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🥳 Tories lose North Shropshire seat they held for nearly 200 years


The Conservatives have lost the North Shropshire seat they held for nearly 200 years to the Liberal Democrats.

The by-election followed the resignation of former MP Owen Paterson who was found to have breached parliamentary rules on lobbying, and had held a majority of nearly 23,000.

New MP Helen Morgan secured 17, 957 votes with a turnout of 46.3%.

The defeat caps a week of challenges for the prime minister.

Following a 34% swing, Ms Morgan, who stood for the Liberal Democrats in the 2019 general election, said it meant the "party was over" for Boris Johnson.

She thanked the people of North Shropshire "not just for putting your faith in me to be your champion in Parliament" but for the "hard work and sacrifices you have made over the past two years to get our communities through this awful pandemic".



ad6de2b3bb2abef99963cba6db5a7bd7.png    🤡                                            North Shropshire by-election: Tories lose to Lib Dems in humiliation for Boris Johnson

Shock defeat for Tories who had held the seat for almost 200 years


The North Shropshire seat has returned a Conservative MP since 1830. It will prove a humiliating defeat for the Tories and will be regarded by many as a referendum on Boris Johnson’s leadership.
'Boris, the party is over'

In her victory speech, Ms Morgan said the people of Shropshire have spoken and said: "Boris Johnson, the party is over".
Christine Jardine, the Lib Dem Treasury spokesman who was at the count in Shrewsbury Sports Village, told The Telegraph it was clear "people from Buckingham to North Shropshire, safe Tory areas, are dissatisfied and are looking for alternatives and are coming to us".
Ms Jardine added that the "final straw" for North Shropshire voters "was the shenanigans in Downing Street", regarding allegations of parties held at Downing Street last Christmas.
PM's Peppa Pig gaffe cut through with voters

Earlier this week Lib Dem sources told The Telegraph that Boris Johnson’s recent Peppa Pig gaffe ..., which saw him lose his speech notes and appear to speak at random about the animation at a CBI event, had “cut through on the doorstep”, along with the Conservatives plans to make changes to the subsidy payments of farmers.

Boris Johnson's amusement park act shows Tories need a new mission |  Financial Times

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Labour backed eveything the tories have done for 2 years with no alternatives and the same exact same tax hikes etc. They even voted to push the restrictions that will ruin many lives and business's this xmas when half the tories rebelled.

Lib dems neither liberal nore democratic to boot.

Edited by Warning_Hazard
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Nobel peace price for Barack lol


The US vastly undercounted civilian deaths caused by airstrikes in the Middle East, NYT investigation finds

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5 hours ago, NikkiCFC said:

Nobel peace price for Barack lol


The US vastly undercounted civilian deaths caused by airstrikes in the Middle East, NYT investigation finds


Its a fuking joke

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4 hours ago, lucio said:

Barack didn’t do mean tweets though 

but really I doubt presidents are much more than puppets

They are all puppets, you dont get to be where they are unless your part of the brotherhood/sisterhood. Name me 1 leader atm whom you can trust? Not one is worthy. You dont get to decide shit, they are all pre-elected.

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New January 6 video shows three hours of violent and chaotic assault on police



The Justice Department this week released a three-hour video of a battle between rioters and the police at the US Capitol Building on January 6 where rioters brandished weapons, officers were viciously beaten, and a member of the mob died on Capitol steps.

The assault on the Lower West Terrace was one of the most violent confrontations between Capitol Police and the crowd. Officers held the line until the building was cleared without letting rioters inside. Some officers have since said they did not know the Capitol had already been breached in other areas.
The video, taken from a Capitol security camera, does not have sound. It starts as officers retreat, helping each other as they stumble inside and washing their eyes out with water from chemical spray. Rioters crowd in behind them, coordinate efforts to attack and push through in infamous moments that have haunted the public, and officers, ever since. The Justice Department released the videos after CNN and other outlets sued for access. It is the longest video from the riot released by the government thus far.
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Recap: December 28, 2021

Well, well. Look at that. 

Another politician died from COVID.

A tragedy, said the news. A terrible tragedy.  

Yes, a tragedy. He leaves behind a family. Friends. A job undone. He was so young. He was in the prime of life. And now, he's dead. It's so sad. Yes, yes. So very sad. 

He was a politician, you see. 

He was an elected "leader." 

He was that species of conservative we've grown all too familiar with of late: A vocal antivaxxer, a conspiracy theorist, loudly dismissive of the severity of the disease, profit over people, and who actively campaigned against any measure to contain the pandemic.

Who am I talking about? 

What was his name? 

Is it that guy yesterday from Washington state? 

Or the one last week from Florida? 

Maybe those (several) politicians from Texas or that one antivaxxer who was elected in Louisiana but died from COVID before he could take office?

While we're at it, what about that semi-famous YouTuber, or that media personality, or those various prominent preachers?

I mean, that's the thing, isn't it? 

That, right there. 

It could be any of them. 

