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1 hour ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Powerful stuff - and hard to disagree with.

Its similar in the UK. 

Johnson sacked 21 tory MPs and is surrounded by complicit yes people. The 'red wall' of Northern tory MPs all are new and love the huge salary and massive expenses. All towing the brexit line. 

Brexit itself composed and orchestrated by 'four years in Moscow' Cummings, and Arron Banks. Over 1 billion lying adverts on the EU on Facebook targetting individuals to get the 2016 referendum result that benefits a few rich individuals and Russia. 

I'd urge people to remember why we are in this situation. It's because the the most prosperous members of the UK population don't want to lose their tax free havens to EU laws. They don't care about us, and we will have to pay for their greed and tax evasion. That includes billionaire media owners like the owner of the Daily Mail that towed the brexit line and sows division every day with a constant barrage of racist and sexist 'stories'. All perpetrated from the owners sprawling 224 acre estate, and never paid a penny of tax -as long as he tows the tory line

Harmsworth is a truly aptly named cunt

smug twat (septic uni educated btw, Duke U in North Carolina)

non-dom tax status, of course, all off-shored

Bermuda in the Bahamas, Front Street Hamilton
They're doing more than growing bananas, they've got a tax dodge going on
Offshore Banking Business, International Crime!
Offshore Banking Business, Happening all the time!
Banks and corporations are registered and operating there,
They don't employ any local staff and I don't know if you are aware
One American sitting at a desk with a plaque outside on the wall,
Ha! You know that's what they call
Offshore Banking Business, Some kind of financial thing yeah,
Offshore Banking Business, That guy with the money's gonna swing out there from the trees,
You got the pennies in the pound, heads going round with the hot-shot figures that you make-a compound
I say as I would say 'who wants to know?', I would say 'I wanna know',
Who's got my money who's got my pence? Why's everybody trying to steal my pence?
Guy in the city, guy in the news, everybody givin' me the financial blues,

I accuse...Who's behind this operation? I'll tell you what I know (and I know more than the rest)
Newspaper barons and oil tycoons watching their money grow
It's not an idle rumour, nor scandal talk
All of the profits are washed through USA, PANAMA , New York, Offshore Banking Business, You better watch your chin, Jim,
Offshore Banking Business, IMF never gonna let you in with it
Offshore Banking Business, You think it's just money that counts,
Offshore Banking Business, Well we're sure gonna come mess up your bank accounts


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1 hour ago, Vesper said:

Harmsworth is a truly aptly named cunt

smug twat (septic uni educated btw, Duke U in North Carolina)

non-dom tax status, of course, all off-shored

Bermuda in the Bahamas, Front Street Hamilton
They're doing more than growing bananas, they've got a tax dodge going on
Offshore Banking Business, International Crime!
Offshore Banking Business, Happening all the time!
Banks and corporations are registered and operating there,
They don't employ any local staff and I don't know if you are aware
One American sitting at a desk with a plaque outside on the wall,
Ha! You know that's what they call
Offshore Banking Business, Some kind of financial thing yeah,
Offshore Banking Business, That guy with the money's gonna swing out there from the trees,
You got the pennies in the pound, heads going round with the hot-shot figures that you make-a compound
I say as I would say 'who wants to know?', I would say 'I wanna know',
Who's got my money who's got my pence? Why's everybody trying to steal my pence?
Guy in the city, guy in the news, everybody givin' me the financial blues,

I accuse...Who's behind this operation? I'll tell you what I know (and I know more than the rest)
Newspaper barons and oil tycoons watching their money grow
It's not an idle rumour, nor scandal talk
All of the profits are washed through USA, PANAMA , New York, Offshore Banking Business, You better watch your chin, Jim,
Offshore Banking Business, IMF never gonna let you in with it
Offshore Banking Business, You think it's just money that counts,
Offshore Banking Business, Well we're sure gonna come mess up your bank accounts


ferne park


Jonathan Harmsworth ( Viscount Rothermere) likes to stay below the radar, not like his partner in crime Rupert Murdoch who enjoys the limelight. However next to the VILE Murdoch 'SUN' the 'DAILY MAIL' comes a very close second in pumping out some of the most despicable, fascist, royalist, warmongering shite that is fairly typical of the editorial from the UK's twisted press barons and who happens to be one of the richest tax dodging bastards on the face of the earth.

His pathological hatred of the peasants, while endlessly kissing the Royal arse, comes across continually in an editorial that would not look out of place as part of the master plan of the Gestapo just prior to sending the 'USELESS' eaters down to the gas ovens for extermination. But what can you expect from the utter filth that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and who, thanks to his none to cosy a relationship with the Royal parasite herself , has been allowed to publish endless HATE campaigns against the peasants, the poor, the sick, the disabled and those least able to defend themselves with complete impunity.

