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Not targeting civilians? Who the hell are you lying to anymore? The whole world has seen the truth! If there were ever an doubt, the mask has fallen last night.

Bombing and shelling of a civilian neighborhood for hours with shells that exceed a ton and two tons each by the confession of the Israeli army themselves while all ambulances and medical aid was stopped from getting into it. One small neighborhood with small close inhabited houses. This is what the neighborhood looked like in the morning:


Headless children, burned women, mangled bodies on the streets and under the rubble. I dare any human to defend this: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=792402407468848&set=vb.179609608748134&type=2&theater

People trapped in their houses just waiting to die. People I know on twitter tweeting stuff like "I just we'd die by an F16 rocket and not a artillery shell" and "Trying decide whether to keep the whole family in the same room or spread out through the house. Can't chose if we want to all die together or leave a chance for at least one of us to decide."

Till now, 70 civilians counted dead and over 250 from that one small neighborhood. Dozens more expected still under the rubble. Ambulances are still unable to reach the eastern side of the neighborhood. I just saw a man in the news helping the red cross pull three members of his family from under their collapsed 3-story home and yelling that there 4 more under it.

Every single drop of civilian blood in the Shuja'ia neighborhood is on the Israeli government and ever sick fuck who supports this genocide.

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  On 20/07/2014 at 15:55, CHOULO19 said:

Not targeting civilians? Who the hell are you lying to anymore? The whole world has seen the truth! If there were ever an doubt, the mask has fallen last night.

Bombing and shelling of a civilian neighborhood for hours with shells that exceed a ton and two tons each by the confession of the Israeli army themselves while all ambulances and medical aid was stopped from getting into it. One small neighborhood with small close inhabited houses. This is what the neighborhood looked like in the morning:


Headless children, burned women, mangled bodies on the streets and under the rubble. I dare any human to defend this: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=792402407468848&set=vb.179609608748134&type=2&theater

People trapped in their houses just waiting to die. People I know on twitter tweeting stuff like "I just we'd die by an F16 rocket and not a artillery shell" and "Trying decide whether to keep the whole family in the same room or spread out through the house. Can't chose if we want to all die together or leave a chance for at least one of us to decide."

Till now, 70 civilians counted dead and over 250 from that one small neighborhood. Dozens more expected still under the rubble. Ambulances are still unable to reach the eastern side of the neighborhood. I just saw a man in the news helping the red cross pull three members of his family from under their collapsed 3-story home and yelling that there 4 more under it.

Every single drop of civilian blood in the Shuja'ia neighborhood is on the Israeli government and ever sick fuck who supports this genocide.

We are telling them to leave. Hamas telling them to stay and be a human shield.

They took their choice.

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Going round in fucking circles here.

Bottom line theres ethnic cleansing going on, a genocide, and western govts ignore it because their political parties receive millions of pounds in donations from billionaire Israelis. Blood money for silence.

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  On 20/07/2014 at 17:02, CFC_4EVER said:

They knew we are going to attack their Hamas knew as well this is why 13 soldiers has been killed tonight....

Look how bad are those "Nazis":





This is like using this image of Nazi soldiers playing football with British soldiers during the WW2 to say that Nazism is 'nice':


This is absolutely ridiculous. NOTHING can erase the crimes in the Shuja'ia neighborhood. You and every Israeli citizen shares the blame for every headless child, every burned woman, every family crushed under their house. And you have the nerve to try to defend what is happening! Are even human?!! How can such monstrosity be part of your ideology. And you call the Palestinians terrorists!

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  On 20/07/2014 at 17:27, CFC_4EVER said:

Because they are this is the truth. what do you want us to do? to let Hamas bomb our civilians without to respond? we gave them a warning they chose to listen to Hamas and there is nothing else we can do about it, we will defend our self. we have the iron dome and all the citizens of Israel have patience we are backing the army to keep on going until Hamas will stop and if he won't we'll probably watch more Palestinians loses their life's unfortunately.

