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6 hours ago, Vesper said:

Starring: Jada Pinkett Smith, Damon Wayans, Savion Glover

Director: Spike Lee

Synopsis: A blistering satire of network television's pitfalls and prejudices, a humorous look at how race, ratings and the pursuit of power lead to a television writer's stunning rise and tragic downfall. Pierre Delacroix, a young, Harvard-educated man, who is the sole person of color, writing for an upstart network with floundering ratings. Despite several attempts, Delacroix has yet to see any of his concepts go into production.

One of the saddest days of my life was seeing Spike buy a cybertruck on instagram. A man who represented standing up to the man, and system, in my youth going to bat for an Apartheid nepo baby's car proved the old statement:

"You either die young, or grow old enough to become a villain" 

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9 hours ago, Vesper said:

Like what? The truth of where the hard RW christofashies want to (and already have in many cases) turn the US into a RW theocracy?

Multiple points.

Number one, people not personally involved do not get to determine what a woman (and often her male partner as well) decides to do with her body and her reproduction, especially in the first trimester (and I argue up until viability) of pregnancy.

Many of the RWers want to outlaw birth control as well, using the same arguments (US Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has suggested that already in his own self-written additional comment on the Dobbs decision). The same logic could be used to outlaw interaacial marriage (sucks for the balck Thomas and his white wife).

RWers (especially men) scream about freedom yet want to deny half the population one of the most fundamental rights of freedom (the right to control our own bodies).

Outside of a woman and her medical team, it is nobody's fucking business, especially by people using some twisted religious rationales.

VERY few abortions occur in the very late term and over 99% of those are due to medical issues.

Many RW forced-birther do not even make exceptions for incest, rape, health, or even the LIFE of the woman.

Many of those want foetal personhood, ie that instant a women is impregnated, she HAS to either give birth or die trying, even if she was raped.

THAT stance, if the US Supreme Court upholds it, is the stuff of the US breaking up, as many states will never bow down to that doctrine, and if a RW President tries to force them to obey, (especially if they use kinetic force if they deem it ok), you will have secessionist movements explode nationwide.

The other way that can lead to a break up of the US is if a President does not enforce foetal personhood (if the US Supreme Court decised that is the law of the land), and you then have the RW states start to disobey previous Supreme Court decisions THEY do not like (for example civil rights, etc). Chaos and divisions on a systemic level follow there too.

Non sequitur.

Drag queens are not always 'gay' at all. History is full of heterosexual humans dressing in drag at times.

Using that as an example fundamentally ignores the fact that tens of millions or RW loons in the US want to crush ALL people who are anything other than cis-het (cis-gendered heterosexual).

They think we should not EXIST. They want to strip away all our human rights, to erase us from society (whether by the utter sham of 'conversion therapy', imprisonment, deportation, or death (whether by crazed packs of right wing christofash lynch mobs, or state-sanctioned executions).

Again, that is the epitome of anti-freedom, and is so at the most basic of bedrock levels.

It is the exact same sort of thing the German Nazi party pushed for people they did not want to exist.

It is sexual preference and/or gender-based genocide.


Abortion for rape, and health reason I'm for it. I will defend that with you. Any other reason I will not defend and for me that is murder. It's your body you can do whatever you want but your killing a life. 

So I'm for abortion for a certain situations, not for every situation. 

Gay people has always existed, in fact I think they should be protected. Anyone wanting to kill them I don't stand. So in that case if you want to say it I'm for the lgbtq community that they get to live and make their decisions. But like I said everything is being forced so I don't agree with that indoctrination of children in schools. 

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 This year, ex-President Donald Trump is selling his ‘God Bless the USA’ Bibles, calling them ‘my favorite book’.

It turns out thousands of copies were printed in the same country that Trump frequently accuses of stealing American jobs – China.

A printing company in the eastern city of Hangzhou shipped out nearly 120,000 of Trump’s Bibles to the US in three increments from early February to late March, according to global trade records.

The shipments totaled an estimated $342,000 in value, which breaks down to less than $3 for each Bible. Trump is selling them for $59.95 each.

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1 hour ago, Fulham Broadway said:

 This year, ex-President Donald Trump is selling his ‘God Bless the USA’ Bibles, calling them ‘my favorite book’.

It turns out thousands of copies were printed in the same country that Trump frequently accuses of stealing American jobs – China.

A printing company in the eastern city of Hangzhou shipped out nearly 120,000 of Trump’s Bibles to the US in three increments from early February to late March, according to global trade records.

The shipments totaled an estimated $342,000 in value, which breaks down to less than $3 for each Bible. Trump is selling them for $59.95 each.


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5 hours ago, Fernando said:

Abortion for rape, and health reason I'm for it. I will defend that with you. Any other reason I will not defend and for me that is murder. It's your body you can do whatever you want but your killing a life. 

So I'm for abortion for a certain situations, not for every situation. 

