig:

Whatever he wants to call himself, he's a right wing self publicising stupid fucking idiot -now that IS hilarious....:cig:

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16 minutes ago, CHOULO19 said:

That's largely due to your pal Trump empowering neonazis and white supremacists. 


This is what liberals don't get when they make the false equivalency between "alt-right" speech and other political speeches. It's not hypothetical, we are seeing the result of allowing people to incite hate freely right now.  Hate crimes against Jews, Muslims, LGBTQ and all vulnerable minority groups has gone through the roof in the past year. 

Free speech is guaranteed by the state and I certainly don't want the state to decide what speech should be allowed and what not. But I would be deeply disappointed if my community does not do everything in its power to block, through protest, people who are inciting violence against some of its members from speaking publicly

DON'T give fascists a platform. 

You are talking about the protest against Trump where people burn down cars, glasses and all that stuff? 

Aren't those people on your side? Protesting against someone they disagree but all the same time committing acts of vandalism? 

P.S. I'm all for protest. Protest all you want, even if I don't agree with your view. Just don't go burning down things and vandalizing property. Martin Luther King Jr. would be ashamed of this. 

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47 minutes ago, Spike said:

You can't get past the university. It isn't about the university (only Fernando said that), it is about the protesters wanting 'free speech' but using violence to dictate what can and cannot be said, that is where the hypocrisy lays. The university doesn't give a shit, they just want money and they get money by having more students and by having more students they kowtow to hoi polloi and hoi polloi want censorship. You think any university actually cares about basic ethics? They don't, because if they did people wouldn't be $40,000 in debt with a bachelor's degree in Lesbian Dance Therapy. 


That's what worries me.

It's an idle threat, but surely our own president should be able to tell the difference right? Or maybe he took to the internet without all the facts? Or maybe he's ignoring facts and only wants to pay attention to what serves his own purpose.

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3 minutes ago, CHOULO19 said:

That's largely due to your pal Trump empowering neonazis and white supremacists. 


This is what liberals don't get when they make the false equivalency between "alt-right" speech and other political speeches. It's not hypothetical, we are seeing the result of allowing people to incite hate freely right now.  Hate crimes against Jews, Muslims, LGBTQ and all vulnerable minority groups has gone through the roof in the past year. 

Free speech is guaranteed by the state and I certainly don't want the state to decide what speech should be allowed and what not. But I would be deeply disappointed if my community does not do everything in its power to block, through protest, people who are inciting violence against some of its members from speaking publicly

DON'T give fascists a platform. 

It doesn't state that the threats were made by Neo-Nazis or white supremacists.

The issue is for me; as huge skeptical is how many of the 'hate crimes' are false flags? In conjunction with actual hate crimes it is a huge issue as it victim-hood equates to power. We both know about the incident in Louisiana where a Muslim woman complained about being harassed by several Trump supporters but later confessed to lying. Or the north-eastern couple that destroyed their own vehicles and claimed it was a racist attack (they were looking for insurance money). The issue with raw statistics is that they obfuscate the context. A report vs. an actual incident is a hugely different statistic. Not only that not all cases of 'hate crime' are actually so, and it can be easy for a victim of a crime to twist into further into a hate crime. I'm withholding my judgement for now; due to past circumstances. There was an observed bubble of hate crime after the 9/11 and I'll wait for more statistics to see whether or not this is just another bubble.

Also could this be just an evolving media bias that is over reporting hate crimes? Or could it be a phenomenon that people are reporting hate crimes now, whereas a year ago they wouldn't have reported it as a hate crime? 

We both know we can't something this serious at face value and there needs to be more information published that isn't from somewhere like the NY Times.

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4 minutes ago, kmk108 said:


That's what worries me.

It's an idle threat, but surely our own president should be able to tell the difference right? Or maybe he took to the internet without all the facts? Or maybe he's ignoring facts and only wants to pay attention to what serves his own purpose.

Look at it like this: it's a trickle down affect. If the university has federal funding cut (which I believe no university should receive), then perhaps they'd take a harsher stance on violence on campus (which is entirely their responsibility). In reality if a student is so unruly to the point they are threatening and destroying property, they should be expelled. They aren't being expelled because the university makes bank on students. The universities are corrupt and know it. They are no longer a learning institution but a money making scheme; students enter a contract that has them pay thousands of dollars for a certificate in a scholarly field. Since students can no longer default on student loans, it is a guaranteed $40,000 for the university but not the student. The university has no obligation to prepare the student for the workforce or to guarantee them a career.

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17 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Whatever he wants to call himself, he's a right wing self publicising stupid fucking idiot -now that IS hilarious....:cig:

Yet, he is making money from guys like you that get upset with his antics. Who is the real idiot? Besides, he doesn't need free publicity when people freely advertise for him, as we are now. 

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3 minutes ago, Spike said:

Yet, he is making money from guys like you that get upset with his antics. Who is the real idiot? Besides, he doesn't need free publicity when people freely advertise for him, as we are now. 