The amount of b.s is unbelievable. Where are are the Hamas terrorists you managed to kill? Did they take civilians as a human shield and teleported somewhere the moment IDF attacked? Shouldn't there be their bodies too on the ground? Of course there should. But the fact is there are only civilians. No Hamas, no weapons confiscated. Nothing at all. You lie and believe your own lie. Zionists are nazis. No difference.

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  On 20/07/2014 at 17:39, CFC_4EVER said:

It's easy for you to blame us and call us Nazi's while your country blame Hamas for what happened in Gaza, after they rejected a cease fire Israel accepted few days ago it's seems you have a sort memory mate.

Blaming Hamas for not accepting ceasefire doesn't mean NOT BLAMING TERRORISTIC ACTS BY THE IDF AGAINST INNOCENT CIVILIANS. Can you comprehend this? But again, you can't distinguish between obvious things as usual. You take part of the story and use it for your b.s. justifications.

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  On 20/07/2014 at 17:27, CFC_4EVER said:

Because they are this is the truth. what do you want us to do? to let Hamas bomb our civilians without to respond? we gave them a warning they chose to listen to Hamas and there is nothing else we can do about it, we will defend our self. we have the iron dome and all the citizens of Israel have patience we are backing the army to keep on going until Hamas will stop and if he won't we'll probably watch more Palestinians loses their life's unfortunately.

Do you even realize how much of a psychopath you sound! How did all morals and ethics die inside you?!

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  On 20/07/2014 at 17:49, CFC_4EVER said:

The posts in the past 2 weeks are not going anywhere you think we are terrorist but it's obviously not true, Israel is a country who just want to let her citizens to live normal life without a fear of rockets like any country in the world wants.

as long as Israel will be quiet gaza will be quiet too we are not searching for war believe me Israel had too many since 1948, but if we won't have a choice we will fight until the quiet will return. if the rocket's won't stop in the next few weeks we will probably be have to take control over Gaza again it will cost us and the Palestinians life's but you have to do what you have to do.

Blaming Hamas for not accepting ceasefire doesn't mean NOT BLAMING TERRORISTIC ACTS BY THE IDF AGAINST INNOCENT CIVILIANS. Can you comprehend this? But again, you can't distinguish between obvious things as usual. You take part of the story and use it for your b.s. justifications.

SHLOMO BEN-AMI: Well, let me tell you what is my description of terrorism. Terrorism, in my view, is an indiscriminate attack against civilian population. That is the definition of an Israeli politician, an ex foreign minister, ex minister of internal security.

So yes these acts are terroristic according to YOUR standards.


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  On 20/07/2014 at 18:17, CFC_4EVER said:

Shooting against civilians population is what Hamas is doing, and we fight Hamas not the civilians unfortunately Hamas doesn't care about he's civilians life and he uses them as a human shields while Israel uses the iron dome to do exactly the opposite thing. defend our civilians from Hamas who tries to hurt them thank god we have that system because she works almost to perfection saving life's believe me this system saved palatinates life's too because if we didn't had it our army was responding much more aggressively. it will take time, but like i said we have patience and we will back our army to complete the mission until the quite will return.

I think by now the majority of the world can see all that the human shield thing is a big lie to cover up the IDF terroristic acts. And about YOU saving Palestinians lives, you can tell that to the 400+ already dead. Or maybe you can go back to 2009 and tell the 773 non hostile who were killed too. That is ofcourse according to Israel's B'Tselem.


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Over 3000 Palestinians seriously injured now. Nearly all civilians. And when we say injured, we' re talking loss of limbs masiive abdominal shrapnel, horrendous burns to children.

Israel has shelled two hospitals in Gaza as well, they said rockets were fired from them. As if

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  On 20/07/2014 at 18:39, Fulham Broadway said:

Over 3000 Palestinians seriously injured now. Nearly all civilians. And when we say injured, we' re talking loss of limbs masiive abdominal shrapnel, horrendous burns to children.

Israel has shelled two hospitals in Gaza as well, they said rockets were fired from them. As if

Not to mention the ones who will not make it out of the severe injuries.

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Executive director of Wafa hospital and staff said it was a lie rockets were fired from the hospital, but the hospital has now been severely shelled along with Gazas other main hospital.

Even the nazis respected the red cross.

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