If there is a revolution overdue then this should be one of the first mansions to be invaded by the peasants, Ferne House set in 224 acre estate in Wiltshire and where this bastard lives in vast opulence while supposedly hiding in France to avoid tax and with an offshore account in Bermuda where all his corrupt wealth gets funneled while he continues to attack the peasantry as if they are something stuck to the bottom of his well heeled boot.


ferne park

quote from Stephen Smith HERE

"The one thing Johnson said which gave real food for thought was his strong assertion, repeated in the Daily Mail the day after, that there is ‘a direct correlation between effort and achievement.’ Actually Boris, you and your Bullingdon Club pals Dave and wee George Osborne, along with the owner of the rag which printed this garbage, are the living proof that the opposite is the case.

Because simply coming from a wealthy family, having a private school education and attending Oxford or Cambridge University are sure-fire ways to access ‘achievement’ more effectively than mere hard graft and application.

Step forward Jonathan Harmsworth.

Ever heard of him?

Thought not.

Mr Harmsworth is one of the most influential people in the UK. Otherwise known as the 4th Viscount Rothermere, the 43 year old Daily Mail owner is worth a cool £1,020,000,000. Jonathan inherited his family fortune of over £1b in 1998 and ironically given the Mail’s anti-French – well, anti-everybody not English – stance is, er, French. Athough only for UK tax purposes, the avoidance of, you understand…

I doubt Jonathan has ever faced anything more challenging than deciding between Bollinger, Krug or Kristal, so what does it say about supposedly meritocratic Britain that our entire political discourse is heavily influenced by a viciously right-wing, non-domiciled, tax dodging aristocrat whose main ‘effort and achievement’ was being born his father’s son?

Billionaire Harmsworth rag seeks skivvies to do work of sacked council staff

Ultra rich Harmsworth uses his vile right wing rag to promote slave labour and the numpties prepared to do the work that council staff should be doing but for the extreme cuts made by the tory scum that Harmsworth promotes at every opportunity.

We don't see this inherited wealth scumbag or his political pal Johnson and his right wing writers volunteering to traipse through the streets of Britain picking up garbage that only morons who would fall for this utter bullshit doing the work that former council staff used to get paid to do before huge cuts to services by the tory filth.

Daily Fail claims 20,000 volunteer 'HEROES' are unpaid slave labour bin men

Heroes? More like lunatics taking over the job of sacked bin men
Rothermere family, Daily Mail


While his nasty fascist rag smears the peasants daily he sits in vast opulence NOT through hard work but through vast inheritance.

A Lady Rothermere trust is recorded in Jersey. It appears to refer to the late Lord Rothermere's second wife, Maiko Lee, of Korean nationality. She did not respond to our invitations to comment. Rothermere's son Jonathan by his first wife inherited the Daily Mail, also through a Jersey trust, and a Bermuda-registered offshore entity.

Harmsworth is estimated to be worth £760m. He has not denied claiming tax concessions as a "non-dom", on the grounds that his father lived in Paris. He resides at Ferne Park, a stately home in Wiltshire built for him by architect Quinlan Terry.

Harmsworth's fascist Daily Rat unhappy the BBC has pointed out there is poverty on the streets of Britain

Inherited wealth royal arse kissing psychopath at the helm flooding Britain's streets with outrageous far right wing bullshit smearing the peasants as scroungers while propping up the biggest vilest despotic parasitic regime on the planet
While the UK goes down the Brexshit tube Harmsworth's Daily Rat promotes slave labour

Instead of paying people to clean the streets inherited wealth Harmsworth wants the sheeple to volunteer into a slave labour scheme with NO payment. We can only see how long that will last before the volunteers realise what this is really all about. A vast army of unpaid volunteers working for the government for FREE.
Harmsworth's Daily Rat pushing the free binmen scam (slave labour)

Rich boys dirty fascist rag promotes FREE slave labour binmen. We can NEVER see this inherited wealth toff picking up a rubbish bin and filling it with the SHIT gutter rags he prints and floods the streets of Britain with royalist bullshit.
Harmsworth the rich inherited arse who backs the tory's fascist murderous tendencies


Harmsworth / Greig's hatchet job on Corbyn

We are no big friends of Labour, many of who are old Blairites and part of the Friends of Israel mafia, but the fascist rags that the likes of Harmsworth controls are getting away with murder smearing any opposition to the mass murdering tory filth while they prop up a royal mafia and press control needs sorted out. The tory's trail of the dead will continue while Harmsworth and his ilk are themselves getting away with MURDER with NO oversight.
Daily Mail owner kissing the political and royal arses
harmsworth kissing Cameron and the royals arses
Harmsworth with the Queen, Cameron and Prince Phillip

Harmsworth and his tacky rag the Daily Mail comes a close second to the vile Murdoch mafia in manipulating the sheeple across Britain daily with his twisted form of NEWS reporting. He has been allowed to spout hate campaigns against the poorest sections of British society while glorifying the royal parasites as if they are some sort of force for good.

