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2 hours ago, chippy said:


Chicago's Mayor has decided to not speak to white news reporters. If any Conservative in the USA or UK, said they'd only talk to white reporters, their career would be over the day the say said it, and rightly so!  Not a word from Biden or Harris, which says everything about those hypocritical pieces of trash.


you are a racist berk

would not be shocked at all if you are ex National Action and/or presently in The British Hand

so fucking sick of you having go after go at us BAME folk

you are also obsessed with this 'left' bogeyman

you are a tiny little troll with a tiny little brainwashed worldview filled with Fox News, BNP, and QMAGAt gaslit fever dreams

now sod off back to having a wank to your Katie Hopkins autographed photo 


Chicago mayor’s decision to only speak to journalists of colour is commendable, not racist

Lori Lightfoot’s stand is not against white reporters, but in favour of their Black and brown peers



Chicago’s mayorLori Lightfoot, has announced that she’ll only be taking interviews regarding her last two years in office from journalists of colour. In a letter to Chicago media outlets, Lightfoot wrote, “In the time since I was elected, our country has faced an historic reckoning around systemic racism. In looking at the absence of diversity across the City Hall press corps and other newsrooms, sadly it does not appear that many of the media institutions in Chicago have caught on and truly have not embraced this moment.”

Naturally, social media went into a whirlwind. Right wing media and provocateurs are claiming that Lightfoot refusing to speak to white journalists is racism, but I, and most sensible people, would argue it is anything but. It is not a racist action to attempt to promote equity, especially when newsrooms maintain an environment that only comprises 17% of non-white staff, and 13% of non-white leadership. What is racist? The right wing men comparing Lightfoot’s natural hair to Beetlejuice because you disagree with her policy decisions. As a Black and Native American writer living in Harlem, I find Lori Lightfoot’s demands to only speak with journalists of colour rather reasonable, and more importantly, commendable.

Lightfoot’s decision is a move to showcase journalists in Chicago who understand – or at least can sympathize with – her lived experience as a person of colour in the region and who will write accessibly for her constituents. With newsrooms and journalism being so overwhelmingly white, and I mean that literally, to refuse to engage with white, male writers who can not fundamentally understand who she is governing for, is not a radical position. It’s sensible, and the right-wing media’s reaction shows us why.

Black and brown journalists are routinely passed over for major opportunities because of the whiteness of news media, and Lightfoot refused to participate in or allow that in the upcoming interviews about her past two years in office as Chicago Mayor. Lightfoot made her line of thinking clear, saying: “It’s a shame that in 2021, the City Hall press corps is overwhelmingly White in a city where more than half of the city identifies as Black, Latino, AAPI or Native American.” By refusing to speak to press outside of those communities, Lightfoot is assuring that Chicago’s journalists of colour are getting the attention and work they deserve.

You can say what you want about Lori Lightfoot. You may not agree with her policies or politics, but she is personally assuring that Black and brown people in the media have a voice, platform, and the opportunity to interact with and interview her.

The issue here isn’t about Lightfoot herself not wanting to speak to white journalists, as right wing media would like you to believe, but the fact that Black and brown journalists are equally capable and equally as deserving as their white peers and counterparts, but get half the attention. This isn’t an anti-white policy, but a pro-POC one.

Media workers of colour should be awarded the chance to showcase their skills in a sea of whiteness, as Black and brown media workers have perspectives that have been influenced by racism, discrimination, and living while being a person of colour, and the people of Chicago need accessible and attainable information that pertains to their life.

Who better to cover it than their own community?

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6 hours ago, Vesper said:

you are a racist berk

would not be shocked at all if you are ex National Action and/or presently in The British Hand

so fucking sick of you having go after go at us BAME folk

you are also obsessed with this 'left' bogeyman

you are a tiny little troll with a tiny little brainwashed worldview filled with Fox News, BNP, and QMAGAt gaslit fever dreams

now sod off back to having a wank to your Katie Hopkins autographed photo 


Chicago mayor’s decision to only speak to journalists of colour is commendable, not racist

Lori Lightfoot’s stand is not against white reporters, but in favour of their Black and brown peers



Chicago’s mayorLori Lightfoot, has announced that she’ll only be taking interviews regarding her last two years in office from journalists of colour. In a letter to Chicago media outlets, Lightfoot wrote, “In the time since I was elected, our country has faced an historic reckoning around systemic racism. In looking at the absence of diversity across the City Hall press corps and other newsrooms, sadly it does not appear that many of the media institutions in Chicago have caught on and truly have not embraced this moment.”

