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Bro, we ezidîs are not a sect like Obama told the press, this is a common misunderstanding. We don't have an ultimate goal which we have to reach, an we don't force ppl. to stay with us or to give us all theyr money but most important we don't have a big leader whos word stands above everything. We are an ancient Religion that is sometimes dated to 4000 before christ, others say 2000 before Christ. We belive only in god as the source of all power. Although he has seven angels beside him, whom have different tasks to fullfill. The biggest of them is Tawis-Î-Melek, which means Peacock-Angel. This 7 Angels stand for the 7 planets surrounding the sun, the sun is the 8th ans biggest planet, and for us is the Symbol of god (most probably god himself, because everything else in our universe surrounds it). Tawis-Î-Melek is the biggest one because he has to oversee the happenings of the earth.

I'll tell you a few things but you must read books and the tellings of different yezidis are not always the same, because our prayers and religious songs are not written down, and only given from generation to generation by learning to sing them, there are very few differences and different interpretations. I've got my versions from an now dead religios priest, who told me, they don't go out and tell what he was going to tell me to everybody because ppl don't understand what he is going to explain to me, but he thinks I was fit enough to understand our true story which he had learned from his father and he did from his father and so on... Maybe I will have some issues telling it.

God made a white pearl of pure power (think of the big-bang in physics when you read please), he placed the pearl at the back of a piegon (you see birds and animals for us have a holy status) which flew with that pearl at his back for 4000 years when there was nothing existing. This pearl exploded and out of the dust the planets and the universe, the moon and the earth was builded. When he builded everything it was chaos and planets where burning (think of planets when they start to build). He placed the sun as his symbol in the center of the Universe. The world was so far away from the big sign of god (named Shams), it took some days untill the light of the sun enlighted the earth (quite amazing how much details in that time far back they thought of don't it?), and the whole earth was the first time blessed by god and was RED, this they was a wednesday, for this wednesday is the sabbatical day of Êzdîs, its the mid of the week and is called Carshemba. The wednesday which was the first day the light of the sun enlightned the earth, was the first Wednesday in April and it is one of ore most important feasts and is called Carshemba Sôr (red wednesday). After this, the World cooled down. Then he did sent Berat (means smthg like Gift) to the earth from heaven which brought water and and with the water came Life (think of the metroit that did probably hit the earth from Mars which was out of water with microbiological bakteria). Before this all he although created Angel Peacock out of his light (in Ezdi songs about our religion, the defenders of the religion often say, I'm made out of the light of lights = light of god, and if you think of that Light is the quint essence of power, power in his pure form according to Einstein till a few years ago, when some questionmarks where raisd, this is even more interesting). The Angel Peacock first didn't know he was and where he came from, then he wanted to settle on the first tree that arose in the big ocean the earth was now. But he couldn't because god hindered him. God asked him who am I and who are you? Peacock answered I 'dont understand you are you and me is me, God answered: you are wrong, and god asked two further times and Tawis-i-Melek answerd wrong one further time till he said, You made Me and I'm your servant. God Accepted his answer and let him settle on the Tree. And god made further Angels, for differing work they had to do.

Then God told them, they should create Life on Earth, but the Life they should create should differ from what was already existing (Animals, Trees and so on), they should hav his Sir (hard to describe, his air, his soul, his light maybe, means too much to convert it to english) inside them. And they searched for something that could keep the Sir of god. They asked different Materials of the earth, if they would lend them they're material they're of to create something like god wanted, all said no but the earth. The earth told the angels: "I will lend you, but only lend you me as material, when the part of god leaves what you are gonna have to give me back", thats why ppl rot to earth again when they're Sir leaves. So they used Earth and Water and formed the human body and made them robust in burning them with fire, and after god gave his Sir to the humans (thats why we hounour earth, water and air).

Till then Tawis - i -Melek wasn't the highest of the angels. After god created the human beings, he wanted the Angels to pray to them, all followed his advice and prayed to them only Tawis-i-Melek didn't. The other angels asked god why he doesn't do what he advices and prays to the human beings and if he thinks he was better then them. God asked Tawis -i-melek why he didn't what he said to him and was angry with him, Tawis-I-Melek said, yes I'will never pray to the humans, this is because you told us when you made us out of your fire (light), you told us never to pray to anything else then you and only you, so I will never do so.

