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Some people hate everybody.
Even Hercules Poirot (David Suchet) finds himself victim of some racial abuse by an old lady in one of the episodes.
Why is that ?
It is an instinct.
Political considerations -if any- come later.

One reason is the language.
A foreigner meets some local he knows in the street. He says "hi" and continues on his way.
But if he knew the language he would say something like "oh, my esteemed mister Pelopidas, and how is your honourable wife these days ?".
That makes a difference.

Another reason is particular tribes of immigrants are not such good lookers as the Caucasians.
Below my house is a Pakistani hairdresser.
Well, he is ugly and a fatso.
But he is a good hairdresser. His assistant is lousy so if he is absent the assistant will make your head look like hand grenade, but the Pakistani man is good.

What if he was German ?
In the sixties there was the infamous duet of Duft and Bessenauer. Those two hitch hiked their way to Greece and when there they managed to find fiances as well, from wealthy families.
But they lived a double life and started a murder campaign killing several motorists and gas station attendants. Eventually the police caught up with them and they were arrested, tried and executed. Those were the last executions that took place in Greece and the fiances were saying "they fell from the clouds".
But they were blond German ...

A third reason is of course poverty.
Nobody dares to challenge a person who goes around in a convertible Cadillac Eldrorado.

All these things put together make up the phenomenon of racism.
It's also because those guys were shouting "es Espaniol - Gibraltar es Espaniol" but if you think of that at all, you will remember it later.

So any political party who decide to make capital of this is guaranteed success, or a measurable success at any rate.
These days it's a notch behind what it was in Adolph's time with the kristal nacht.

Are the commies coming into it ?
Of course they are and it's music to their ears.
In the 50s 90% of commie anti-American propaganda infiltatring the west was about the plight of American negroes.


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7 hours ago, Vesper said:

Biden is not running, Harris is, as much as Trump and the MAGAts wish it were not so.

Yeah we know that, and yet they are doing a good job connecting her to Biden… to the administration.

Or are you claiming it’s an easy win for Harris? That’s not what I see.

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“The reason we’re here is to demand that the U.S. government stop sending bombs to Israel and stop profiting off of Israel’s genocide against Palestinians in Gaza,” said Beth Miller, political director of Jewish Voice for Peace, the group that organized the demonstration. “Because what’s been happening for the last year is that Israel is using U.S. bombs to massacre communities in Gaza while simultaneously weapons manufacturers on Wall Street are seeing their stock prices skyrocket.”

Beth Miller NY Stock Exchange

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13 hours ago, Vesper said:

oh ffs!

is fucking Biden trying to sabo Harris???

fucking hardcore RW zionists once again with the whiphand over the yanks, no matter if it is the the Repubs or the Dems are in charge


President Biden has announced that the US will send military troops and an advanced anti-missile system “to help bolster Israel’s defences”



Ironically, it was you who connected Harris to Biden/the administration here.

Trump's ticket is on immigration: that's all he talks about. Just now in Aurora, CO. He exaggerates and lies constantly, but it brings attention to it, which is what they want.

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Bakari Sellers actually sent this to me as a text:


How did Kamala go to the biggest HBCU ever, date nothing but black men until she was middle aged, yet end up thinking Crypto and weed of all things needs to be her black male agenda? This is as absurd as Barack coming out and calling black men sexist for not treating her the same way they treated him despite the fact that black men overwhelmingly support her.

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It should concern whoever reads this that you never know what Trump will say next — they’re actually his decisions to say — and yet we always know Kamala’s isms — to a T, she follows xyz, every time —- unable to express a single sentence that sounds actually like a normal person. Who do you think has a shadow state behind them vs not. Why in the living Christ would you vote for more shadow state. To keep weaving the countless societal changes that they do, for their own gains, at a cost to others sanity, congruency, and normality. 

It remains: in this election, you are siding toward either more dishonest designing of society toward ideals that crack, or, you are siding with reality. Both use hyperbole, so don’t ascribe one side as dishonest, so dishonestly, ignoring owns chronic proclivity toward tarring others with lack of nuance but instead damning labels to shut them up. It is obvious the wolves in sheep clothing are that. The other side are just relatively simple people who don’t want to keep up these cycles of lunacy from social media to real life, all always tied to exaggerated to unfounded claims. 

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Kamala twitter posts all have the emotional triggers and tone of teenagers. Because they’re not appealing to sensible people. Every time her fingers move or mouth opens it’s designed to manipulate vulnerable people, which most people are. You don’t understand you’re a sheep to a shepherd who sees you as a number that verifies they’ve done the job for the shadow state. You need to simply get a grip and smell the coffee at this pt if thinking this is policies vs policies or personality vs personality. 0 idea what’s going on if not disturbed by goings ons outwith what parrot from other parrots. 