Naturally, social media went into a whirlwind. Right wing media and provocateurs are claiming that Lightfoot refusing to speak to white journalists is racism, but I, and most sensible people, would argue it is anything but. It is not a racist action to attempt to promote equity, especially when newsrooms maintain an environment that only comprises 17% of non-white staff, and 13% of non-white leadership. What is racist? The right wing men comparing Lightfoot’s natural hair to Beetlejuice because you disagree with her policy decisions. As a Black and Native American writer living in Harlem, I find Lori Lightfoot’s demands to only speak with journalists of colour rather reasonable, and more importantly, commendable.

Lightfoot’s decision is a move to showcase journalists in Chicago who understand – or at least can sympathize with – her lived experience as a person of colour in the region and who will write accessibly for her constituents. With newsrooms and journalism being so overwhelmingly white, and I mean that literally, to refuse to engage with white, male writers who can not fundamentally understand who she is governing for, is not a radical position. It’s sensible, and the right-wing media’s reaction shows us why.

Black and brown journalists are routinely passed over for major opportunities because of the whiteness of news media, and Lightfoot refused to participate in or allow that in the upcoming interviews about her past two years in office as Chicago Mayor. Lightfoot made her line of thinking clear, saying: “It’s a shame that in 2021, the City Hall press corps is overwhelmingly White in a city where more than half of the city identifies as Black, Latino, AAPI or Native American.” By refusing to speak to press outside of those communities, Lightfoot is assuring that Chicago’s journalists of colour are getting the attention and work they deserve.

You can say what you want about Lori Lightfoot. You may not agree with her policies or politics, but she is personally assuring that Black and brown people in the media have a voice, platform, and the opportunity to interact with and interview her.

The issue here isn’t about Lightfoot herself not wanting to speak to white journalists, as right wing media would like you to believe, but the fact that Black and brown journalists are equally capable and equally as deserving as their white peers and counterparts, but get half the attention. This isn’t an anti-white policy, but a pro-POC one.

Media workers of colour should be awarded the chance to showcase their skills in a sea of whiteness, as Black and brown media workers have perspectives that have been influenced by racism, discrimination, and living while being a person of colour, and the people of Chicago need accessible and attainable information that pertains to their life.

Who better to cover it than their own community?

I know full well the pathetic excuse she gave.

This pro POC not anti white shit is exactly what the KKK say about themselves just being pro white.

As I've said over and over, there are many non whites who are against the extreme Left, BLM/Antifa and see their dangerous, devisive ideology for what it is. These people are being called out as Uncle Toms, which again says everything about the extremism of many of today's Left.

Do yourself a favour and go onto YouTube for an hour and watch some interviews with Thomas Sowell, an elderly Black Ametican economist, social theorist and senior fellow st Stanford Uni. See what he has to say on the Left and BLM.

He's a great, extremly wise old man, but probably just another Uncle Tom to the likes of you.









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And btw. 

The National Association of Black Journalists are against the Mayor on this.

Not that there should even be Associations based on peoples skin colour, but that's a different argument.


Charles Whitaker, dean at Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern Uni. said "We would never, ever in a million years allow that of a white politician. And so it's dangerous now to say we are going to allow that of Black politician simply to make a point about the historic inequities in media."






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1 hour ago, chippy said:

I know full well the pathetic excuse she gave.

This pro POC not anti white shit is exactly what the KKK say about themselves just being pro white.

As I've said over and over, there are many non whites who are against the extreme Left, BLM/Antifa and see their dangerous, devisive ideology for what it is. These people are being called out as Uncle Toms, which again says everything about the extremism of many of today's Left.

Do yourself a favour and go onto YouTube for an hour and watch some interviews with Thomas Sowell, an elderly Black Ametican economist, social theorist and senior fellow st Stanford Uni. See what he has to say on the Left and BLM.

He's a great, extremly wise old man, but probably just another Uncle Tom to the likes of you.