While he smears the peasants as scroungers he tries to justify the billions stolen through the royals form of taxation and benefits endorsed by her Eton groomed tory political lackeys like Cameron. Not even the Labour party has made any attempt to contain the vast opulence they live by scrounging from the British state despite the Queen personally owning once sixth of the world's land mass at the last count.

The only thing Harmsworth is good at is kissing , at every opportunity, the royals and their lackeys arses. A bastard with a sick pathological hatred of any peasant that owns less than he does through his vast inheritance and nothing to do with any effort on his part.

Rothermere’s patriot games: The Man Who Hates Paying Any Tax In Britain
rothermere2.jpgFOR a man whose newspapers love Britain so much, the 4th Viscount Rothermere is remarkably enamoured of the world’s tax havens as shelters for his enormous riches.

Since 1995, three years before the Hon Jonathan Harmsworth (as he then was) inherited the Daily Mail & General Trust plc empire from his father, the 3rd Viscount, the group has been controlled through a company, Rothermere Continuation Ltd, registered in Bermuda but run from Jersey (one offshore specialist told the Eye that companies registered in Britain’s Caribbean overseas territories have the advantage of being “very portable”).

Rothermere and DMGT non-executive John Hemingway – a retired lawyer who advises the wealthy on “structuring and management of their family resources” - are directors of this company, which is owned by an unknown trust administered in Jersey for the benefit of Rothermere and his family.

Following an offshore transaction earlier this year (see Eye 1344), which almost certainly avoided a hefty stamp duty bill, Rothermere Continuation Ltd now owns all the voting shares in DMGT and receives more than £10m a year of the dividends paid annually by what is – thanks to the Mail’s online soft porn offering and other commercial ventures including the Euromoney magazine publishing business and property website Zoopla – a highly profitable media group.

Serious tax advantages

This ownership chain combines patriotically with Rothermere’s “non-domiciled” tax status – exposed four and a half years ago by Eye 1231 but otherwise unreported elsewhere in the media – to produce serious tax advantages. Under the status, whereby an individual claims ultimate allegiance to another country – in Rothermere’s case, ahem, France – the offshore income into which the Bermudan and Jersey network converts the DMGT spoils is taxed only when “remitted” to the UK. As Eye 1349’s Tax, Lies & Videotape report exposed, loopholes aplenty ensure that, in the words of one of Britain’s most senior tax accountants, “to all intents and purposes for your well advised truly wealthy [non-dom] this is a complete exemption for investment income and gains” (which is what the vast majority of Rothermere’s DMGT income is).

Eye readers won’t need reminding, either, that the current Lord Rothermere, although born in Hammersmith and educated at Gordonstoun in Scotland, inherited his privileged tax status from his father, the 3rd Viscount, Vere Harmsworth, who had himself acquired a French “domicile of choice” by becoming a tax exile in Paris from the 1970s and pledging his lifelong allegiance to the country about which his papers were not always so kind.

Under the absurd rules governing non-dom status, when Rothermere fils was born in 1967 he immediately acquired France as his “domicile of birth”. Not that his heart has ever been across La Manche, other than for holidays at the family chateau in the Dordogne, so in 2008 HM Revenue & Customs were poised to investigate whether – based on such evidence as building a sprawling neo-Palladian family home, Ferne House, in 240 acres of grounds in Wiltshire, and his position as a freeman of the City of London – Rothermere had surrendered his non-dom status. Following the intervention of the then HMRC tax boss Dave Hartnett, however, the investigation was pulled.

Bewildering web of companies and trusts

When in 2006 the house needed new east and west wings to accommodate an expanding family, the non-dom tax break loopholes seem to have come in handy, enabling Rothermere to borrow money using his offshore-held DMGT shares as security, rather than bringing millions of his fortune into the UK and facing a full income tax charge on it.

It is not just his controlling stake in DMGT that Rothermere owns offshore, through a bewildering web of companies and trusts. Other investments, including minority stakes in other DMGT companies such as Euromoney, are held by a Jersey company formed in 1988 and now tracked down by the Eye, Rothermere Investments Ltd. It is controlled by two trusts, described simply as the “Rothermere 1995” and the “Rothermere 1985”. The former is said to reside in Jersey but with BVI companies Harmsworth Trust Co (PTC) Ltd and Crestbrook Associates (PTC) Ltd as its trustees. The latter trust gives an address in Geneva and its trustees are the first BVI company and Swiss trust administrator Summit International.

While these trusts establish control of Rothermere Investments Ltd, the tax planning is played out through a string of specially created “preferred shares” held by yet another BVI outfit, Harmsworth Trust Co Ltd, and a Bermudan company, Sheridan Co Ltd. The latter operates from the same Geneva address as the “Rothermere 1985” trust (while Caribbean companies are great legally, nearer tax havens are required for the rubber-stamping board meetings that establish offshore tax residence).

