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‘He’s Not Well’: Trump’s Bizarre Off-Topic Ramble Raises Alarm Over ‘Mental Capacity’

The former president jumped from topic to topic to topic during a stream-of-consciousness rant.



Donald Trump’s rambling speech at the Detroit Economic Club on Thursday at times veered so far off-topic that critics raised new questions about his focus and mental capacity.

Trump trashed Detroit while speaking in Detroit, attempted to define the word “grocery,” and got defensive about his crowd size as he spoke for three hours.

During one 90-second stretch, he jumped from manufacturing to Elon Musk’s SpaceX rockets, to President Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign amid COVID restrictions, to election conspiracy theories, and then to how the United States has been “abused” by other countries.

“It’s so simple,” Trump said of his proposals to use the threat of tariffs to increase manufacturing in the United States.

“This isn’t like Elon, with his rocket ships that land within 12 inches on the moon where they want it to land or he gets the engines back,” he said. “That was the first, I really, I said ‘who the hell did that.’ I saw engines about three, four years ago. These things were coming, cylinders, no wings, no nothing, and they’re coming down very slowly, landing on a raft in the middle of the ocean someplace with a circle. Boom!”

The word “circle” set Trump in a new direction.

“Reminded me of the Biden circles that he used to have, right?” Trump said, referring to circles placed on the ground in 2020 to help guests keep socially distant amid the raging COVID-19 pandemic. “He’d have eight circles, and he couldn’t fill ’em up.”

Trump then used that to launch into his grievances about the 2020 election, which he lost, and make references to his debunked conspiracy theories.

“But then I heard he beat us with the popular vote, I don’t know, I don’t know, couldn’t fill up the eight circles,” Trump said, then riffed some more:

“I always loved those circles, they were so beautiful, they were so beautiful to look at. In fact the person that did them, that was the best thing about his, the level of that circle was great, but they couldn’t get people so they used to have the press stand in those circles because they couldn’t get the people. Then I heard we lost. ‘Oh we lost.’ No, we’re never going to let that happen again. But we’ve been abused by other countries we’ve been abused by our own politicians really, more than other countries.”

When he was still running against Biden, Trump accused his rival of cognitive problems and challenged him to take a cognitive test.

Now, however, critics are raising those same questions about Trump ― and many were baffled and alarmed by the stream-of-consciousness turn in his latest speech:


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On 10/10/2024 at 15:46, Vesper said:

Following that 'states' rights logic' (which is what the US Civil War was fought over), Alabama or Mississippi could bring back race based chattel slavery and if the RW SCOTUS insanely said that it was ok (which it clearly is not, due to the 13th Amendment, but one of the HUGE Constitutional flaws in the US system is that the Supreme Court can rule anyway it wants and there is NO appeal mechanism, nothing can be done other than SCOTUS being ignored, which is fraught with danger in and of itself) it would go forward.

Same if those states made it illegal for blacks to vote (thus going against the 15th Amendment).

By leaving abortion up to the states, they are denying women in those states the right to due process and equal protection under the law. States that ban it not only take a away a fundamental human right (of body autonomy) but also place millions in potential danger medically, up to and including possible death if (and this has already happened) doctors refuse to treat medical emergencies that come out of preganacies gone awry (refuse out of fear of being imprisoned or even possibly executed).

For the record, I actually agree 100% with you.

And yet, the people who disagree with us, which are many, do deserve representation. Yes, the representation is skewed, but that's natural inertia (religious representation in congress is overblown). It will change, but definitely not in my lifetime, and perhaps not even in yours.

You are dealing with the decision as a singleton; folks who disagree with us *believe* that the decision (of an abortion) "kills a baby," so either that view changes, or the same divide will remain.

Edited by robsblubot
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1 minute ago, robsblubot said:

For the record, I actually agree 100% with you.

And yet, the people who disagree with us, which are many, do deserve representation. Yes, the representation is skewed, but that's natural inertia (religious representation in congress is overblown). It will change, but definitely not in my lifetime, and perhaps not even in yours.

You are dealing with the decision as a singleton; folks with disagree with us *believe* that decision "kills a baby," so either that view changes, or the same divide will remain.


Hundreds of millions (maybe even a billion or more in toto) of people on the planet think I (and all others within the LGBTQ community) should not exist and deserve to die simply because I (and the others) are queer/gay/etc. Much of those muderous inclinations come from their interpretation of certain religious beliefs.

They will never change there minds, the divide is not overall able to be bridged at the present time (if ever).

BUT, that does not mean it is ok in anyway to capititulate to their wishs, desires, wants, demands, etc.

Simply because there is a divide does not change the rightness (the fact that us queer folk should NOT be exterminated) or wrongness (their belief that we should not exist and/or be killed) of the situation, nor does it change the only universally just outcome (ie we should not be killed, etc).