Not upset in the slightest - and he's not making any money off me, he works for Breitfart News so they are paying the 'oooh notice me, I'm sooooo controversial'  homosexuals wages presumaby .  I doubt he reads Talk Chelsea tbh.

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32 minutes ago, CHOULO19 said:

DON'T give fascists a platform. 

Disagree with that, all should be given a platform to be challenged. It is fascist to not give them free speech, and falls into Trumps hands.

Trump displays key characteristics of an anti-free speech snowflake activist. He is a thin-skinned, self-obsessed screecher who interprets any political or intellectual disagreement as a personal assault. His response to ideas he finds offensive is not to challenge them, but to try to silence them. His is a fearful, subjective view of the world in which his feelings count more than facts or fundamental principles. That’s why his administration is effectively running an official Twittermob against Trump’s critics.

None of this has anything to do with fascism. It is ‘snowflakeism’,

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15 minutes ago, kmk108 said:


That's what worries me.

It's an idle threat, but surely our own president should be able to tell the difference right? Or maybe he took to the internet without all the facts? Or maybe he's ignoring facts and only wants to pay attention to what serves his own purpose.


You do know that things don't happen overnight? Is like the immigration laws, every single law cannot change overnight. 

That being said, I believe that Government shouldn't be giving funds to every little thing out there. Funds to school, UN, nations, etc etc. This should come from another place not government. 

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3 minutes ago, Spike said:

Look at it like this: it's a trickle down affect. If the university has federal funding cut (which I believe no university should receive), then perhaps they'd take a harsher stance on violence on campus (which is entirely their responsibility). In reality if a student is so unruly to the point they are threatening and destroying property, they should be expelled. They aren't being expelled because the university makes bank on students. The universities are corrupt and know it. They are no longer a learning institution but a money making scheme; students enter a contract that has them pay thousands of dollars for a certificate in a scholarly field. Since students can no longer default on student loans, it is a guaranteed $40,000 for the university but not the student. The university has no obligation to prepare the student for the workforce or to guarantee them a career.

Did you study at a university here (not leading anywhere, just a question)? I can't say how the higher ups at universities feel, but I know that every one of my professors cared about the education of their students.

I wonder where the funding goes. I just graduated from a university that's in a state that doesn't really prioritize education funding and it's really a detriment. Faculty are underpaid and temporarily fired (because the university couldn't afford to pay them). I thought about becoming an educator when I was a senior in high school, but the thought of needing to get two degrees in order to get paid like crap put me off and I'm not alone. I don't agree with you that universities shouldn't get funding. But I do think education (in all levels) needs to change. We're so focused on generic test scores that kids aren't really learning.

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5 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Not upset in the slightest - and he's not making any money off me, he works for Breitfart News so they are paying the 'oooh notice me, I'm sooooo controversial'  homosexuals wages presumaby .  I doubt he reads Talk Chelsea tbh.

He isn't? How do you know that someone on this website that didn't know him is now clicking on his articles, watching his videos and participating in his media following? It isn't always cut and dried.

I also like how you threw in insult in there and tacked 'homosexual' on the end of it. It's almost if you are making a crude joke about the histrionic homosexual stereotype, much like Yiannopolous would...

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3 minutes ago, Spike said:

He isn't? How do you know that someone on this website that didn't know him is now clicking on his articles, watching his videos and participating in his media following? It isn't always cut and dried.

I also like how you threw in insult in there and tacked 'homosexual' on the end of it. It's almost if you are making a crude joke about the histrionic homosexual stereotype, much like Yiannopolous would...

did you know the main men who control hip hop are white jews who make upcoming rappers suck their dick for a record deal

crazy. wish it was hyperbole. crazy 

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10 minutes ago, Fernando said:


You do know that things don't happen overnight? Is like the immigration laws, every single law cannot change overnight. 

That being said, I believe that Government shouldn't be giving funds to every little thing out there. Funds to school, UN, nations, etc etc. This should come from another place not government. 

Not worry me in the sense that he'll do it. Worry me that he is publicly calling out a university for worrying about security of an event they were hosting. If something bad were to happen during that speech, UC-Berkeley would have been slammed for not taking proper security measures. The police weren't confident that they could ensure the safety of Milo and those attending the talk, so they decided the best course would be to cancel the talk. But that doesn't jive with DT's agenda.

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5 minutes ago, Spike said:

He isn't? How do you know that someone on this website that didn't know him is now clicking on his articles, watching his videos and participating in his media following? It isn't always cut and dried.

I also like how you threw in insult in there and tacked 'homosexual' on the end of it. It's almost if you are making a crude joke about the histrionic homosexual stereotype, much like Yiannopolous would...

What you mean one of the six regulars of TC might start watching his videos. As for his sexual orientation he seems to wallow in his homosexuality in victimhood. Blokes a twat, I swear it's Sacha Baron Cohen as 'Bruno'.

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Just now, kmk108 said:

Did you study at a university here (not leading anywhere, just a question)? I can't say how the higher ups at universities feel, but I know that every one of my professors cared about the education of their students.