This is a critical part in our mythology, thats where Islamic ppl have somehow changed the story and made Tawis-I-Melek the fallen angel and call im S****an. They said god sent him to hell, we say god was proud he remembered what he said to him and didn't follow what he said blindly, he thought of doing something before to do it. Funny thing is S****an in his original meaning is built out of two words Sha and Tan which means Holy and soul. Even Lu***fer means The Light bringer, the other religions just gave it a bad meaning. Thats all why Muslim-Religion and Muslim-Fanatics kill us. We belive God honored Tawis-I-Melek for his thoughtfull acting and like all religious story there is a deeper meaning, Tawis-I-Melek didn't follow all the rest, he didn't just do what he told him, even he was his creatore, he thought before doing it or not carefully and made a decision for himself but with a reasoning that hit the nail on his head. (sorry for my bad english).

The massacres I will tell you another time, this is our genesis....

So this is our idea of how the world was created. Further like I've said there is no intervention of go

Well thank you. That is actually a good background you gave me here. I can see the parts were Yazidis and Muslims would argue. But that is not really my position, I have nothing but respect to people's different faiths and beliefs even if we don't agree with each other. But I can see the angle the extremists would take to justify an attack on your lives. Please when you can tell me more about the massacres.

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Sure, tell me more about your school mates, their age, their inititial nationality, and how recent were they Muslims or whether they were born as Muslims. Each has a way totake on and I will give you examples. BTW someone tried to recruit me in the U.S. :) I pretty much know their methods.

I think one of them was actually born in the UK, whilst the other was brought into the UK at a later age, I think at around 10 or 11. They've both been life long Muslims, and I used to have avid and interesting debates about Islam with the first one who was very much against this whole Jihad movement thing, ironically however he's now apart of it. The very sad thing is that the mosque they went to is partly of to blame for them defecting as they brought in an extremist speaker who obviously used the opportunity to try and recruit behind the scenes.

It's really crazy. How did they even try to approach you? Glad you've seen sense into not entertaining it.

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Why does USA always have to act in every problem of the world? Are they the world police?

Half the world doesn't even like them, but they sure want their help....

Why doesn't your country goes and help?

Because USA clearly have the overwhelming military power and technology to do so whilst Lebanon don't... Is that even a serious question?
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Because USA clearly have the overwhelming military power and technology to do so whilst Lebanon don't... Is that even a serious question?

Well people bitch and moan about everything they do, except when things get tough they need their help.

That's just hypocritical to me.

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Well people bitch and moan about everything they do, except when things get tough they need their help.

That's just hypocritical to me.

Because when they do "help" (or let me say when they actually have something to gain for it, because that's the only way the US do seem to try and help), it's not done properly. It's not hypocritical at all IMO. Of course people are within their rights to complain.
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Because when they do "help" (or let me say when they actually have something to gain for it, because that's the only way the US do seem to try and help), it's not done properly. It's not hypocritical at all IMO. Of course people are within their rights to complain.

Then if they believe someone else can do better then by all means plead for them.
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Wrong. It did. The video is titled "How Hamas set up their rockets" as in this how they set up all their rockets.

And NO. The post is not about the blue tent, that is just one point and the least serious of points. I was just making fun of the incredulous idea that Hamas set up their rockets using blue tents.

The actual serious points you've managed to ignore all:

1) The Israeli strikes are targeting the houses and not the ares near them where the rockets are fired.

2) The Israelis are using bombs exceeding one and two tons each by their our admitting (without getting into the illegal phosphorous and DIME weapons) so the attacks are clearly not meant to destroy small rocket launchers that look like they can be taken out by a rock.

3) The fact that the IOF has the weapons, technology and military intelligence to take out the rockets/tunnels/Hamas fighters without damaging the civilian houses but choose not to.

4) The example of the Lebanese army with a very similar mission that have managed to take out the terrorists with last century's weapons with minimal civilian injuries completely debunks the myth that those civilians dying in Gaza are "collateral damage".

Go ahead, answer these points.

Brave journalism? :lol: There are cameras on Gaza 24/7 and streams that show everything that is going on not to mention the hundreds of drones taking pictures of everything single thing. If this was nearly as common as you are claiming, the IOF would have made pictures more popular than Paris Hilton's sex tape!

I have correctly translated and put into context several of the videos which you have posted in this thread, but you just simply didn't reply. For example, that video of the Hamas official talking about using human shields which you have posted half a dozen times in this thread, I've already said that he is talking about civilians protecting their own civilian homes and there is absolutely nothing about Hamas or the rockets and it is clearly stated that this is a strategy that the people have come up with. On any account, this is a "strategy" that is used during "peace" when Israel decides it wants to destroy a random civilian house. This has nothing to do with the assault, the people don't dare do this because they know that during war Israel will bomb that house even it had a hundred infants on its roof top.