The unjust, anti-human, murderous stance MUST be resisted and fought back against as much as is possible.

I see abortion, up to the point of viabailty and/or sentientness (ie when alpha/beta brainwaves start, which are what produces sentientness and thus human life) in the same manner.

The argument that all abortions, (or even contreception/birth control) is MURDER is incorrect, it is not logical, as 'murder' means the deliberate taking of a human life, and until all necessary aspects of being human are present (especially what sets us apart from other animals, ie sentientness) then it is not murder by the very definition of murder.

Some will argue that once conception occurs, then the mere potential that a fully human being will be the outcome of the preganacy (barring miscarriage, etc) means that murder does apply.

BUT, potentiality never equals full reality. All of us are potentially billionaires or high-powered poltical leaders, etc etc, but until we actually achieve those things, we will never be granted the rights and powers that those things come with once they are acually achieved.

Ergo, their potentiality argument fails on a prima facie basis.

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1 hour ago, Vesper said:


Hundreds of millions (maybe even a billion or more in toto) of people on the planet think I (and all others within the LGBTQ community) should not exist and deserve to die simply because I (and the others) are queer/gay/etc. Much of those muderous inclinations come from their interpretation of certain religious beliefs.

They will never change there minds, the divide is not overall able to be bridged at the present time (if ever).

BUT, that does not mean it is ok in anyway to capititulate to their wishs, desires, wants, demands, etc.

Simply because there is a divide does not change the rightness (the fact that us queer folk should NOT be exterminated) or wrongness (their belief that we should not exist and/or be killed) of the situation, nor does it change the only universally just outcome (ie we should not be killed, etc).

The unjust, anti-human, murderous stance MUST be resisted and fought back against as much as is possible.

I see abortion, up to the point of viabailty and/or sentientness (ie when alpha/beta brainwaves start, which are what produces sentientness and thus human life) in the same manner.

The argument that all abortions, (or even contreception/birth control) is MURDER is incorrect, it is not logical, as 'murder' means the deliberate taking of a human life, and until all necessary aspects of being human are present (especially what sets us apart from other animals, ie sentientness) then it is not murder by the very definition of murder.

Some will argue that once conception occurs, then the mere potential that a fully human being will be the outcome of the preganacy (barring miscarriage, etc) means that murder does apply.

BUT, potentiality never equals full reality. All of us are potentially billionaires or high-powered poltical leaders, etc etc, but until we actually achieve those things, we will never be granted the rights and powers that those things come with once they are acually achieved.

Ergo, their potentiality argument fails on a prima facie basis.

I agree, but does it matter? There are 30-40% of other folks who strongly disagree. Would you rather "exterminate" them?

My point is that there will be no progress (as you and I define it) before the mindset is changed. I'm suggesting "politics", as in elections, isn't the answer.

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20 minutes ago, robsblubot said:

I agree, but does it matter? There are 30-40% of other folks who strongly disagree. Would you rather "exterminate" them?


Of course not, that type of talk is against every fibre of my being.

I just want to defeat their anti-human laws and policies poltically.

They are free to BELIEVE what they want, but there are not entitled to force anyone to hew to their religious beliefs, especially where their beliefs, when put into law, involve the abuse, discrimination, imprionment, torture, and even the killing of other people (directly or indirectly) who do not share their extremist religion-based beliefs.

The far RW in the advanced nations are the biggest hypocrites in those nations. They scream and rant about 'freedom' and how the government needs to stay the hell out of their lives, yet they now want to use the very same powers of governance and brute state force to take away freedoms, rights, and even the lives of others who they hold be worthy of legal sanctions up to and including the most heinous forms of punishment (including the ultimate sanction of death itself).

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Hiroshima - 15 000 tonnes of explosive

Nagasaki   - 21 000 tonnes of explosive

Dresden    - 2700 tonnes of explosive

Hamburg  - 16 000 tonnes of explosive

Tokyo        -1510 tonnes of explosive

= Total of   56 210 tonnes of explosive dropped


Total explosives and missiles dropped onto Gaza civilians, the most densely populated area of the World - 85 000 tonnes 

US have given them $21 billion of US taxpayers dollars comprised of hi tech weapons in the last year alone - $310 Billion total

Maybe that could have been spent on peace initiatives, or universal health for US Citizens ?

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Greece to tax tips for waiters and delivery men !

https://www.keeptalkinggreece.com/2024/10/04/greece-to-tax-tips-for-waiters-and-delivery-workers-poll/#:~:text=Greece's Supreme Court has ruled,targeted by the tax authorities.

Greece is ruled by the conservative party of New Democracy:
Below is a scene from a comedy film of the eighties.


It's "the iron maiden" starring Rena Vlachopoulos. Legendary Rena Vlachopoulos was a life long supporter of New Democracy.
The film is a sending up of the governing PASOK socialist party, Rena plays the role of a journalist who is a keen admirer of Margaret Thatcher.