Thomas 'there is no such as systemic racism' Sowell? LOLOL

of course you would drag in a cooning step n' fetchit into this

that shitehawk actually argues FOR letting segregation  become legal again and rips the yank SCOTUS's foundational civil rights ruling Brown v Board of Education that struck down sperate but 'equal' (ie unequal of course) de jure racist segregation



I know Black Conservatives who've used Thomas Sowell’s work to ground much of their economic and political philosophies. I can’t and won’t deny his impact on some of my contemporaries. He is an iconic conservative thinker and writer, but I part ways with him when it comes to his commitment to the Black community. Thomas Sowell has always chosen white conservative acceptance over justice for Black people. I know Black conservative writers who will never make it big because they choose their people over their politics.

The cardinal sin for a Black conservative is defending Black people from truncated racist tropes. To make it big as a Black person in the conservative media one must deny the racism that exists in too many Human Resources departments, you must defend the police in instances of police brutality (no matter how egregious their behavior), and when in doubt: blame problems in the Black community on the destruction of Black family or Black on Black crime. There are a number of industries where being on that, “Black sh*t” doesn't fly, but I haven’t seen any industry as intolerant of pro-black rhetoric as the conservative media. I can’t think of one prominent Black conservative with a national platform who has routinely called out racism. You can't advance in that system by challenging the conservative media's position on issues related to the Black community.

Putting a Black face on white supremacist ideology and rhetoric is a tactic rooted in slavery. Contrary to the profit centered "race hustling" myth perpetuated by conservatives, the overwhelming majority of Black activists I've come in contact with haven't benefitted monetarily from supporting the Black community. Most have been blackballed at one point or another from predominantly white institutions because of their outspoken support for Black people. Dr. Michael Parenti once said, "a  journalists who writes for any publication can feel free to write what they want, as long as what they write pleases their editor's wishes." This holds true for Blacks on conservative platforms; even some liberal platforms have a threshold for excessive Black content. Black conservatives talk about freedom, but many aren't free to speak out against systems of white supremacy if they wanted to. A majority of conservatives avoid subject matter that challenges their view of America.

I will remember Thomas Sowell as a man who denied the plight of Black men in America when he wasn't too busy ignoring it. He was, after all, one of George Zimmerman’s most prominent Black defenders. I did a quick Google search to see if he's defended any Black Person in any of the high-profile cases of police brutality over the last few years: I couldn’t find one example of him doing so. Dr. Sowell’s retirement isn’t anything for the Black community to celebrate or mourn. He never used his intellect or platform for our benefit. He leaves and opens a space for a new Black face to rise up the conservative media ladder. 

Almost 25 years ago, Dr. Sowell gave a full-throated defense of the L.A.P.D. officers who nearly beat Rodney King to death. In the last few years Black conservatives have been on television and radio defending the N.Y.P.D. officer who choked Eric Garner to death, blaming Freddie Gray for his severed spine, and defending Michael Slager’s character to the detriment of Walter Scott’s life. There will always be a seat at the table for anyone promoting or normalizing anti-Black sentiments (see Tomi Lahren). If Black conservatives ever want to ditch the label of “Uncle Tom” or “Coon” it would behoove them to start supporting Black people in public. I’ve never heard a Black person call someone a sellout because they believed in supply side economics, but I have seen people disown public figures for their silence. When Black conservatives learn they can’t ignore the plight of Black people and build a legacy with us at the same time they might be able to come home, but until then: Bye Felicia!



THAT is white power and white fragility in a nutshell

only one thing wrong




you need to back the fuck off the whitesplaining attempts to me, as it will never end well for you

I am NOT some 'roll over and show my belly' bish


what is next? you going to post a virtual shrine for that sell out handkerchief-head for the white wing/right wing, Clarence Thomas and his traitorous  white nationalist whore of a wife?

Clarence Thomas's wife criticized her town's 'Black Lives Matter' banner:  report | Lipstick AlleyThe outage of Ginni and Clarence Thomas | by Michael Greiner | Medium


Clarence Thomas’ Wife Gleefully Cheered On White Supremacists At The Capitol


Reckonings continue inside the Beltway as public figures continue to be exposed for their blatant complicity regarding the violent mob who attacked Capitol Hill on Wednesday.

The latest is that of Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas who on Jan. 6 posted two disparaging posts on Facebook aligning with the baseless claims to overturn the outcome of the election, while sending support to the majority white, violent mob that attacked the Capitol.




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There are now a record 171 billionaires in UK, with their wealth rising 21.7% during the pandemic to £597.2bn. 