Every day, there's another one. Another dead idiot. Another jackass politician, another fanatical preacher, another red-faced talk show host, dead from a preventable disease after a month of sucking oxygen through a tube. 

Do the names even matter at this point? 

It's just another unvaccinated moron, drowned in his own snot. 

Another suicide by petulance. 

Do the names even matter? 


What's that? 


Oh. I see. 

I should be a better person. 

Take the high road, right? Like that. 

Have some sympathy. Think of the families. Think of how these poor deluded fools were taken in by conspiracy and delusion. Have some empathy, man. Be the better person. 

That's what you're saying. Be the better person. Don't cheer these deaths. Don't celebrate these fools killing themselves off. Don't raise up a huzzah to Darwin.

It's not their fault, right? They were led astray. 

That's what Twitter told me, when I mentioned the latest death from stupidity. 

Be the better person. 


Well, Folks, you can just stop with "be a better person" bit.

Because that just ain't going to happen. That ship not only sailed, it hit a rock outside the harbor and went down with all hands. 

I am all out of fucks to give. 

I'm not going to feel bad for some obnoxious idiot politician, some loud mouthed media personality, some fanatical religious nut, who not only refused to get vaxxed, but actively tried to keep the public from the vaccine. These assholes are killing people. It's bad enough they killed themselves, but they are enthusiastically trying to take the rest of us with them. 

Deliberately causing your own death from a preventable disease isn't a tragedy.


It's evolution. 


And you can likewise stop with the "You should feel bad for his family" routine too. 

His family?

His family, forsooth. 


These people, they don't give a shit about their families. Or you. Or anybody else. The only thing they care about is their fanatical ideology. They're willing to kill themselves for it, and they'll take you with them just to own some libs. Let's go, Brandon! Yeah! 

We're years into this now. 

And at this point if you believe Alex Jones and Sean Hannity over actual doctors, then you are a fucking moron. 

You. Are. A. Moron. 

Hell, even Donald goddamn Trump thinks you should get vaccinated. 

At this point in human history, if you're an antivaxxer, you deserve every bit of scorn, mockery, and contempt we can heap upon you. You're a plague rat. You're Typhoid Mary and you should be exiled to a remote island somewhere beyond the edge of the map and left to rot. 

You want me to care about your family when you don't? Fine. Maybe now that another idiot politician is dead from stupidity, his kids will have at least chance for a better life. I mean, hell, if he couldn't be the kind of parent who was willing to put his ideology aside for his own children, then at least maybe his selfish miserable death will serve as a lesson to his children to be better people than their asshole of an old man. 

I dunno. 

Maybe I am a callous son of a bitch, as Twitter accused me of being yesterday.

Maybe I am. 

Twenty years in the military, a couple of wars, there's been a lot of dead bodies along the way, so, yeah, maybe I am a callous son of a bitch. 


So what? 

I just can't see the death of another antivaxxer as a tragedy. Not to me. Not to you. Not even to his family. 

The world is better off without these assholes. 

Folks, the world is full of tragedy. Real tragedy.

Kids going hungry in a nation where we throw food away? Yeah, that's a tragedy. 

People sleeping in boxes under a viaduct while the rich fly into space as a goof? That's a tragedy.

I live in a state that this morning is surging in COVID cases, where deaths from the pandemic are at all time high, where the hospitals are overflowing -- and thus the profits are likewise at all time high. Healthcare for profit, now, that is a tragedy. Down here in The South, every day I see kids with their teeth rotted out of their heads, because their idiot, ignorant, asshole parents bought AR-15s and $400 worth of cigarettes this month instead of dental care. That's a goddamn tragedy. 

In my lifetime, we've spent untold trillions on decades of one futile miserable war after another, wars that left millions dead, millions more maimed, and the world measurably worse off than when it started. And no one was ever held to account. All those lives, all those people, all those families, bombed, burned, maimed, forgotten, and no one politician responsible was ever, not once, held to account. That's a not just a tragedy, that's a goddamn crime. 

There are a million tragedies large and small every day in this world and you want me to feel bad because some asshole politician, a grown goddamn man, who should have known better -- AND WHO NO DOUBT DID KNOW BETTER -- but who was determined to endanger himself as a political stunt, died? 

Died from his own determined and deliberate stupidity?

These deaths aren't an accident, they are on purpose.

Why shouldn't I celebrate that death? Why not? I mean, he got what he wanted. He made his point. Right? 

Callous. You damn right, I'm callous. 

And why shouldn't I be? These selfish miserable bastards, we've tried everything

We've tried reason. 

We've tried science.

We've tried appealing to their better nature, their sense of community and duty to their fellows.

They've been babied, cajoled, begged, shamed, and finally mandated. 

But still, they are determined to die and take us with them. 

And so they do.

They die. 

Alone. Scared. Drowning in their snot. 

That's not a tragedy. 


That's natural selection. 


These people, these antivaxers, they're not heroes. 

They're not standing on principle. 

It's not about freedom. 

It's not a tragedy. 

You can't appeal to their better nature, because they don't have any. 