Gay people has always existed, in fact I think they should be protected. Anyone wanting to kill them I don't stand. So in that case if you want to say it I'm for the lgbtq community that they get to live and make their decisions. But like I said everything is being forced so I don't agree with that indoctrination of children in schools. 

Why do you care about this ?
I would be in favour of abortion on request, not on demand if I was asked but why care ?
There will always be low life women / families who do abortions. You can't change them

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51 minutes ago, cosmicway said:

Why do you care about this ?
I would be in favour of abortion on request, not on demand if I was asked but why care ?
There will always be low life women / families who do abortions. You can't change them

Because people should know that is murder. Abortion is for extreme cases like rape, or medical emergency. 

But most abortions are because the person got pregnant and does not want the baby....Case in example was with my sister. She got pregnant and did not want the baby. She thought this would be too expensive, and would ruin her life of going out and all that nonsense. My wife and I talked to her about it and told her that baby would be a blessing, and that we are against killing a baby. We told her that if she did not want the baby then to have it and give it to us, we would take her and adopt her. So she consented with that we would take the baby. 

Well happen the baby is born, my sister has a change of mind and almost two years later that baby has totally change her life. She is blessed indeed. Now she regrets ever wanting to abort her baby. 

But why she thought like that? Because this world system tells them it's okay to do it. 

And that is wrong, if you don't want the baby give it to someone that does. Many couples that would love to have a kid and can't. 

So the end of the story is that I am for abortion but only those two cases I mentioned. Rape and medical situations where the mother life is at risk. Any other I don't stand for it. 

Edited by Fernando
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8 minutes ago, Fernando said:

Because people should know that is murder. Abortion is for extreme cases like rape, or medical emergency. 

But most abortions are because the person got pregnant and does not want the baby....Case in example was with my sister. She got pregnant and did not want the baby. She thought this would be too expensive, and would ruin her life of going out and all that nonsense. My wife and I talked to her about it and told her that baby would be a blessing, and that we are against killing a baby. We told her that if she did not want the baby then to have it and give it to us, we would take her and adopt her. So she consented with that we would take the baby. 

Well happen the baby is born, my sister has a change of mind and almost two years later that baby has totally change her life. She is blessed indeed. Now she regrets ever wanting to abort her baby. 

But why she thought like that? Because this world system tells them it's okay to do it. 

And that is wrong, if you don't want the baby give it to someone that does. Many couples that would love to have a kid and can't. 

So the end of the story is that I am for abortion but only those two cases I mentioned. Rape and medical situations where the mother life is at risk. Any other I don't stand for it. 

A child changing a human being is very much coded in our DNA as it happens with most, if not all, mammals. The change is both physical as well as psychological. "Baby smell", the noises they make, their smiles none of that is an accident.

Abortion is a complicated subject as it goes into beliefs as well as personal rights and freedoms. Leaving it to the states isn't a terrible compromise to be honest. I totally understand that everyone deserves representation, even if they completely disagree with me.

Regarding Trump, "he's not crazy" that's really not the issue. He's unlawful... and people who claim to know what he will do are either liars, delusional, or receive a completely different set of news and information; the latter is a new thing.
If disagreeing with Trump, like I disagreed with Bush, was the issue, I'd not be here as often.
Trump is the very first "Third World" American president. Blatant nepotism was what gave it away for me. 🙂 

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Yeah apologies if this comes off as ignorant, but I don't understand this "Loss of basic human rights" argument when it comes to leaving the abortion laws to the states. These are state representatives making these decisions who are voted into power by the states citizens. AKA democracy. Like @robsblubot this is a pretty reasonable compromise vs the national abortion ban fearmongering we've been hearing all summer from Biden/Kamela. From what I read as well these doctors in these red states HAVE to perform the abortion if there are medical complications. 

Here's the thing, chances are if you are in a red state and are against these abortion laws, you'd be against the majority of the bills and referendums these red states put into place. So IE you should really get out of that state. Everyone has different economical means but if something like this is what are you calling "loss of human rights", then that should be pretty detrimental to your way of life to the point where you have to move. 


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8 minutes ago, robsblubot said:

A child changing a human being is very much coded in our DNA as it happens with most, if not all, mammals. The change is both physical as well as psychological. "Baby smell", the noises they make, their smiles none of that is an accident.

Abortion is a complicated subject as it goes into beliefs as well as personal rights and freedoms. Leaving it to the states isn't a terrible compromise to be honest. I totally understand that everyone deserves representation, even if they completely disagree with me.

Regarding Trump, "he's not crazy" that's really not the issue. He's unlawful... and people who claim to know what he will do are either liars, delusional, or receive a completely different set of news and information; the latter is a new thing.
If disagreeing with Trump, like I disagreed with Bush, was the issue, I'd not be here as often.
Trump is the very first "Third World" American president. Blatant nepotism was what gave it away for me. 🙂 



coded in our DNA as it happens with most, if not all, mammals

Interesting comment. You sounding a lot like a creationist. 🙂

Well I will tell you that takes intelligence to pull that of, and of course as a Christian I believe that was design by God. 