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20 hours ago, robsblubot said:

Or are you claiming it’s an easy win for Harris? That’s not what I see.

she is in real danger of losing the Electoral College 

she likely (as of now) loses GA and AZ

and NV, WI, MI, and PA are pure tossups (with WI looking the worst for Harris atm)

the only Red state she has any sort of shot at (a Red to Blue flip) is NC, and that will be hard

if she loses GA, AZ, WI (and that is the smallest EVs of all the swing states, winning WI but losing either MI or PA would be even worse) and does not flip NC

and wins NV, PA, and MI (plus wins NE-2, which looks likely)

she loses the election



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U.N. official accuses Israel of ‘atrocities’ after tent shelters set ablaze


A top U.N. humanitarian affairs official condemned what she said were “atrocities” in Gaza after an Israeli strike set tents ablaze where displaced families were sheltering on Monday, killing at least four people and injuring dozens on the grounds of al-Aqsa Hospital.

“There seems to be no end to the horrors that Palestinians in Gaza are forced to endure,” Joyce Msuya, acting U.N. undersecretary-general for humanitarian affairs, said in a release. She added that women and children suffered severe burns in the attack. “There really is no safe place in Gaza for people to go,” she said.

The IDF said it had conducted the strike to target a Hamas command center it alleges was on the hospital premises in Deir al-Balah, central Gaza. It added that a fire had “ignited in the hospital’s parking lot, most likely due to secondary explosions,” and said the incident was under review.

The Israeli military also fired at people trying to receive food at a distribution center in Jabalya in northern Gaza on Monday, according to the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, or UNRWA. The IDF did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the incident. In a statement on its general operations early Tuesday, it said it had killed dozens of militants in Jabalya in the past day.

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26 minutes ago, MoroccanBlue said:

The fact she's on Fox News tomorrow and also wants an interview with Joe Rogan shows how desperate the democrats are. Panic mode. 

she has been doing lots of interviews with many places

Trump refuses to do them, he just does his rallies (where he looks increasing unhinged and desperate)

Trump even refuses to do a debate on Fox News, his home RW turf

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1 hour ago, Vesper said:

U.N. official accuses Israel of ‘atrocities’ after tent shelters set ablaze


A top U.N. humanitarian affairs official condemned what she said were “atrocities” in Gaza after an Israeli strike set tents ablaze where displaced families were sheltering on Monday, killing at least four people and injuring dozens on the grounds of al-Aqsa Hospital.

“There seems to be no end to the horrors that Palestinians in Gaza are forced to endure,” Joyce Msuya, acting U.N. undersecretary-general for humanitarian affairs, said in a release. She added that women and children suffered severe burns in the attack. “There really is no safe place in Gaza for people to go,” she said.

The IDF said it had conducted the strike to target a Hamas command center it alleges was on the hospital premises in Deir al-Balah, central Gaza. It added that a fire had “ignited in the hospital’s parking lot, most likely due to secondary explosions,” and said the incident was under review.

The Israeli military also fired at people trying to receive food at a distribution center in Jabalya in northern Gaza on Monday, according to the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, or UNRWA. The IDF did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the incident. In a statement on its general operations early Tuesday, it said it had killed dozens of militants in Jabalya in the past day.

Israeli TV debates on whether Palestinian detainees should be raped - US tax dollars funding this

Using Palestinians dressed in Israeli uniforms to go into 'dangerous areas' - human shields 

Israelis filming themselves eating UN aid meals for Gaza - accuse Hamas of stealing the aid


Doesnt this make the UK and US complicit in war crimes as US taxpayers are paying for it


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Why Trump is doubling down on racism

In the closing weeks of a tight campaign, the former president returns to his core message.



Former president Donald Trump has gone full racist (or “nativist,” as some outlets delicately describe it). In Aurora, Colo., the New York Times reports, he spewed “repeated claims, which have been debunked by local officials, that Aurora had been ‘invaded and conquered,’ described the United States as an ‘occupied state’ … and revived a promise to use the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to deport suspected members of drug cartels and criminal gangs without due process.” He has continued demonizing legal immigrants from Haiti in Springfield, Ohio. In Detroit, as he does in many cities with large numbers of African American voters, he bashed the city. (“The whole country is going to be like — you want to know the truth? It’ll be like Detroit,” he said. “Our whole country will end up being like Detroit if she’s your president. You’re going to have a mess on your hands.”)

Regardless of his location, he invokes the specter of a non-White horde displacing Whites. Illegal immigrants are “evil,” are “taking your jobs,” and have “bad genes.” Right-wing hosts, elected Republicans and most down-ticket Republican candidates don’t blanch, let alone denounce racism unprecedented in modern American presidential elections. The mainstream media has begun to feature Trump’s racism (sometimes thinly disguised with fuzzy language) in headlines.

Aside from instilling anger, fear and resentment in his White base, why would he do this, and in particular go to cities and towns to insult those communities in person?

