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1 hour ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Democrats, Republicans, US and UK politicians, their billionaire corporate media backers, AI bots, -all are trying to frame the growing protests and global demonstrations as Hate Marches, and anti Semitism. 

eg The Daily Nail has pictures of holocaust memorials covered up with tarpaulin ''in case of anti semitic vandalism' from the ''hate marchers''. Complete bollocks of course, as they are always covered up when there is any demonstration - this has been confirmed by the administrators. Its lie after lie after lie....

Reality is under 1st amendment the hundreds of US campuses and Universities have the right to free speech. Students and academics are being brutalised for the simple act of sitting down, for the simple act of demanding a ceasefire to the daily slaughter.

A new movement is being formed of anti war - comparable to 1968 when the mindless slaughter in Vietnam was occurring. Today there are far more cameras to record the events on campuses, and could well backfire on the Draconian measures being enforced by Democrat and Republicans - Dont fall into their bi partisan divide and rule trap whereby one party is better than the other - they both love selling weapons and endorsing the butcher Netanyahu

the Israeli/Jewish multinationally aided hasbara machine is the most ferocious in the world (at least for small nation states)

they have lied and gaslighted since the 1897 Zionist conference kicked off the whole modern 'grab Israel for Jews only' thing

besides the biblical based 'blood libel for the killing of Jeebus' bollocks (Jesus was a hardcore radical zealot Jewish freedom fighter against the Romans, who Paul took and falsely turned him into a god, see the Habakkuk Commentary (Wicked Priests and the Liar, aka the Pharisees and Paul), from the Dead Sea scrolls, the main contemporaneous account (ALL of the Christan Gosåel were written 60 to 100 plus years later) of Jesus and his Qumran base of operations, 20 clicks outside of Jerusalem, THAT is the Damascus that the Romans sent Paul/Saul to wipe out, not the Syrian Damascus, which was far outside the remit of Pontius Pilate based on how the Roman governance geographical power structures were set up)

the main reasons for historical hatred of jews is simple

1. The whole 'chosen ones' thing

and more importantly

2. The whole 'Jews as money changers and especially bankers' motif, which was caused by the Catholic Church banning money lending (usury is a sin) when done for profit, BUT then, as the Church was only propped up by the power of the Kings/Queens/nobilty's swords, they gave the OK for those non secualr, temporal entites (and sometimes the Church itself) to go ahead and borrow money and finance their military adventurism by borrowing from non Christians (aka mainly the Jews)

Even after the rise of the proto giant banks in Italy (which were well connected at all levels with the Church, with some of the bankers even becoming Popes), the great Jewish banking families (like the Rothschilds) married into that Italian (and other nationalities eventually) banking structure, and eventually took it over on either a direct or indirected basis, plus were given titles of nobilty

The jewish bankers financed both sides of most of the huge Euro wars of the past multiple centuries (the UK still has not paid off certain parts of the war debts to the Rotthschild system from the Napoleanic Wars and from WWI, for instance)

The whole Breton Woods (post WWII international banking system, including the BIS, The World Bank, the IMF, etc etc) structure is interlocked with the jewish banker originated models (the BIS, Bank for International Settlements, the global central bank for all national and supranational central banks, including the Fed, the BoE, Bank of China, ECB, etc etc) was based off a House of Rothschild and Warburg family model, with many of its founders being in either alliance or the direct employ (covert in some cases) of those entities).

Edited by Vesper
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Funny how Israeli spokespeople think we're all thick or something.  -283 corpses found in mass grave Khan Younnis hospital - women, children, patients with catheters and drips still attached, hands tied with cable ties, shot in the head. Many show signs of being tortured

Deputy mayor of Jerusalem said ''maybe they were fighting back, they must have been terrorists'' She said there would be an investigation, but maybe the patients who had their hands cable tied behind their backs, who also show signs of being tortured ''had thrown rockets or grenades''

Israel has the right to defend itself from terminally ill hospital patients with their hands tied behind their backs living in a cage from which no one can leave. 