And yes for me Trump is crazy, I don't like many things that he does and how he answers many times.  But between him and Kamala I was not sure who to vote for (I think that is the problem with the country in having only two options, I should be able to have more options). My wife convince me to vote for Trump so I'm going with that. 

In the end Trump will be just another president like any other president. Will do his 4 years if get elected and someone else will come. Not the end of the world. 

Edited by Fernando
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39 minutes ago, Fernando said:

Because people should know that is murder. Abortion is for extreme cases like rape, or medical emergency. 

But most abortions are because the person got pregnant and does not want the baby....Case in example was with my sister. She got pregnant and did not want the baby. She thought this would be too expensive, and would ruin her life of going out and all that nonsense. My wife and I talked to her about it and told her that baby would be a blessing, and that we are against killing a baby. We told her that if she did not want the baby then to have it and give it to us, we would take her and adopt her. So she consented with that we would take the baby. 

Well happen the baby is born, my sister has a change of mind and almost two years later that baby has totally change her life. She is blessed indeed. Now she regrets ever wanting to abort her baby. 

But why she thought like that? Because this world system tells them it's okay to do it. 

And that is wrong, if you don't want the baby give it to someone that does. Many couples that would love to have a kid and can't. 

So the end of the story is that I am for abortion but only those two cases I mentioned. Rape and medical situations where the mother life is at risk. Any other I don't stand for it. 

Preposterous as an election issue.

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21 minutes ago, Fernando said:


Interesting comment. You sounding a lot like a creationist. 🙂

Well I will tell you that takes intelligence to pull that of, and of course as a Christian I believe that was design by God. 

And yes for me Trump is crazy, I don't like many things that he does and how he answers many times.  But between him and Kamala I was not sure who to vote for. My wife convince me to vote for Trump so I'm going with that. 

In the end Trump will be just another president like any other president. Will do his 4 years if get elected and someone else will come. Not the end of the world. 

Heh, there is nothing creationist about that comment: it's very much science based. It demands far more years than what creationism accounts for. Natural selection and evolution truly makes no sense if not seen in the right time frame, which is NOT very intuitive at all to human beings given our short lifetimes and memories. This is a complicated subject to tackle in a football forum tho. 😃

👆Regardless, all people deserve representation, but we need to find a balance so that your beliefs aren't imposed onto people who don't share them. For example, a full ban on abortion is a very unpopular take even in red states.

Suppose Trump won't manage to "end the world" in 4 years, after all he's a senile 78yo, but that is a very low bar right there. 😅

Another attack on the Capitol when he leaves and his son loses? or maybe another call like "find 11,780 votes" ? 
Simple question, did Donald Trump lose last election? because he hasn't conceded yet, has he? 


Edited by robsblubot
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8 minutes ago, robsblubot said:

Heh, there is nothing creationist about that comment: it's very much science based. It demands far more years than what creationism accounts for. Natural selection and evolution truly makes no sense if not seen in the right time frame, which is NOT very intuitive at all to human beings given our short lifetimes and memories. This is a complicated subject to tackle in a football forum tho. 😃

👆Regardless, all people deserve representation, but we need to find a balance so that your beliefs aren't imposed onto people who don't share them. For example, a full ban on abortion is a very unpopular take even in red states.

Suppose Trump won't manage to "end the world" in 4 years, after all he's a senile 78yo, but that is a very low bar right there. 😅

Another attack on the Capitol when he leaves and his son loses? or maybe another call like "find 11,780 votes" ? 
Simple question, did Donald Trump lose last election? because he hasn't conceded yet, has he? 


Of course he lost the election. That is the part that I say he is crazy at times. 

But this time many people are not sure who to vote for. 

If Kamala wins not the end of the world, if Trump not the end of the world. 

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23 minutes ago, MoroccanBlue said:

Yeah apologies if this comes off as ignorant, but I don't understand this "Loss of basic human rights" argument when it comes to leaving the abortion laws to the states. These are state representatives making these decisions who are voted into power by the states citizens. AKA democracy. Like @robsblubot this is a pretty reasonable compromise vs the national abortion ban fearmongering we've been hearing all summer from Biden/Kamela. From what I read as well these doctors in these red states HAVE to perform the abortion if there are medical complications. 

Here's the thing, chances are if you are in a red state and are against these abortion laws, you'd be against the majority of the bills and referendums these red states put into place. So IE you should really get out of that state. Everyone has different economical means but if something like this is what are you calling "loss of human rights", then that should be pretty detrimental to your way of life to the point where you have to move. 



A valid argument is regarding the poor, who may not enjoy the necessary level of mobility. So, yes, it's complicated.
There is also an argument that it's going to happen anyway, so it's an unnecessary risk imposed to both mother and unborn, but goes into the earlier point about mobility.

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