I wonder where the funding goes. I just graduated from a university that's in a state that doesn't really prioritize education funding and it's really a detriment. Faculty are underpaid and temporarily fired (because the university couldn't afford to pay them). I thought about becoming an educator when I was a senior in high school, but the thought of needing to get two degrees in order to get paid like crap put me off and I'm not alone. I don't agree with you that universities shouldn't get funding. But I do think education (in all levels) needs to change. We're so focused on generic test scores that kids aren't really learning.

Yes, I did briefly. The educators are robots that punch out the same lecture five times a day and have perfected the facade of 'caring educator'. Why does a university that offers courses in 'philosophy of love' deserve federal funding. On the opposite end, tenured faculty can be the worst educators, make the most money and never be fired. Kids aren't learning anything because we have infantilised learning and a certified failed system from the 50s. People put to much faith in the government, 'it's how things are, schools need more funding'. Funding has been at a 45 degree angle since the 80s, while test scores are plummeting. The entire system needs to be revolutionised.  

On a side note, thankfully the free market stepped into action and charter schools are romping into shitty black and Latino neighbourhoods and whipping truant kids into shape with tact, discipline and harsh rules. Nothing says 'success' when a kid from a broken home in East-Harlem is now studying at university. Handouts won't fix these kids that have been dealt the worst hand in America, but the rough hand of the free-market will. How American is that? Through sheer hard work and dedication people are pulling these kids up by their bootstraps and giving them a chance at a future that they were never going to have a chance at

7 minutes ago, Leif said:

did you know the main men who control hip hop are white jews who make upcoming rappers suck their dick for a record deal

crazy. wish it was hyperbole. crazy 

I don't know about that, but I do know the reason why Public Enemy's first several albums are lauded critically is because of a skinny white nerd that was a musical prodigy produced the entire thing from scratch. It sure does make some people uncomfortable knowing that some of the most famous hip-hop has been designed by nerdy white dudes.

3 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

What you mean one of the six regulars of TC might start watching his videos. As for his sexual orientation he seems to wallow in his homosexuality in victimhood. Blokes a twat, I swear it's Sacha Baron Cohen as 'Bruno'.

One out of six is better than none of out none. He seems pretty proud to be a faggot, even seems to have the self-awareness to know he gets away with a lot of shit because he is a fag. You should really be upset that American university culture is the reason he exists; ten years ago Yiannopolous wouldn't even have made a ripple in the ocean, but the current zeitgeist allows him to flourish. He found a niche market and is exploiting it, entrepreneurship always gets respect from me.

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23 minutes ago, Fernando said:

You are talking about the protest against Trump where people burn down cars, glasses and all that stuff? 

Aren't those people on your side? Protesting against someone they disagree but all the same time committing acts of vandalism? 

P.S. I'm all for protest. Protest all you want, even if I don't agree with your view. Just don't go burning down things and vandalizing property. Martin Luther King Jr. would be ashamed of this. 

No, I'm talking about the record number of threats and attacks on Jewish centers. Those are definitely YOUR guys.


22 minutes ago, Spike said:

It doesn't state that the threats were made by Neo-Nazis or white supremacists.

The issue is for me; as huge skeptical is how many of the 'hate crimes' are false flags? In conjunction with actual hate crimes it is a huge issue as it victim-hood equates to power. We both know about the incident in Louisiana where a Muslim woman complained about being harassed by several Trump supporters but later confessed to lying. Or the north-eastern couple that destroyed their own vehicles and claimed it was a racist attack (they were looking for insurance money). The issue with raw statistics is that they obfuscate the context. A report vs. an actual incident is a hugely different statistic. Not only that not all cases of 'hate crime' are actually so, and it can be easy for a victim of a crime to twist into further into a hate crime. I'm withholding my judgement for now; due to past circumstances. There was an observed bubble of hate crime after the 9/11 and I'll wait for more statistics to see whether or not this is just another bubble.

Also could this be just an evolving media bias that is over reporting hate crimes? Or could it be a phenomenon that people are reporting hate crimes now, whereas a year ago they wouldn't have reported it as a hate crime? 

We both know we can't something this serious at face value and there needs to be more information published that isn't from somewhere like the NY Times.

Do you genuinely believe that it could all be conspiracy or that it's all made up(yes I know that that is not exactly what you said)? Knowingly or not you are pertuating right wing tactics of muddying the water enough to create the illusion that it is up for debate. They use this with climate change.

There are plenty of groups who document such attacks like the southern poverty law center. Or you can go by the info the FBI release. No matter what set of data you look at the trend is undeniable. 

But even if you want to forget stats, just go out and talk with people in those minority groups about what they experience. Talk to a hijab wearing muslim girl and she will almost certainly have several stories for you.

The emboldening of fascists as a result of Trump is also undeniable. A year ago you did not have white supremacist advising the president, you didn't have neonazis featured in mainstream media and papers and you definitely wouldn't have seen nazi salutes in a conference in the middle of DC. 

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