In the US twenty million Americans lost their job since the start of pandemic.  In the same time,  650 billionaires in America saw their net worth increase by more than $1 trillion . . . and they’re now worth more than $4 trillion.


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1 hour ago, Fulham Broadway said:

There are now a record 171 billionaires in UK, with their wealth rising 21.7% during the pandemic to £597.2bn. 

In the US twenty million Americans lost their job since the start of pandemic.  In the same time,  650 billionaires in America saw their net worth increase by more than $1 trillion . . . and they’re now worth more than $4 trillion.


You can only laugh really

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Sweet Christ, Now Republicans Are Defending The Three-Fifths Compromise


Republicans are continuing their public service where they demonstrate why we need critical race theory and The 1619 Project while promoting bills that would ban critical race theory and cancel the year “1619." It's like one of those PSAs at the end of a "G.I. Joe" episode: Don't tell some creepy stranger on the phone that you're home alone, and don't defend the Three-Fifths Compromise.

Today, Tennessee Rep. Justin Lafferty, who was born in 1971, ranted on the state House floor about how awesome the Three-Fifths Compromise was. This reportedly led to members of the Black caucus huddling in groups, perhaps to collectively wonder what the fuck's wrong with the guy. I mean, they knew Lafferty was white, but this was just nuts.

LAFFERTY: The Three-Fifths Compromise was a direct effort to ensure that Southern states never got the population necessary to continue the practice of slavery everywhere else in the country.

Ooh-kay. After the American Revolution, the enslaved population exploded in the South, growing from around 650,000 to 3.9 million in 1860. The Louisiana Purchase in 1803 doubled the size of the United States but also expanded American slavery into the West. If the point of the Three-Fifths Compromise was to stop slavery eventually, which it wasn't, then it failed miserably. Americans literally fought a four-years long bloody war over the issue.

But this ahistorical gibberish is apparently a trend among conservatives in the age of MAGA. Last month, during a debate on a civics-education bill, Colorado Republican state Rep. Ron Hanks also claimed that the Three-Fifths Compromise got a bad rap.

"The Three-Fifths compromise, of course, was an effort by non-slave states … to try and reduce the amount of representation that the slave states had," Hanks said. "It was not impugning anybody's humanity."

Legally quantifying a human being as less than a full person is "impugning their humanity." That's how fractions work. Impugning is almost too nice a word for it. Impugning sounds like you suggested Black people didn't promptly RSVP to their enslavement.

Slavery posed a moral conundrum for the United States during its founding. This new nation was supposedly the land of the free, but there were all these people who weren't free. It's a little off-brand, so the solution was to dehumanize the enslaved population. Last week, a viral clip circulated from Chelsea Handler's 2016 series, Chelsea Does, in which a Confederate apologist compared enslaved people to farm equipment.

RACIST: People were taken care of. Would you take a tractor that you just bought brand new and tear it up, misuse it? No, you're going to take care of it, 'cause you just spent a pile of money on that. Those people produced their crops, worked their fields, so you're not gonna mistreat something like that.

If you grew up in the South, as I did, you heard this explanation often, literally in a history class whenever slavery was discussed. Gone With The Wind was a documentary to these people.

However, a tractor isn't a person, not even on the most materialistic level. This was a problem for Southern states whose “tractor" population was out-pacing their lazy white people population. By the Civil War, enslaved people accounted for more than 40 percent of the population in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Louisiana. And they were a clear majority in Mississippi and South Carolina. Fortunately, they couldn't vote! (By the way, these statistics certainly explain white America's gun obsession.)

Lafferty and Hanks are not alone in arguing that the Compromise was a good thing because it limited the slave-holding states' political power, but like most compromises with the South, this only worked in their favor. It's also not like Black people received three-fifths of a vote. We barely have that now.

During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, delegates from so-called “free" and slave-holding states debated over how to determine population for the purpose of legislative representation.

Having failed to secure the abolishment of slavery, some delegates from the Northern states sought to make representation dependent on the size of a state's free population. Southern delegates, on the other hand, threatened to abandon the convention if enslaved individuals were not counted. Eventually, the framers agreed on a compromise that called for representation in the House of Representatives to be apportioned on the basis of a state's free population plus three-fifths of its enslaved population. This agreement came to be known as the three-fifths compromise.