Offshore secrecy

Together they own 112 separate classes of shares, with one class of “accumulation” and one of “distributing” for each year from 2005 to 2060. The scheme allows money to be extracted from Rothermere Investments Ltd more tax-efficiently by redeeming shares in the company each year rather than taking dividends from it. In this way a non-dom brings non-taxable returns of capital rather than income back into the UK, although offshore secrecy prevents anybody seeing accounts for the Jersey company that might indicate just how much it is worth to Rothers in tax saved.

Evidence from the Bermudan courts, obtained for the Eye by the Offshore Alert monitoring service, shows there to be yet more layers to the Rothermere offshore onion. Sheridan Co Ltd, owner of most of the “distributing” preferred shares, is itself owned by yet another trust, the Rothermere 1985 Bermuda Declaration. 2010 court papers concerning a dispute with a former trust administrator show that Sheridan owns shares in companies unrelated to DMGT.

‘Love Britain so much’

Along with share portfolios, certain Rothermere land interests are held tax-efficiently offshore too. For a non-dom, even land deep in the English countryside ultimately escapes inheritance tax if held through offshore trusts. So last year when Rothermere invested in a favourite polo club, Druids Lodge, near the Ferne Park pile, he did so through a limited liability partnership in which the Rothermere interest is held, yet again, by one of the BVI trusts that controls the Jersey investment company. Little more is yet known about Druid’s Lodge Polo LLP, however, since Companies House records show that its accounts are overdue.

As, perhaps, are a retreat from the offshore world’s murkiest corners for the paper and proprietor that love Britain so much and an end to the absurd non-dom tax law that enables him to dodge his dues.
How bastard Harmsworth and his vile editor Dacre attacked the weakest, sick and disabled

What Harmsworth's Daily Rat said about BBC paedo Savile on his death

'A proper British eccentric': Tributes pour in as DJ, TV presenter and charity marathon runner extraordinaire Sir Jimmy Savile dies

By Sarah Bull
Updated: 09:07 GMT, 31 October 2011

Sir Jimmy Savile has died at his home aged 84.

The former presenter, most famous for his show Jim'll Fix It, passed away at his home in Roundhay, Leeds just two days before his 85th birthday. Tonight, tributes for the veteran presenter poured in from the world of show business, with actor Ricky Gervais tweeting: 'RIP Jimmy Saville My first guest on my first TV Show A proper British eccentric.'

BBC radio presenter Nicky Campbell tweeted: 'SirJimmy Savile-a man so unique,a character so extraordinary, a personality so fascinating yet impenetrable. You could not have made him up.' Radio presenter David Hamilton said that Sir Jimmy, who was knighted for his services to charity, worked 'tirelessly' to raise funds for various causes.

'He was a very energetic character,' Mr Hamilton told Sky News.

'But most of all, I remember him as just a totally flamboyant, over the top, larger than life character and as he was on the air, he was just the same off.' Sir Jimmy's fellow DJ, Dave Lee Travis, told Sky News: 'For some unknown reason, with Jim, you couldn't anticipate that he wasn't going to be around anymore - he was such a powerful presence. 'He was one of the first DJs that actually became a personality.'

The Apprentice's Lord Sugar wrote: 'Sad news on the death of Jimmy Savile very funny man and did loads of work for charity RIP.' Radio presenter Paul Burnett told Sky News that Sir Jimmy's charity work was a 'two way street', adding: 'He didn't have a family as such and so when he took on a charity, that became his family. 'He did a lot of work as a porter in the hospital that he collected money for. He would go there at night and work as a porter and I think he loved the people that he worked with, it wasn't just for the publicity, but he knew the charities were doing well out of it as well.

'He was capable of acts of great kindness. You didn't really ever get to know "the man" because he was a showman, and like so many showmen that's - that's their main thing in life and he did it brilliantly.' Classical singer Katherine Jenkins tweeted: 'Sad news Jimmy Saville has passed away.My sis & I always wanted a Jim'll Fix it Badge/Medal. Loved that show.Great memories #RIPJimmySaville.' The cause of death is not yet known but tonight two of Sir Jimmy's nephews confirmed that he died peacefully in his sleep last night.

Roger Foster and Ian McKenna paid tribute to Sir Jimmy outside his flat. Mr Foster said: 'It is with deep sadness that I can tell you that our uncle Sir Jimmy Savile passed away quietly in his sleep during the night. 'Jimmy was a wonderful man, his public face is well-known but we knew him as much more than an uncle, he was a very good friend. 'Jimmy will be sadly missed by very many people. We would like to thank the people who have already offered their condolences.'