Sparsely populated? :lol: Please explain to me how 350 squared Kms can be sparsely populated with 1.8 million people especially when the absolute vast majority of the structures in it are one or two story building usually inhabited by the same family.

Wrong. Support and approval ratings for Israel are at an all time low all over the world. There have been demonstrations all over the world from Tokyo to Venezuela including daily demonstrations in the USA. All the South American countries have recalled their ambassadors from Israel, a British had to resign, Spain had to cancel arms deal with Israel, the Prince of Denmark appeared wearing the symbol of the Palestinian revolution...etc. All because people can now actually see the truths on social media. Israel has lost the social media war in this round by their admittance.

What do the Jews have to do with anything? These are Jews:




Those are Rabbis:



And those are even an Israeli citizen against the genocide:




But you keep calling it a religious fighter for you Islamophobic agenda..

I will reply to any post I want. If you don't want your lies and frail logic exposed, you are the one who should not post. Everything you or anyone posts in any thread is up for debate. If you just want to feed people biased propaganda, I'm sure you can find a job in one of the many Zionist controlled news stations.

This post is right on it. But again, im sure there will not be a straight answer.


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Then if they believe someone else can do better then by all means plead for them.

Above is your answer. (From Choulo)

Tbh, most of the time people aren't even asking for US to act, they bring it upon theirselves. They like to act like the world's heroes.

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Well thank you. That is actually a good background you gave me here. I can see the parts were Yazidis and Muslims would argue. But that is not really my position, I have nothing but respect to people's different faiths and beliefs even if we don't agree with each other. But I can see the angle the extremists would take to justify an attack on your lives. Please when you can tell me more about the massacres.

Ok but let me complete another difference, we don't belive god make you do things, you have your free will and a mind, arms, eyes, legs, brain human beings decide what to do. From time to time we belive in reincarnation of Tawis-I-Melek whom comes to the earth in different ways to help Ezidis "get back on track" or save them. Thats another big difference, every ppl is responsible for his doings, not any god or bad S****an...

A few years ago a few thousand ppl. where killed in a massacre in iraqi Kurdistan Shengal again, they poisened our water, it was Islam-Radicalist agin, this was called 73. Massacre, now is th 74.th. Like I said before nearly every kurd was Ezîdi, because all prayers the language and all we do is kurdish, islam is arabic, christ are asyric, iran is farsi (but kurdish and farsi is quite equal). Arabic Muslims converted many ppl when they came over with Muhamad however they did it's gone and history. Ezidîs resistet in a very strong manner, like I said you often here with us, one Ezdi is like 10 oter men and we don't say so others do, and how strong they press the Ezidis, the ISIS themself say it's so hard to convert one ezidi, we film it every time before we slaughter them, and if one converts before we slaughter him, its like feast.

And I can't tell you what it is, but the most kurds until Mala Mustafa Barzani and Abdulla Öcalan, where involved in many massacres. Only a few examples: 19th Century, the kurdisch Mele Mehmûdê Beyazîdî writes: "Killing kurdish people is not a sin for kurdish moslems, and every time a kurdish moslem kills a Ezid, he should take his wife for his fun. We don't buy from Ezdi-Slaughtery because they pray to S****an"

In the time of Mîr Ceferê Desinî 225 - 226 after Muhammed there was a massacre, in that time they called us "DASINI", because it was even a sin to say Êzdî. Khalif Abasîyan Muhtesîm, son of Harûn Reşîd two times started a attack with a big army but Ezids defended themselvs. The third time he came with Eytax the turkmenian and his turkish army, they broke down the resistance and made quite the same things IS does today, exactly what they do they did then, they killed 1000 Familys and ezdis have big familys, so a low number would be 10, they killed over 10 000 that time, by slaughtering and pecking theyre heads on pikes and put the spikes up all around the region to show they're cutted of heads. 100 000 Ezdis ran away, And another 100 000 where converted to islam by force. This was such a big massacre the Muslims accept this as one of the seven Al-Muhtesîms.

In the beginning of the 19th Century Mîr Mehmed (Mîrê Kor, the blind emir ) started another massacre with the fatwa of Mele Xatî, he catched the Ezdi mir Elî beg, took 10 000 girls with him and as a kurd gave them as a gift to the arabic muslim Sheiks, Begs, and Axas of Musil. 500 Men where killed and thrown into a hole in the earth.