The former White House squatter's lost cause BS, the 1776 Project, rationalized this compromise and the perpetuation of slavery in general as necessary to ensure the union. The South would've bolted, likely preferring to remain under British rule so long as they still had enslaved humans preparing their tea and crumpets. Seriously, these people were fucking shiftless. But, and I know this is asking a lot, if you could look at this from enslaved people's perspective, why should they give a damn if the American experiment endures if they'll live and die in bondage regardless? Slavery was abolished in British colonies in 1833 and 1794 in France, before that asshole Napoleon reinstated the “trade," but it was abolished there completely by 1848. All these dates are earlier than 1863. I appreciate the romance languages so would have no problem speaking French today if it meant ending slavery sooner.

Millions of humans died in bondage after the Three-Fifths Compromise. Even if the intent was to kick the issue down the road, so a future generation of white people could figure out how to make their own beds, the United States is morally accountable for those ruined lives. Deciding not to “own" other humans isn't a complex, difficult issue requiring fancy “compromises." That's only the case if you're bereft of humanity yourself.

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On 13/05/2021 at 20:24, chippy said:

The thing is, they chose BLM as a name for thier movement for a reason. If they didn't want any racist, anti white sentiments to start creeping in they could very easily have chose a different name. All Lives Matter, for starters

Quote from Guardian a bout BLM event being cancel.

Tensions spiralled. By 11 June Lydney town council withdrew its support for the event, forcing it to be cancelled. A letter from the then mayor, Walter Leach, underlined its point three times that “All Lives Matter”, apparently unaware that it is a slogan malevolently used by the far right to denigrate anti-racism movements. A circus ensued. Councillor Zac Arnold resigned, objecting that the council had “ripped away the human right of everyone to peacefully protest”. Lydney town council faced an immediate backlash.

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On 21/05/2021 at 12:53, Vesper said:


Thomas 'there is no such as systemic racism' Sowell? LOLOL

of course you would drag in a cooning step n' fetchit into this

that shitehawk actually argues FOR letting segregation  become legal again and rips the yank SCOTUS's foundational civil rights ruling Brown v Board of Education that struck down sperate but 'equal' (ie unequal of course) de jure racist segregation



I know Black Conservatives who've used Thomas Sowell’s work to ground much of their economic and political philosophies. I can’t and won’t deny his impact on some of my contemporaries. He is an iconic conservative thinker and writer, but I part ways with him when it comes to his commitment to the Black community. Thomas Sowell has always chosen white conservative acceptance over justice for Black people. I know Black conservative writers who will never make it big because they choose their people over their politics.

The cardinal sin for a Black conservative is defending Black people from truncated racist tropes. To make it big as a Black person in the conservative media one must deny the racism that exists in too many Human Resources departments, you must defend the police in instances of police brutality (no matter how egregious their behavior), and when in doubt: blame problems in the Black community on the destruction of Black family or Black on Black crime. There are a number of industries where being on that, “Black sh*t” doesn't fly, but I haven’t seen any industry as intolerant of pro-black rhetoric as the conservative media. I can’t think of one prominent Black conservative with a national platform who has routinely called out racism. You can't advance in that system by challenging the conservative media's position on issues related to the Black community.

Putting a Black face on white supremacist ideology and rhetoric is a tactic rooted in slavery. Contrary to the profit centered "race hustling" myth perpetuated by conservatives, the overwhelming majority of Black activists I've come in contact with haven't benefitted monetarily from supporting the Black community. Most have been blackballed at one point or another from predominantly white institutions because of their outspoken support for Black people. Dr. Michael Parenti once said, "a  journalists who writes for any publication can feel free to write what they want, as long as what they write pleases their editor's wishes." This holds true for Blacks on conservative platforms; even some liberal platforms have a threshold for excessive Black content. Black conservatives talk about freedom, but many aren't free to speak out against systems of white supremacy if they wanted to. A majority of conservatives avoid subject matter that challenges their view of America.

I will remember Thomas Sowell as a man who denied the plight of Black men in America when he wasn't too busy ignoring it. He was, after all, one of George Zimmerman’s most prominent Black defenders. I did a quick Google search to see if he's defended any Black Person in any of the high-profile cases of police brutality over the last few years: I couldn’t find one example of him doing so. Dr. Sowell’s retirement isn’t anything for the Black community to celebrate or mourn. He never used his intellect or platform for our benefit. He leaves and opens a space for a new Black face to rise up the conservative media ladder. 