A West Yorkshire Police spokesperson said: 'Police were called at 12.10pm today to the discovery of a man's body at a house in Roundhay, Leeds. 'The body of a man in his 80s was found at the property. There are no suspicious circumstances surrounding the death.' Sir Jimmy was born in Leeds on Halloween in 1926, the seventh child (‘I was the “not again!” child’) of Vincent, a bookmaker’s clerk, and Agnes, the woman he always called the Duchess.

TV legend: Savile with one of his famous Jim'll Fix It medals

Me and the Duchess: Savile and his mother at Buckingham Palace in 1972 where he received his OBE

He almost died from pneumonia when just five months old but miraculously recovered after his mother went out to the local church to pray to a deceased Scottish nun. He again narrowly escaped death as a teenager in his first job when working as a miner.

An underground explosion brought down the coal face on his back damaging his spine to such an extent that he was told he would never walk again. But he proved the doctors wrong when he threw his sticks away just three years later. He raised staggering amounts for charity - his accountant lost track after £40million - much of it for patients with spinal injuries. Sir Jimmy claimed to have set up the world's first disco in Leeds in 1948.

His work in the dance-halls was eventually spotted and he was asked to move on to radio where he rapidly acquired national fame, first with Radio Luxembourg and then with BBC Radio 1. He later competed as a semi-professional sportsman, taking part in the 1951 Tour of Britain cycle race and a professional wrestler. He fought 107 bouts, lost 100 and won just seven, insisting it was never fixed.


Ricky Gervais: 'RIP Jimmy Saville My first guest on my first TV Show A proper British eccentric.'

Radio presenter Nicky Campbell: 'Sir Jimmy Savile - a man so unique,a character so extraordinary, a personality so fascinating yet impenetrable. You could not have made him up.'

DJ Tony Blackburn: 'He was a one-off - that's the way he'll be remembered, really - but in particular all that money he raised for charity.'

Stuart Hall, broadcaster: 'He had lots of imitators, the one and only Jimmy Savile.'

Radio presenter David Hamilton: 'I remember him as just a totally flamboyant, over the top, larger than life character and as he was on the air, he was just the same off.'

Lord Alan Sugar: Sad news on the death of Jimmy Savile very funny man and did loads of work for charity RIP.'

Katherine Jenkins: 'Sad news Jimmy Saville has passed away.My sis & I always wanted a Jim'll Fix it Badge/Medal. Loved that show.Great memories #RIPJimmySaville.'

Carol Vorderman: 'RIP Jimmy Saville .... Leeds has lost a much loved son ... and we have lost a ray of sunshine .... #happymemories x

Talking about his sporting past, Sir Jimmy once said: 'If you look at the athletics of it, I've done over 300 professional bike races, 212 marathons and 107 pro fights. 'No wrestler wanted to go back home and say a long-haired disc jockey had put him down. So from start to finish I got a good hiding. I've broken every bone in my body. I loved it.' In 1964, Sir Jimmy presented the very first edition of Top Of The Pops from a television studio in Manchester. He was then invited to present the last episode of the BBC show in 2006.

In the 1970s he started a 20-year run as host of Jim'll Fix It, working miracles for more than 1,500 children. Among the more famous fix-its was the time when he arranged for an unknown 11-year-old called Nigel Kennedy to perform on television. Kennedy then went on to become one of the world's most celebrated violinists. During his time in the television and radio industries, Sir Jimmy became famous for catchphrases including 'How's about that, then?', 'Now then, now then, now then', 'Goodness gracious', and 'Guys and gals'.

Sir Jimmy was known for his distinctive appearance, which included a tracksuit or shell suit and gold jewellery, and was frequently spoofed by comedians including Mike Yarwood. Sir Jimmy's earnings were substantial and he owned at least eight homes, including flats in Regent's Park, Bournemouth, Leeds and Scarborough. Among his six cars were a Bentley Turbo, a Mercedes 500 SL and a flashy Rolls-Royce. He was a paid consultant to travel agent Thomas Cook and charged a minimum of £10,000 for personal appearances.

He became a regular visitor to Kensington Palace, Buckingham Palace, and Highgrove and was used as an intermediary in an attempt to resolve the differences between the Prince and Princess of Wales shortly before their split. Asked why he was invited so often by the Royal family, he once said: 'Royalty are surrounded by people who don't know how to deal with it. I have a freshness of approach which they obviously find to their liking. I think I get invited because I have a natural good fun way of going on and we have a laugh. They don't get too many laughs.' Satirist Chris Morris targeted him in 1994 by announcing on Radio 1 that the presenter had died and broadcasting his obituary. Legal action was threatened and apology issued.

And Louis Theroux probed his apparently odd lifestyle for his Weird Weekends series, staying with the presenter for his When Louis Met Jimmy programme. During the documentary, Theroux visited his suede-walled flat in Scarborough which was a shrine to the former DJ's late mother, with her old bedroom perfectly preserved. News of Sir Jimmy's death also prompted tributes from the world of politics.

Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt said: 'Sir Jimmy Savile was one of broadcasting's most unique and colourful characters. From Top Of The Pops, to making children's dreams come true on Jim'll Fix It, a generation of people will remember his catchphrases and sense of fun. 'But his lasting legacy will be the millions he raised for charity, tirelessly giving up his time and energy to help those causes he was passionate about.' And former deputy Labour leader Lord Prescott tweeted: "Sad to hear of Jimmy Savile's death. Tireless fundraiser and a real character. £nowthennowthen."

A memorial and book of condolence to Sir Jimmy has been set up in Savile's Hall, opposite the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds. The foyer of the hall will also feature a life-size poster of Sir Jimmy in his trademark Jim'll Fix It chair, which was bought by the hall off Ebay three years ago. James Vincent, managing director of Royal Armouries International, said: 'Sir Jimmy was a great friend and a driving force for us and we want to pay tribute to the man.

'He was a legend, an extraordinary larger than life character. 'We share the grief of his passing and hope his loyal local fans will appreciate this as a fitting place in which to honour his memory and lay any flowers or mementoes.'
Daily 'Hate the peasants' owner Harmsworth caught kissing the royal arses again
Daily Mail boss Paul Dacre is a bully, coward and hypocrite VIDEO
Daily Rat's twisted editor Dacre finally gets the boot who was HATED by many of his fellow countrymen

The royalist loving peasant hating fucker will no longer pollute Britain's streets with his form of fascist propaganda, painting the poor as the baddies and the royal gangsters as the goodies.
Vile Daily Rat editor Paul Dacre gets £250k in EU subsidies for his sporting estate in Wester Ross
paul dacreThe editor of the virulently anti-EU ‘Daily Mail’, Paul Dacre, has landed more than a quarter of a million pounds in EU subsidies for his sporting estate in Wester Ross. Fascist lackey of Daily Mail owner Harmsworth, Paul Dacre has owned the 14,000-acre Langwell Estate near Ullapool since 2009 and it is heavily marketed to attract shooting and fishing parties. The lodge has recently undergone major renovation.

According to the FarmSubsidy website which tracks EU payments, Langwell received EU grants to the value of 300,408 euros in 2012, 287,000 euros of which was paid under the European Agriculture Fund for Rural Development which is supposed to support “diversification of the rural economy”. Another 13,000 euros was received in Direct Farm Payments.
The Rothermere's have a long history as fascist bastards
Rotheremere and Hitler
Rothermere's hero Hitler

rothermere black shirts

They also supported the Fascist Black shirts
and Oswald Mosely's British Union of Fascists
Harmsworth's Daily Mail spat with Miliband and his jewish roots exposes Nazionist hand running the editorial
edmiliband.jpgjonathanharmsworth.jpgThe Daily Rat run by a billionaire tory toff and been allowed to spout its pathological hatred of the peasantry for far to long. It's a change to see them attacking one of their own .

Ed Miliband today took his battle against the Daily Mail to its owner and demanded an inquiry into the “culture and practices” of the newspaper group.

He wrote to Lord Rothermere, the chairman of Daily Mail and General Trust, after a reporter from the Mail on Sunday attended a memorial service to his late uncle. “Sending a reporter to my late uncle’s memorial crosses a line of common decency,” the Labour leader wrote to Lord Rothermere. “I believe it a symptom of the culture and practices of both the Daily Mail and the Mail on Sunday.” The incident comes days after the Daily Mail ran an article about Mr Miliband’s late father headlined: “The Man Who Hated Britain.”

The editor of the Mail on Sunday, Geordie Greig, phoned Mr Miliband immediately on learning about the memorial service and issued a fulsome apology for “this deplorable intrusion”. Mr Greig suspended two journalists and began a full investigation. He said: “I unreservedly apologise ... The reporter was sent without my knowledge; it was a decision which was wrong.” He said Lord Rothermere would reply to Mr Miliband’s letter. Mr Miliband said his family “feel understandably appalled and shocked” after the service held at Guy’s Hospital for Professor Harry Keen.

Labour sources said after the service ended that Professor Keen’s daughter was approached by a woman who shook her hand and offered condolences, before introducing herself as a reporter. The journalist asked whether the daughter wished to comment on the Daily Mail article about Mr Miliband, a Marxist writer, and was told “no comment”. After asking a second time, the reporter left. Writing to Lord Rothermere, the Labour leader urged: “You should conduct your own swift investigation into who was responsible at a senior level for this latest episode and also who is responsible for the culture and practices of these newspapers which jar so badly with the values of your readers.”