For starters, Trump has consistently evidenced racism throughout his career. He might have flipped on abortion, but racial animus seems baked into his psyche. Whether being sued for refusing to rent to African Americans, demonizing the innocent Central Park Five, promoting the “birther” conspiracy theory to delegitimize the first Black president, announcing his entry into politics by slandering immigrants as murderers and thugs, refusing to denounce white nationalists at a debate in 2016, referring to non-White-majority countries as “s---holes” or preemptively blaming Jews for his defeat, Trump has never departed from a steady stream of racism, xenophobia and antisemitism. His exaggeration about crime in big cities is a racial dog whistle; his phony “immigrant crime wave” is a racial bullhorn. This is who he is.

But like other authoritarians, Trump uses racism instrumentally as part of his assault on democracy and his quest to become a “dictator on day one.” Retired Gen. Mark A. Milley told Bob Woodward that Trump is “fascist to the core.” Milley knows from firsthand experience. Trump deployed a violent mob on Jan. 6, 2021, and still frequently uses the threat of violence; he wanted to fire on civilian demonstrators; he scapegoats minorities; he uses conspiracy theories to terrify the masses; and he identifies with and praises dictators.

Whether it was fascists in the 1930s, India’s Narendra Modi (marginalizing Muslims), China’s Xi Jinping (persecuting Uyghurs) or Russia’s Vladimir Putin (attempting to eradicate Ukraine), authoritarians inevitably enlist the power of the state against a minority group whom they blame for society’s ills. In the name of protecting their country from a virulent threat, anything and everything is permissible.

Historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat told Politico that Trump has “been taking Americans and his followers on a journey since really 2015 conditioning them … step by step instilling hatred in a group, and then escalating.” She explained that in Trump’s vision, “immigrants are crime. Immigrants are anarchy. They’re taking their jobs, but now they’re also animals who are going to kill us or eat our pets or eat us. That’s how you get people to feel that whatever is done to them, as in mass deportation, rounding them up, putting them in camps, is OK.”

Moreover, for Trump, racism is crucial to his voter suppression and election denial. The spate of voter suppression laws following Jan. 6 disproportionately affecting non-Whites, the targeting of cities in swing states with large Black electorates in 2020 (Detroit, Philadelphia), the attacks on Black poll workers and the ongoing claims of millions of undocumented immigrants voting all have a common purpose. Trump and his followers aim to put non-Whites outside the American electorate (not “real Americans”) and cry foul based on unsubstantiated charges of fraud when the candidate loses. If non-Whites are not “real” Americans or stand in the way of Whites attaining or retaining power, then making it harder to vote (or not counting their votes) — and removing immigrants on the mere suspicion that they are illegal — are justified.

It’s no coincidence that in the closing weeks of the campaign, Trump is returning to race. His racism, xenophobia and antisemitism are not incidental to his campaign (it’s all about tax cuts!) but, rather, central to his personality and to his political movement. Those who vote for him, enable him and normalize him must take responsibility for the movement that threatens to destroy pluralistic democracy.





Boat carrying Nazi Swastika flags seen at boat parade organised in support of Donald Trump.


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2 hours ago, Vesper said:

she is in real danger of losing the Electoral College 

she likely (as of now) loses GA and AZ

and NV, WI, MI, and PA are pure tossups (with WI looking the worst for Harris atm)

the only Red state she has any sort of shot at (a Red to Blue flip) is NC, and that will be hard

if she loses GA, AZ, WI (and that is the smallest EVs of all the swing states, winning WI but losing either MI or PA would be even worse) and does not flip NC

and wins NV, PA, and MI (plus wins NE-2, which looks likely)

she loses the election



She needs liz Cheney for AZ. Would be smart get Liz in her administration.

PA is the real danger tho. That was Bidens strength and it was still contentious.

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Kamala Harris started low, then made the impression of a winner, now she is losing.
It was during the last two weeks that something did n't tick well for her.

Obviously the previously undecided voters go for Trump.
It has a logic.

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1 hour ago, cosmicway said:

Kamala Harris started low, then made the impression of a winner, now she is losing.
It was during the last two weeks that something did n't tick well for her.

Obviously the previously undecided voters go for Trump.
It has a logic.

She is not losing. In swing states there have been 8-10 right leaning polls in the last week that have moved the average. There is a lot of talk about it is a political move to set up a case that the election was stolen by Democrats. With the disaster that was last nights Pennsylvania town hall and now Trump’s team cancelling all public interviews, you are going to see the few undecided voters go for Harris. 

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54 minutes ago, ZAPHOD2319 said:

She is not losing. In swing states there have been 8-10 right leaning polls in the last week that have moved the average. There is a lot of talk about it is a political move to set up a case that the election was stolen by Democrats. With the disaster that was last nights Pennsylvania town hall and now Trump’s team cancelling all public interviews, you are going to see the few undecided voters go for Harris. 

There are pollsters who try to prop up their favourite candidate.
They do that by ever so small amounts, otherwise people will laugh at them and they will no longer have any credibility.
When the election date is faraway they can say what they like of course and no one holds them accountable but when it's near just the tiniest bit of push.
The Greek ones I know the who is who.
Have you checked it's one of those ?

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