Almost 25 years ago, Dr. Sowell gave a full-throated defense of the L.A.P.D. officers who nearly beat Rodney King to death. In the last few years Black conservatives have been on television and radio defending the N.Y.P.D. officer who choked Eric Garner to death, blaming Freddie Gray for his severed spine, and defending Michael Slager’s character to the detriment of Walter Scott’s life. There will always be a seat at the table for anyone promoting or normalizing anti-Black sentiments (see Tomi Lahren). If Black conservatives ever want to ditch the label of “Uncle Tom” or “Coon” it would behoove them to start supporting Black people in public. I’ve never heard a Black person call someone a sellout because they believed in supply side economics, but I have seen people disown public figures for their silence. When Black conservatives learn they can’t ignore the plight of Black people and build a legacy with us at the same time they might be able to come home, but until then: Bye Felicia!



THAT is white power and white fragility in a nutshell

only one thing wrong




you need to back the fuck off the whitesplaining attempts to me, as it will never end well for you

I am NOT some 'roll over and show my belly' bish


what is next? you going to post a virtual shrine for that sell out handkerchief-head for the white wing/right wing, Clarence Thomas and his traitorous  white nationalist whore of a wife?

Clarence Thomas's wife criticized her town's 'Black Lives Matter' banner:  report | Lipstick AlleyThe outage of Ginni and Clarence Thomas | by Michael Greiner | Medium


Clarence Thomas’ Wife Gleefully Cheered On White Supremacists At The Capitol


Reckonings continue inside the Beltway as public figures continue to be exposed for their blatant complicity regarding the violent mob who attacked Capitol Hill on Wednesday.

The latest is that of Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas who on Jan. 6 posted two disparaging posts on Facebook aligning with the baseless claims to overturn the outcome of the election, while sending support to the majority white, violent mob that attacked the Capitol.





I picked out Sowell because he's a lot older than all the others and is someone who lived through segregation.

A few others.

Mayhartousi ((UK) 

The Conservative twins.

Ex Cop,  Officer Tatum - I'd pay good money to see you go down a back alley and call him a coon. 

Candace Owens.

Anthony Brian Logan.

Anyway, this is the final time I'm going to respond to you, so I'll end with this.

You cannot debate the Home Office and FBI data or the the blatant discrimination in the Labour Party, BBC et all, because it completely destroys the evil BLM lies. Instead, you go off on distracting rants about Capitol Hill and other stuff that has nothing to do with the Home Office or FBI data.

In my posts I've called out countries over their poor records on immigration and asylum. Said that I am in favour of controlled. LEGAL immigration. Said I  am against discrimination against any person of any colour, race, religion or sexual orientation. Ssid that all lives matter equally.Spoke out against bad Police officers who do wrong ang against any person. Hate the KKK, Combat 18 or whoever the latest Nazi group is. Yet I'm a racist.

You, on the other hand are one who uses racial slurs. You are fine with racial discrimination against Whites  and dismiss it with contempt as being  nothing more than White fragility. 

You said any saying "all lives matter" is extremely racist.

I care about people being hurt by Cops, you only care about Black people being hurt by Cops, which very much ties in with BLM stopping a protest as soon as they heard the 16 year old killed by Police was a White lad.

I don't detest you as a person because you're Black or because you're wrong.  I simply see what you (BLM/Antifa and co)  stand for is a serious threat to liberal, western democracy and values. 

There's a tipping point in every country and that point is going to arrive in the not too distant future,   if we keep going down this road of eroding free speech and demonizing many tens of millions of people for not having same opinion as a radid, fanatical, hateful,  extremist, anti western, political movement.











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29 minutes ago, Jap Si. said:

Quote from Guardian a bout BLM event being cancel.

Tensions spiralled. By 11 June Lydney town council withdrew its support for the event, forcing it to be cancelled. A letter from the then mayor, Walter Leach, underlined its point three times that “All Lives Matter”, apparently unaware that it is a slogan malevolently used by the far right to denigrate anti-racism movements. A circus ensued. Councillor Zac Arnold resigned, objecting that the council had “ripped away the human right of everyone to peacefully protest”. Lydney town council faced an immediate backlash.

I see people like Ben Shapirio and Candace Owens being branded as "far right".