Nick Clegg today backed Mr Miliband, accusing the Daily Mail of “overflowing with bile” about modern Britain. The Deputy Prime Minister told LBC listeners: “They don’t like working mothers, they don’t like the BBC, they don’t like members of the royal family, they don’t like teachers, they don’t like the English football team — the list goes on. Talk about kettles and pots. “It seems to me that if anyone excels in denigrating and often vilifying a lot about modern Britain, it’s the Daily Mail.” Labour MP John Mann, who chairs an all-party Parliamentary Group Against anti-Semitism, tweeted that the article had been a “classical age-old anti-Semitic smear about disloyal Jews”.

A source at the Mail said: “This was purely about politics and Ed Miliband’s anti-freemarket views. We find any suggestion of anti-Semitism in what is a purely political debate to be absolutely spurious.” Both the author of the article, Geoffrey Levy, and the paper’s deputy editor, Jon Steafel, are Jewish. Daily Mail columnist Stephen Glover accused the Labour leader of staging a “show of calculated hysteria” for political reasons, saying he “realised that his diatribes against this paper would go down well with the party faithful, and possibly convince the wider electorate that he was stronger and more determined than they had thought”.
One poster that sums up the evil (zionist) bastards that control the Daily Mail
daily mail hate
JUST WHO IS JONATHAN HARMSWORTH? (Has a penchant for smearing the peasants)
jonathanharmsworth.jpgWho is Lord Rothermere?

The 4th Viscount Rothermere - or Jonathan Harmsworth - inherited Associated Newspapers (now DMG Media) when his father Vere died in 1998

He became the fourth Rothermere to take the title and become chairman of the media group

He was previously managing editor of the Evening Standard, which the Rothermeres bought in 1980

Lord Rothermere is ranked 120th on the Times Rich List, with an estimated fortune of £720m

The Harmsworth brothers Alfred and Harold founded the Daily Mail in 1896 - the "Viscount Rothermere" title was created for Harold Harmsworth in 1919

Before WWII, Harold Harmsworth praised Adolf Hitler and in 1934 penned a Daily Mail article headlined "Hurrah for the Blackshirts" celebrating Oswald Mosley's British fascists
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So Trumpard has declined to participate in the next debate virtually, which was changed to virtual debate only because he is a thick cunt who contracted and is spreading the virus. They take away his ability to interrupt and ruin the debate, he instantly bails. What a fucking pussy that clown is. :lol:  But it's good, evading exposure doesn't do him any favours. Sure his brainless cult members will vote for him no matter what, but he won't gain any undecideds this way, Biden will.

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4 hours ago, manpe said:

So Trumpard has declined to participate in the next debate virtually, which was changed to virtual debate only because he is a thick cunt who contracted and is spreading the virus. They take away his ability to interrupt and ruin the debate, he instantly bails. What a fucking pussy that clown is. :lol:  But it's good, evading exposure doesn't do him any favours. Sure his brainless cult members will vote for him no matter what, but he won't gain any undecideds this way, Biden will.

Not a cultists I only vote for him because between the option of Biden and Trump I choose Trump simple because he defends the right to live in abortions and second because of the work he is doing with Israel. He has done phenomenal work with Israel regarding the embassy to Jerusalem and then help with the peace treaty with the emirates. 

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4 hours ago, manpe said:

So Trumpard has declined to participate in the next debate virtually, which was changed to virtual debate only because he is a thick cunt who contracted and is spreading the virus. They take away his ability to interrupt and ruin the debate, he instantly bails. What a fucking pussy that clown is. :lol:  But it's good, evading exposure doesn't do him any favours. Sure his brainless cult members will vote for him no matter what, but he won't gain any undecideds this way, Biden will.

Doesnt matter in the end, both cunts and puppets. Both waste of time.

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lol, another con from the con

hypocritical piece of dogshit

restrictions for thee, but none for me


Covid drug given to Trump developed using cells derived from an abortion



One of the drugs taken by Donald Trump that he has touted as a potential “cure” for coronavirus was developed using human cells originally obtained from an elective abortion, a practice repeatedly denounced by the president and many of his supporters.

The drug is a monoclonal antibody cocktail developed by Regeneron. The president received an 8-gram infusion under a “compassionate use” exemption when he was hospitalized over the weekend after testing positive for Covid-19. There is no cure for Covid-19, and the drug is not approved.

The cells used to develop the drug are known as HEK-293T cells, a line of cells used in laboratories. The cells were originally derived from an embryonic kidney after an elective abortion performed in the Netherlands in the 1970s. HEK-293 cells are one of the most commonly used cell lines in laboratories across a wide array of research.

Trump has consistently sought to restrict abortion access, including most recently, when he nominated the conservative Catholic Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the supreme court last month. The anti-abortion movement is one of Trump’s most enthusiastic bases of support.

The 2020 Republican party platform explicitly opposes embryonic stem cell research, and calls for a ban on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, because like HEK cells they are derived from an embryo.