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4 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Funny how Israeli spokespeople think we're all thick or something.  -283 corpses found in mass grave Khan Younnis hospital - women, children, patients with catheters and drips still attached, hands tied with cable ties, shot in the head. Many show signs of being tortured

Deputy mayor of Jerusalem said ''maybe they were fighting back, they must have been terrorists'' She said there would be an investigation, but maybe the patients who had their hands cable tied behind their backs, who also show signs of being tortured ''had thrown rockets or grenades''

Israel has the right to defend itself from terminally ill hospital patients with their hands tied behind their backs living in a cage from which no one can leave. 

The entire jewish power structure in the Levant has a 125 plus year history of outright lying and gaslighting there, and taken to far larger global levels and the long sweep of history, the same can be said for the entire group. They were always a tiny minority, so had to play hyper sophisticated disinfo games for millenia.

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9 minutes ago, Vesper said:

The entire jewish power structure in the Levant has a 125 plus year history of outright lying and gaslighting there, and taken to far larger global levels and the long sweep of history, the same can be said for the entire group. They were always a tiny minority, so had to play hyper sophisticated disinfo games for millenia.

The US administration is happy for the Khan Younis Hospital massacre to be ''investigated'' by just Israeli authorities.

Who lets a criminal investigate their own crimes? Answer: An accomplice

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6 hours ago, Vesper said:

The entire jewish power structure in the Levant has a 125 plus year history of outright lying and gaslighting there, and taken to far larger global levels and the long sweep of history, the same can be said for the entire group. They were always a tiny minority, so had to play hyper sophisticated disinfo games for millenia.

Hamas "found" the dead bodies of patients in a place from where IDF had withdrawn.
Sure thing.

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US finds Israeli units committed human rights abuses before Gaza war

The US has found five units of the Israeli security forces responsible for gross violations of human rights, over incidents in the West Bank and Gaza before the current war on Gaza , the state department has said.

The findings come at a time when Israel is facing potential accountability from the international criminal court and the state department for its conduct of the conflict in Gaza, in which more than 34,000 people have been killed.

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16 hours ago, cosmicway said:

Hamas "found" the dead bodies of patients in a place from where IDF had withdrawn.
Sure thing.

non responsive, on balance

and if you reflexively take the IDF at its word in all situations, I have a nice used bridge to sell you, cheap


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On 29/04/2024 at 04:33, Vesper said:

the Israeli/Jewish multinationally aided hasbara machine is the most ferocious in the world (at least for small nation states)

they have lied and gaslighted since the 1897 Zionist conference kicked off the whole modern 'grab Israel for Jews only' thing

besides the biblical based 'blood libel for the killing of Jeebus' bollocks (Jesus was a hardcore radical zealot Jewish freedom fighter against the Romans, who Paul took and falsely turned him into a god, see the Habakkuk Commentary (Wicked Priests and the Liar, aka the Pharisees and Paul), from the Dead Sea scrolls, the main contemporaneous account (ALL of the Christan Gosåel were written 60 to 100 plus years later) of Jesus and his Qumran base of operations, 20 clicks outside of Jerusalem, THAT is the Damascus that the Romans sent Paul/Saul to wipe out, not the Syrian Damascus, which was far outside the remit of Pontius Pilate based on how the Roman governance geographical power structures were set up)

the main reasons for historical hatred of jews is simple

1. The whole 'chosen ones' thing

and more importantly

2. The whole 'Jews as money changers and especially bankers' motif, which was caused by the Catholic Church banning money lending (usury is a sin) when done for profit, BUT then, as the Church was only propped up by the power of the Kings/Queens/nobilty's swords, they gave the OK for those non secualr, temporal entites (and sometimes the Church itself) to go ahead and borrow money and finance their military adventurism by borrowing from non Christians (aka mainly the Jews)

Even after the rise of the proto giant banks in Italy (which were well connected at all levels with the Church, with some of the bankers even becoming Popes), the great Jewish banking families (like the Rothschilds) married into that Italian (and other nationalities eventually) banking structure, and eventually took it over on either a direct or indirected basis, plus were given titles of nobilty

