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Hey I was the one who suggested the Lebanese flag should be added...ouch.

Well, let me just tell you that due to few certain terrible individuals from Sydney the Australian-Lebenase community will never be fully accepted into society.



However where there is bad, there is good. And this man is most definatly good: http://en.wikipedia..../Hazem_El_Masri

Yeah I figured that would be the general idea. We tend to get this reputation in the countries were there is Lebanese presence. Lebanese people are....an acquired taste :lol:

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all i have to say is wow. These terrorists come to our country and kill 3,000 people american citizens. so what that Bush broke the rules, no country/leader is perfect and to hold that against him is not fair. You're against the treatment of POWs well im not, and just gona have to leave it there.

however, this Obama is a war criminal is by far the most annoyming statement i've ever heard of. The terrorits go and hide among the local citizen putting their own countrymen at risk after they attack us. if there is anybody you should be mad at its them the terrorists(al qaeda). what are we supposed to do? sit back and say "oh dont shoot innocent people are at risk"?? we have to protect USA and we will go to extreme lengths and bounds to do so. if this happened to your country you would not be in the same position you are in right now, i guarantee. they waged the war not us, and no matter what your opinion may be these drones are working and we will continue to use them until the threat of an attack has greatly subsided.

WOW WOW WOW, STOP. Very American Republican View.

Bush took this mental weakness caused by 9/11 to promote war in Midle East (a huge strategic location) to create Pro-American Goverments where USA influence is low. It has absolute nothing to do with protecting american people.

There are 2 major military invasion in ME. First, Iraq is in no way interconnected with 9/11, it was allegation of mass destruction weapons (should the world invade USA too?), wich UNSC prohibited (glad you recognise that). Second, Afegan war is unforgivable. Why promote war when fighting only a very small percentage of population (extremist shia)? 90% os islam is sunni, 10% are shia and of this small group, 13% are extremist. Secretary of Defense and CIA know better there are more eficient and cheaper ways to unarticulate Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, Taliban, etc. ME citizens started suffering in double; the sunni are attacked by the terrorists and have their schools, houses and hospitals destroyed by USA, they even have their culture ripped by so many foreign influence. Defending Afegan war is similar to assume WTC should be destroyed even if they only wanted to kill one specific human being that worked inside. In the end, you arent even wining, its Vietnam 2.0.

At the moment Obama has more to worry about than wrong revenge for the wrong purposes. The World lives the worse economic crisis after 70s, can become the worst after 1929. One of the worst balance of trades in decades. Internal debts. Enviromental catastrophes. Gun shooting at cinemas and schools. Stupid Anti-tolerant Movies transformed into viollent ryots (diplomatics beeing killed). Hurt Ego. Etc...

This are the problems that have to be solved to protect american citzens.

By the way, I am totally agains terrorist groups. However, beeing in favor of this War on Terror is unracional and unhuman. Mistakes arent meant to repeat!

Not everything you see in TV and read in NYT is true. /joke

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all i have to say is wow. These terrorists come to our country and kill 3,000 people american citizens. so what that Bush broke the rules, no country/leader is perfect and to hold that against him is not fair. You're against the treatment of POWs well im not, and just gona have to leave it there.

It was the US government itself that ordered those terroristic acts.

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The rich in the UK avoid paying £25 000 000 000 in tax each year. That amount would have fixed the recession

It's not just the UK. http://www.forbes.com/sites/frederickallen/2012/07/23/super-rich-hide-21-trillion-offshore-study-says/ . The worst of it, is that a lot of it is legal or semi-legal. There are all sorts of loopholes and deductions that the rich have (not to mention the better accountants they can afford). The US is even worse. Mitt Romney who makes millions of dollars a year from doing nothing, pays about 14% tax. That's just insanity.

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It's not just the UK. http://www.forbes.com/sites/frederickallen/2012/07/23/super-rich-hide-21-trillion-offshore-study-says/ . The worst of it, is that a lot of it is legal or semi-legal. There are all sorts of loopholes and deductions that the rich have (not to mention the better accountants they can afford). The US is even worse. Mitt Romney who makes millions of dollars a year from doing nothing, pays about 14% tax. That's just insanity.

warren buffet pays less taxes than his secretary...........thats all that needs to be said.

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warren buffet pays less taxes than his secretary...........thats all that needs to be said.

And he wants to change things. It's something I've never got. If I had like a billion dollars, sure, I'd buy my houses and live a very comfortable life, but I'd also really want to make a difference. You look at a lot of super rich people and they are really big into philanthropy. There was the "giving pledge" where the super rich pledged to give away at least half their fortune. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Giving_Pledge. It's not only the moral thing to do, it makes sense. You literally don't need that money. It's impossible to spend it all. On the other hand, you have people like the Waltons (owners of Walmart) who are worth $93 billion and interested only in ensuring that their employees never earn a livable wage. Great piece here http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-12-13/wal-mart-heiress-s-museum-a-moral-blight-commentary-by-jeffrey-goldberg.html. Even worse are the Koch brothers. Their companies have ANNUAL revenues of $100 billion. How do they spend their money? Giving it to reactionary politicians who want to crush unions and lower taxes so that the Kochs' can keep every dollar they can get their hands on. It's the height of immorality. You have everything and most people have nothing and it's still not good enough for you.

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And he wants to change things. It's something I've never got. If I had like a billion dollars, sure, I'd buy my houses and live a very comfortable life, but I'd also really want to make a difference. You look at a lot of super rich people and they are really big into philanthropy. There was the "giving pledge" where the super rich pledged to give away at least half their fortune. http://en.wikipedia....e_Giving_Pledge. It's not only the moral thing to do, it makes sense. You literally don't need that money. It's impossible to spend it all. On the other hand, you have people like the Waltons (owners of Walmart) who are worth $93 billion and interested only in ensuring that their employees never earn a livable wage. Great piece here http://www.bloomberg...y-goldberg.html. Even worse are the Koch brothers. Their companies have ANNUAL revenues of $100 billion. How do they spend their money? Giving it to reactionary politicians who want to crush unions and lower taxes so that the Kochs' can keep every dollar they can get their hands on. It's the height of immorality. You have everything and most people have nothing and it's still not good enough for you.

amen. The waltons are by far and away the most disgusting people i've ever read about. and you know what they arrive in China like fucking PMs being bowed to and all because they buy the most goods from China than any other company.

After someone makes more than like $20,000 a month, tax them 100% after that.

Your quality of life doesn't improve if you make more than $20,000/month, ffs.

do you know the CEO compared to the average worker would get around 40x more pay around a 40 years ago.

now the average CEO gets 400x more pay. http://money.cnn.com/2012/04/19/news/economy/ceo-pay/index.htm and the compensation on wall street is in the tens of millions often 100s of millions and this is rewarded to you after you fuck up the company and are fired by your "board" who are really just your friends you appointed to those positions. people like Ballmer-of Microsoft, Jamie Dimon-Chase should be fired but of course they aren't and they continue to screw over their companies to this day.the other problem is that the r1% of america control 42% of the distrubution of wealth.


im learning business right now in school prob gona get an MBA later in college but the more i read into business fields the morals i would have to give up are shocking. i could never, ever take a job that values workers over customers.

all i can do is just shake my head in shame.....

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