The Diplomat A.H.Layard that the Pashas and Begs became very rich when they stole all the gold of the Ezdis after killing them. Furhter he writes, when all ran away children and old womens where left over because they couldnt leave, the hide in they're houses. They've been killed and after that slaughtered, the heads sticked to the tip of the guns and they laughed clapped and danced while they slaughtered them. He did understand they killed them but why have they been so cruel and cut theyre heads off? He was frightened they would do the same with him. And was shocked they danced clapped and played with the heads of em.

1891 Emer Wehbî paşa (Firik Pasha), a kurd from Sulemaniya, steals our Tawis out of pure gold and other ancient relicts, makes our holy place Lalish to an islamic school, he converts them by foricing them with the swort, the ppl in the town have no choice but the men in the Shinjar-Mountains fight and in that time England, France and others wisdom this and the is a ruleing aginst him, he then ran away from lalish and gives it back.

only a few...

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Well people bitch and moan about everything they do, except when things get tough they need their help.

That's just hypocritical to me.

ok so we where living peacefull and never attaced anybody but get slaughtered for over 1800 years and this is all our fault? you are ridiciulus...

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1) The USA destroyed the Iraqi regime and made it a weak country that can be occupied by militia.

2) Because the USA created, armed and funded the militia that is causing all those atrocities.

3) Because the US has all the military power in the world and can rectify their mistakes if they want to.

4) Because the USA likes to portray itself as the humanitarian hero and enforcers of democracy and morals when they want to invade a country but shy away when actual atrocities are happening.

5) Because the USA has BY FAR the largest embassy in the world in Iraq and still in practice rules the country.

My country is helping. Our army is fighting ISIS on our border even though we still have the weapons that France left us after WW2. My country has accepted thousands of Iraqi refugees even though there are already more foreigners than Lebanese people in the country! Our Lebanese party of Hezboullah who the USA likes to portray as terrorist has been fighting these extremists groups all over Syria and they even have some fighters in Iraq. Hundreds of Lebanese men have died in the past couple of years fighting ISIS and the likes.

Wait what Iraqi regime existed there with saddam? There was nothing there with that guy.

Now as to per helping yes in that you really have a point. Since they was there before they do have an obligation to help if things get out of hand.

Like they are doing now.

The other stuff seems like moral things to me. That USA has to do this and that.

But they actually don't have to do anything, they are not the police of the world.

Isn't nato supposed to be that?

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ok so we where living peacefull and never attaced anybody but get slaughtered for over 1800 years and this is all our fault? you are ridiciulus...

What you talking about?

I'm not talking about your ethnicity.

I'm talking about the hypocrisy of talking trash and hating USA all the time yet when things get tough people wonder why USA doesn't do anything?

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Wait what Iraqi regime existed there with saddam? There was nothing there with that guy.

Now as to per helping yes in that you really have a point. Since they was there before they do have an obligation to help if things get out of hand.

Like they are doing now.

The other stuff seems like moral things to me. That USA has to do this and that.

But they actually don't have to do anything, they are not the police of the world.

Isn't nato supposed to be that?

Saddam had peace, security and a pretty good economical life for his people. Every single Iraqi will take a Saddam regime again about now.

People don't actually want the US to fully intevene, they are just calling the out the hypocrisy of the US that invades Iraq to "enlist democracy" when there is oil involved, but lets militias slaughter thousands of people when it gains nothing from intervening. The reason people mention the US is because the US itself claims moral reasons when invading a country but does nothing when much more severe moral violations are happening elsewhere.

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Saddam had peace, security and a pretty good economical life for his people. Every single Iraqi will take a Saddam regime again about now.

People don't actually want the US to fully intevene, they are just calling the out the hypocrisy of the US that invades Iraq to "enlist democracy" when there is oil involved, but lets militias slaughter thousands of people when it gains nothing from intervening. The reason people mention the US is because the US itself claims moral reasons when invading a country but does nothing when much more severe moral violations are happening elsewhere.

Is that so for saddam?

So I guess the people who was tortured by the saddam regime would take that regime as well....

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What you talking about?

I'm not talking about your ethnicity.

I'm talking about the hypocrisy of talking trash and hating USA all the time yet when things get tough people wonder why USA doesn't do anything?

I think its more about that USA have to blame themself for this. Because they always say we are the cowboys of the world and will protect anybody, albeit in reality they only protect they're interest. Thats why ppl call them names...

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I think its more about that USA have to blame themself for this. Because they always say we are the cowboys of the world and will protect anybody, albeit in reality they only protect they're interest. Thats why ppl call them names...

I think USA should just mind their own business and not help anybody. Watch the whole world fall apart and see how they would like them?
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