The jewish bankers financed both sides of most of the huge Euro wars of the past multiple centuries (the UK still has not paid off certain parts of the war debts to the Rotthschild system from the Napoleanic Wars and from WWI, for instance)

The whole Breton Woods (post WWII international banking system, including the BIS, The World Bank, the IMF, etc etc) structure is interlocked with the jewish banker originated models (the BIS, Bank for International Settlements, the global central bank for all national and supranational central banks, including the Fed, the BoE, Bank of China, ECB, etc etc) was based off a House of Rothschild and Warburg family model, with many of its founders being in either alliance or the direct employ (covert in some cases) of those entities).

Paulo did not turned Jesús into a god. 

It was Paul who has giving countless testimony that he hated the followers of Jesus, which that time was known as a sect for Judaism. He help put followers of Jesus into the prison and made them blasphem. That is his testimony but something powerful change him. 

Is kinda of like changing a radical ISIS that goes on killing people and have an experience that changes him completely and start preaching the same thing of the group they was persecuting. 

And not only that but have a radical transformation from hating to of love and peace. 

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7 hours ago, Vesper said:

non responsive, on balance

and if you reflexively take the IDF at its word in all situations, I have a nice used bridge to sell you, cheap


At first I thought it was in Israeli held territory and some UN people found it and IDF could not hide it.
But it was an area from which the Israelis had withdrawn and the grave was discovered by Hamas, or "discovered".
So can I buy another bridge ?
There are parallel victims and FFI victims as we know all over the place but this obviously is a make belief "My Lai" staged by Hamas.
A unit of crazy Israelis might have done this but as for rational motive it is obviously Hamas.

Edited by cosmicway
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It's the 1st of May tomorrow, the day of the working class and the communist party.
I will only tell you the old story, which some of the youngest amongst you may not know with all its details.
There was then once upon a time in the north, where is the sea of Luxembourg today a pretty and sunlit country named Holland. The Dutch had made many dams to hold the water so the tulips grow in the fields.
What happened then in the year 1878 ;
There was a little Dutch boy, Joop Neeskens was his name, walking in the forest with his dad. Suddenly the little Dutch boy sees a hole in the dam through which water was pouring in.
Little Joop says to his dad "daddy, daddy, if I put my finger in that hole I can stop the water and save the dam".
But what happened next is history. Little Joop gets slapped in the back of his head by his daddy who says "listen here boy, are we going to put our fingers in dams now without overtime pay ?". Joop hesitated for a while and his dad after a little thought says again "as well as that the two hour work to rule about Nicaragua is due to begin ten minutes from now".
The dam of the Dutch bourgeoisie was therefore allowed to collapse ...
In this way the race of the Dutch people drawned and we lived happily ever after.


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Mental Health Care in Greece

In Greece, the financial crisis has significantly impacted the health and well-being of the population. With limited access to resources and high unemployment rates, many people face poverty. The National School of Public Health surveyed 2,005 adults and found that more than half had mental health struggles. Various organizations are working to improve mental health care in Greece.


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32 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:


Mental Health Care in Greece

In Greece, the financial crisis has significantly impacted the health and well-being of the population. With limited access to resources and high unemployment rates, many people face poverty. The National School of Public Health surveyed 2,005 adults and found that more than half had mental health struggles. Various organizations are working to improve mental health care in Greece.


This is a doctor with a stethoscope. He cannot do mental health.

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4 hours ago, Fernando said:

Paulo did not turned Jesús into a god. 

of course he did

it is why it is called Pauline Christianity

and go read the Habakkuk Commentary for a contemporaneous account, thre only one of import

this is really basic stuff

long settled

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1 hour ago, Vesper said:

of course he did

it is why it is called Pauline Christianity

and go read the Habakkuk Commentary for a contemporaneous account, thre only one of import

this is really basic stuff

long settled

minority view among scholars

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