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Must-read article!

The officers got the wrong man, but charged him anyway—with getting his blood on their uniforms. How the Ferguson PD ran the town where Michael Brown was gunned down.


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''As Jewish survivors and descendants of survivors and victims of the Nazi genocide, we unequivocally condemn the massacre of Palestinians in Gaza and the ongoing occupation and colonisation of historic Palestine.We utterly condemn Israel’s wholesale effort to destroy Gaza and the murder of nearly 2,000 Palestinians, including many hundreds of children. Nothing can justify bombing UN shelters, homes, hospitals and universities

We must raise our collective voices and use our collective power to bring about an end to all forms of racism, including the ongoing genocide of Palestinian people. We call for an immediate end to the blockade of Gaza. We call for the full economic, cultural and academic boycott of Israel. “Never again” must mean “Never again for anyone”.

Hajo Meyer survivor of Auschwitz; The Netherlands, Henri Wajnblum survivor and son of an Auschwitz victim from Lodz, Poland; Belgium, Norbert Hirschhorn refugee of Nazi genocide and grandson of three people who died in the Shoah; London, Suzanne Weiss survived in hiding in France, whose mother died in Auschwitz; Canada, Felicia and Moshe Langer survivors from Germany, Moshe survived five concentration camps, family members were exterminated; Germany, Michael Rice child survivor, son and grandson of survivor; United States and 30 Jewish survivors of the Nazi genocide and 260 children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and other relatives of survivors

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National Guard now being brought into Ferguson. The young bloke was shot several times in the front, including his face

Has it kicked off in other States or just Missouri ? I remember the LA riots after Rodney King, and it was massive

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Caught on tape ! Hamas firing rockets from hotel.


Why won't the Mainstream media report this?

Because it's a bit like reporting about catching somebody on tape firing a slingshot at a fully armed special ops team. These rockets fired out of Palestine have virtually no destructiveness when compared to Israeli airstrikes; nor do they have the ability to strike with the surgical precision that Israeli forces can. Some of these probably end up landing within Gaza - how can homemade shit from a territory with no mineral wealth, trade access or industrial potential to manufacture quality armaments be expected to pose a threat to a nation that is the region's most advanced industrial war machine? Israel possesses a fantastically strong military capacity and has the backing of even more powerful allies. There's no chance Palestine, of all places, genuinely poses a threat to Israel's sovereignty. Sure you get the odd suicide bomber infiltrating Jerusalem and causing some harm but just look at how much Pakistan irritated India in the aftermath of the Taj Hotel attacks and look at the civilized way in which India responded to that. Regional superpowers have no need to fear neighbouring basket case countries. Would the US go balls deep if some Cuban guy shot up Miami? No, they'd just ratchet up the sanctions on Cuba, like a boa constrictor strangling its prey; rather than a wolf savaging away at the carcass of a mouse. Exercising soft power rather than hard power is all it takes to bring those that threaten to upset the status quo and you save a whole bunch of civilian casualties into the bargain.
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National Guard now being brought into Ferguson. The young bloke was shot several times in the front, including his face

Has it kicked off in other States or just Missouri ? I remember the LA riots after Rodney King, and it was massive

I was at a protest in Miami yesterday with strong police presence, but it wasn't too violent, physically at least. Saw about eight people arrested though.
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It's such a ghetto mentality, by the way, to want to absolutely fuck somebody up (as well as everybody who ever knew them) just because they key'd your car - which is the most apt analogy to describe the Gaza situation. Such thinking is supposed to be restricted to working class ethnic minorities in the western world; people that mass media and right wing thinkers routinely condemn as idiots and lazy welfare cheats - but how is it that our leaders think in exactly the same way when they're "better human beings" than the urban poor? Substitute scenarios - thumping on a project junkie because he tried to pay you fake money for his fix is pretty much the same thing as going to war over unsubstantiated rumours of nuclear programmes.

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See the authorities in Ferguson and at Federal level are doing what they always do in these situations, blame the unrest on 'outsiders'. During strikes and pickets in the uk in the 80s, the police blamed the trouble on Libyans on mopeds. :)

Theyre right in a way though, the ' outsiders' are the National Guard.

They want the unrest to stop ? Absofuckinglutely simple, try arresting the cop that shot an unarmed kid six times.

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Say Thanks to Hamas.

They Started to Fire Again.

Actually it wasn't Hamas that fired the first rockets, it was a different faction of the resistance.

And if you think that 3 rockets that hit absolutely nowhere and didn't even cause any physical damage at all is why the peace talks broke down, then you are being incredibly naive. The peace talks broke down because your government wouldn't agree to the Egypt-US permanent ceasefire terms. The rockets were just used as an excuse.

EDIT: NOW Hamas are firing rockets after the air strikes on Gaza like the two rockets that just hit Tel Aviv.

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Fair play to Egypt. They have told Obama to show restraint in Ferguson against protesters. -exactly the same message Obama gave to the Egyptian government when they were cracking down on protesters last year.

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