They're just ASSHOLES.

And the world is better off without them. 

Viruses don't give a shit about your politics or your freedom or your idiotic political beliefs.

OR my callous disregard.

Look here: either you're part of civilization and you're willing to do whatever it takes to hold it together or you're not. If you're not willing to put aside your political ideology to protect your own families, and the rest of us, from a preventable disease, if you don't care that much, then I've got no fucks to give for you. 

I have plenty of sympathy. 

I have plenty of empathy.

I bleed for every real tragedy or I wouldn't have spent most of my adult life sworn to the defense of this nation and its people. 

But not for you. 

I have no fucks to give for you. 

If you're trying to burn down civilization, if you'd rather kill yourself and everyone around you, for a political stunt, then I've got nothing but contempt for you and yours. 

You're an asshole and you deserve what you get. 

You don't like that? 

It makes you mad? 

You want empathy and respect and concern for your wellbeing? That's a two-way street. 

You first. Step up. 

Stop being an asshole. 

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Labour’s Lord Ahmed of Rotherham found guilty of attempting to rape young girl and sexually assaulting a boy



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On 05/01/2022 at 18:00, Warning_Hazard said:

Labour’s Lord Ahmed of Rotherham found guilty of attempting to rape young girl and sexually assaulting a boy



lock him up for life

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In the democracies the right to vote is universal.
Every British citizen has the right to vote, while at the same time provisions are being worked out for the expats and the new citizens.

Elections are being held in non-democratic states too, like North Korea, but there is only one ballot.
Also in the years of the Greek dictatorship a sort of election was being held for the so called "advisory committee" but the right to vote was restricted to certain strange characters.

In the democratic countries or near democratic countries the people were supposed to be free to elect their government but there used to be restrictions.
In 19th century Britain only the land owners had the right to vote and they also had the pocket borrows. A pocket borrow was an artificial small constituency -five or six houses- in which the candidate was William Rees Mogg, so the Tories could gain a little more seats in parliament.
Also women were excluded.

We observe that the restrictions were more or less artificial.
The women because of their sex and the other restriction so as to favour the Tories.

Regarding the women's vote the truth is that the Tories were saved by this, when at last women were allowed to vote, regardless of the fact that the Tories were clueless before as to
what was going to happen.

But the ancient Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristoteles who were against universal suffrage had no time for such silly restrictions or restrictions with political purpose or
three phase systems and things like that.
The ancient Greek philosopjers were saying that only those who partake to Greek education should have the right to vote,

But the descendeants had no time for Greek education or British education and such nonsense. What they wanted was to find a trick so the Tories win and as for their opponents, the Whigs, they wanted to stop those tricks.
So in the end we reached universal suffrage.

But I believe the ancient Greek philosophers were right.

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5 minutes ago, cosmicway said:


In the democracies the right to vote is universal.
Every British citizen has the right to vote, while at the same time provisions are being worked out for the expats and the new citizens.

Elections are being held in non-democratic states too, like North Korea, but there is only one ballot.
Also in the years of the Greek dictatorship a sort of election was being held for the so called "advisory committee" but the right to vote was restricted to certain strange characters.

In the democratic countries or near democratic countries the people were supposed to be free to elect their government but there used to be restrictions.
In 19th century Britain only the land owners had the right to vote and they also had the pocket borrows. A pocket borrow was an artificial small constituency -five or six houses- in which the candidate was William Rees Mogg, so the Tories could gain a little more seats in parliament.
Also women were excluded.

We observe that the restrictions were more or less artificial.
The women because of their sex and the other restriction so as to favour the Tories.

Regarding the women's vote the truth is that the Tories were saved by this, when at last women were allowed to vote, regardless of the fact that the Tories were clueless before as to
what was going to happen.

But the ancient Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristoteles who were against universal suffrage had no time for such silly restrictions or restrictions with political purpose or
three phase systems and things like that.
The ancient Greek philosopjers were saying that only those who partake to Greek education should have the right to vote,

But the descendeants had no time for Greek education or British education and such nonsense. What they wanted was to find a trick so the Tories win and as for their opponents, the Whigs, they wanted to stop those tricks.
So in the end we reached universal suffrage.

But I believe the ancient Greek philosophers were right.


In the 2019 elections, the Conservative lead over Labour amongst men was thus a huge 18 percentage points, compared to just a 5-point lead amongst women. If the electorate was entirely female, the Conservatives would have had a much slimmer majority than the one they enjoy now. If the electorate was entirely male, Labour would have done even worse – and their seat share in 2019 was already the lowest won since 1935.

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12 minutes ago, Vesper said:


In the 2019 elections, the Conservative lead over Labour amongst men was thus a huge 18 percentage points, compared to just a 5-point lead amongst women. If the electorate was entirely female, the Conservatives would have had a much slimmer majority than the one they enjoy now. If the electorate was entirely male, Labour would have done even worse – and their seat share in 2019 was already the lowest won since 1935.

That's beside the point and what happened in the 2019 election is not what happened in all the elections since 1926.

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