Yep, even Jewish and  Black people are being tarred with this crap now. Basically, anybody who opposes a very, very, extreme left movement is now a goose stepping Nazi.

Comedian Bill Burr, even got shit thrown at him and he's married to a Black woman. So extreme and sick in the head are of some of these cretins, they even went as far as saying he's only with a Black woman so he can control and exert power of a black person.



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52 minutes ago, chippy said:

I see people like Ben Shapirio and Candace Owens being branded as "far right".

Yep, even Jewish and  Black people are being tarred with this crap now. Basically, anybody who opposes a very, very, extreme left movement is now a goose stepping Nazi.

Comedian Bill Burr, even got shit thrown at him and he's married to a Black woman. So extreme and sick in the head are of some of these cretins, they even went as far as saying he's only with a Black woman so he can control and exert power of a black person.



You are very angry young mann u should take the pill to chill you're always serious. Did you say you were a volunteer for who because you have anger issues I hope it's notThe Samaritans 😆

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22 minutes ago, Jap Si. said:

You are very angry young mann u should take the pill to chill you're always serious. Did you say you were a volunteer for who because you have anger issues I hope it's notThe Samaritans 😆

If I'm angry, what does that make that other poster?

Yes, I do get pissed at being likened to fecking Nazis,. You know, the crazed fuckers who murdered millions of people.

And yes, I've been a volunteer for over 6 years. Related to the foodbanks, if you must know.

Gave a fiver to a homeless begger yesterday, but I guess I'm telling lies because  Conservatives dont care about the poor, do they.

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On 21/05/2021 at 17:30, Fulham Broadway said:

There are now a record 171 billionaires in UK, with their wealth rising 21.7% during the pandemic to £597.2bn. 

In the US twenty million Americans lost their job since the start of pandemic.  In the same time,  650 billionaires in America saw their net worth increase by more than $1 trillion . . . and they’re now worth more than $4 trillion.


Just electronic numbers being shuffled  around though. Meaningless to the everyday life of people.

 There were no Billiionaires before Rokefeller, and back then the "working classes" had a great share in a steaming pile of fcuk all.

Wealth created at the top trickles down to the benefit of all. These days, the "working class" are walking around with ,£500 phones in their pockets. When I was young,  for years we couldn't even afford to have a phone in the house and that was with both parents working.


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21 minutes ago, chippy said:

And yes, I've been a volunteer for over 6 years. Related to the foodbanks, if you must know.

Gave a fiver to a homeless begger yesterday, but I guess I'm telling lies because  Conservatives dont care about the poor, do they.

They care about foodbanks because ther is so many of them now thanks to Conservativs. Before I join forum I look at other Chelsea ones I read but not join Shed you are man called Dixon who get banned for racist commenting yes ?

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2 hours ago, Jap Si. said:

They care about foodbanks because ther is so many of them now thanks to Conservativs. Before I join forum I look at other Chelsea ones I read but not join Shed you are man called Dixon who get banned for racist commenting yes ?

Forums completely dominated by far  left who will not tolerate those who speak out against the BS. 

Just show me a racist comment I've made. 

Pointing out downright fucking lies  with actual facts is not racist! Its going in everywhere.

Just one of his filthy lies is that White people are going round hunting black people to kill them

I'm not linking to the  FBI website, so I ask you once again to go and look at the data for yourself. Look at the white on black murder rates and  vice versa and then come back on here and try and defend the lies you are being brainwashed with.

Again, I'll call out violence snd hatred towards anyone, unlike some others.


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3 hours ago, Jap Si. said:

They care about foodbanks because ther is so many of them now thanks to Conservativs. Before I join forum I look at other Chelsea ones I read but not join Shed you are man called Dixon who get banned for racist commenting yes ?

Forgot to address this.

Foodbanks started and grew under the last Labour government. In case you don't know, every single Labour government has left office with unemployment higher than when they got elected, so you cant put all the blame on the Tories being the ones responsible for poverty.

There's always going to be people at  the bottom, no matter which party is in power.

Foodbanks are here to stay because they've become a very good way for the general public to consistently  help those who can do with a bit of extra food, clothing or toiletries.  Then there's the rewarding feelings people get from volunteering and the people using the FB's to go there for a coffee, meal and a chat. Way better way of helping people than just handing out even more benefits.







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