Today what was the left's counter response ?
The left's counter response was that up to the summer-autumn of 2016 they were leading the polls.
They were in government so they announced this:

"soon special squads of inspectors will be roaming the streets - their purpose will be to check peoples pockets for undeclared coins"

This and others similar were forgotten when the first autumn polls showed New Democracy ahead.

The real iron maiden

Things do change.


Edited by cosmicway
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6 minutes ago, cosmicway said:

Greece to tax tips for waiters and delivery men !

https://www.keeptalkinggreece.com/2024/10/04/greece-to-tax-tips-for-waiters-and-delivery-workers-poll/#:~:text=Greece's Supreme Court has ruled,targeted by the tax authorities.

Greece is ruled by the conservative party of New Democracy:
Below is a scene from a comedy film of the eighties.


It's "the iron maiden" starring Rena Vlachopoulos. Legendary Rena Vlachopoulos was a life long supporter of New Democracy.
The film is a sending up of the governing PASOK socialist party, Rena plays the role of a journalist who is a keen admirer of Margaret Thatcher.

Today what was the left's counter response ?
The left's counter response was that up to the summer-autumn of 2016 they were leading the polls.
They were in government so they announced this:

"soon special squads of inspectors will be roaming the streets - their purpose will be to check peoples pockets for undeclared coins"

This and others similar were forgotten when the first autumn polls showed New Democracy ahead.

The real iron maiden

Things do change.


Thank god shes gone. The worst right wingers are working class, useful idiots of the rich

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Former CIA Director Leon Panetta says Vladimir Putin is using Donald Trump to his advantage.

The peroxide coiffured billionaire and the Russian head of state have spoken on the phone at least seven times since Donald Trump left the White House

Leon Panetta said it is "very unusual" for the Russian president to maintain any form of communication with a former American leader. He said that Vladimir Putin "knows how to work a source, and he's got a source that is very near the top in this country, he, himself is going to engage that source. "

"That really is what the bottom line is —"The mere fact that a former president of the United States is having regular conversation with our primary adversary raises real questions about where is his basic loyalty. Is it really to the United States of America? Or is it to Donald Trump?"

AP Press

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8 hours ago, Vesper said:


Hundreds of millions (maybe even a billion or more in toto) of people on the planet think I (and all others within the LGBTQ community) should not exist and deserve to die simply because I (and the others) are queer/gay/etc. Much of those muderous inclinations come from their interpretation of certain religious beliefs.

They will never change there minds, the divide is not overall able to be bridged at the present time (if ever).

BUT, that does not mean it is ok in anyway to capititulate to their wishs, desires, wants, demands, etc.

Simply because there is a divide does not change the rightness (the fact that us queer folk should NOT be exterminated) or wrongness (their belief that we should not exist and/or be killed) of the situation, nor does it change the only universally just outcome (ie we should not be killed, etc).

The unjust, anti-human, murderous stance MUST be resisted and fought back against as much as is possible.

I see abortion, up to the point of viabailty and/or sentientness (ie when alpha/beta brainwaves start, which are what produces sentientness and thus human life) in the same manner.

The argument that all abortions, (or even contreception/birth control) is MURDER is incorrect, it is not logical, as 'murder' means the deliberate taking of a human life, and until all necessary aspects of being human are present (especially what sets us apart from other animals, ie sentientness) then it is not murder by the very definition of murder.

Some will argue that once conception occurs, then the mere potential that a fully human being will be the outcome of the preganacy (barring miscarriage, etc) means that murder does apply.

BUT, potentiality never equals full reality. All of us are potentially billionaires or high-powered poltical leaders, etc etc, but until we actually achieve those things, we will never be granted the rights and powers that those things come with once they are acually achieved.

Ergo, their potentiality argument fails on a prima facie basis.

But I want to ask a question. Okay your against the rw policy, but how can the group that you identity with support Hamas? 

I see them marching in the parade with Hamas stuff when they are the one that kill gays. 

Can people from the LGBT community live freely in Gaza (well not right now because of the war) or Saudia Arabia ? Iran? And other Muslim countries? As opposed to telaviv in Israel? USA in general? 

Like if for equality I think we should see more fight for other countries that have less freedom then Israel and USA. 


Edited by Fernando
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2 hours ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Re Abortion; Men should allow women to do what they want with their bodies and butt the fuck out

It's not their bodies.
Anyway all the pharmacies sell pills.
If it's after hours we google the all night pharmacies - takes ten seconds.
We are talking about junkie quicky fanciers.

I worked with one such doctor for a time.
I even wrote the managemet software for his clinic.
But it was the dying days of the MS DOS system so the programs had no lasting value.
So he says to me "good job - thank you - but I will do the conversion to windows myself - bye".
Many of his customers were Russian ballet dancers.

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