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Pro-Trump conspiracist: Trump should skip virtual debate because Biden could be ‘a clone or CGI”


During a recent broadcast of her InfoWars show, right-wing conspiracy theorist DeAnna Lorraine echoed President Trump comments where he said participating in a virtual debate with Joe Biden would be a “waste of time.” According to Trump, he would be at a disadvantage in such a format.

“I’m not going to waste my time on a virtual debate,” Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “It’s not what debating is all about. … It’s ridiculous.”

Lorraine agreed, but took things a step further. According to her, who even knows if the real Joe Biden will show up.

“There’s no reason to waste time on a virtual debate because you know it’s a setup,” she said. “Joe Biden’s gonna be a home reading from his teleprompter … or it could be a clone, it could be CGI for all we know.”

“We don’t know,” she continued. “It could be his handlers right there showing flash cards and everything. A waste of time. Are you kidding me? Are you freaking kidding me?”

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch:


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13 hours ago, DANILA said:

Go trump! Dems win and the western world is done along with my portfolio 

you obviously have very little financial acumen and macroeconomic knowledge, especially from a historical basis, as well as a lack of understanding basic multiplier impacts in regards to overarching governmental programmes and policies

the markets since WWII fair better overall under a yank Democratic President than under a Republican one

also, you truly betray a profound lack of discernment when you make a thoroughly ludicrous statement such as 


Dems win and the western world is done 

Trump is an extraordinarily DISRUPTIVE force when it comes to geo-political, geo-economic, and geo-military global stability. He is in the process of de-coupling all the meticulously built series of Western alliances and security interlocks erected Post-WWII. He gives winks and nods to outright authoritarian dictators, emboldening them to take far too adventurous stances in military theatres of tension whilst knee-capping his nation's closest allies. If he plunges the US headlong into a dystopian nightmare of a profound constitutional crisis, then all manner aggressions could start to take place on a global footprint. Think China (they already are crushing Hong Kong, which never would have happened under any previous US President, regardless of Party) making a move on Taiwan, or North Korea going rogue vis-a-vis SoKo or even Japan, or Turkey (already Erdogan is shit-stirring to a high degree in the Azerbaijani/Armenian conflict going down as we speak) making a play to once and for all ethnically cleanse the Kurds and expand his delusional fever-dream of a new caliphate, Modi in India going full genocide against Muslims in certain regions (he has a history of this, it would not be new) or, finally, Putin making a move for the whole of the Ukraine, or perhaps even going after the Balkans (as Trump has NATO in disarray).



Democratic presidents are better for the stock market and economy than Republicans, one study shows


Contrary to popular belief, the stock market and economy have performed better under Democratic presidents than it has under Republican presidents, according to data going back to 1946.

Liberum, a UK-based investment bank, pointed to historical stock market returns and annual GDP growth to make the case that a Republican president's drive to cut taxes and reduce government spending often leads to lower economic expansion and stock market returns than when a Democratic president is in office.

Since 1947, the S&P 500 has posted a total annual return of 10.8% under Democratic presidents, versus 5.6% under Republican presidents.

And if you exclude the Great Recession and COVID-19 pandemic, both of which happened under a Republican president, the data still points to stronger returns for Democratic presidents versus Republican presidents.

It's a widely held view that Republican presidents are better for the economy and stock market than Democratic presidents, because of their drive to cut taxes and reduce government spending. But the data says otherwise.

According to an August 21 note from Liberum, a UK-based investment bank, historical stock market returns and gross domestic product data points to a stronger economic expansion under Democratic presidents than under Republican presidents.

The firm looked at data going back to 1947, which is when official GDP calculations were introduced, to analyse who did better. Liberum credited a new president with the economic performance of the first quarter of his first year in office.

According to Liberum, the average annual US GDP growth rate under a Democratic president was 3.6%, compared to 2.6% for a Republican president. And those economic gains trickled down to stock market gains as well.

Liberum found that the stock market, represented by the S&P 500, posted an average annual total return of 10.8% under a Democratic president, compared to just 5.6% for a Republican president, since 1947.

Many would likely argue that the data is skewed to favour a Democratic president because it includes the Great Recession of 2008, and the COVID-19 induced market sell-off of 2020, both of which happened under Republican presidents.

Therefore, Liberum also looked at the historical data from 1947 to 2006, which excludes both the Great Recession and the COVID-19 pandemic.

But the data is more of the same. From 1947 to 2006, the average annual return for stocks under a Democratic president was 10.5%, versus 6.1% under a Republican president.

The difference in economic and stock market gains between a Democratic and Republican president can be explained by "fiscal multipliers," according to Liberum.

While Republicans aim to stimulate the economy via tax cuts and deregulation, Democrats aim to stimulate consumption (and thus the economy) with redistribution policies like increased unemployment benefits, increased child credits, and food stamp support, Liberum noted.

And those policy differences can lead to sizable differences in their economic impact.

If a tax cut introduced by Republicans led to a 1% decrease in tax income for the government, it would boost economic growth by 0.3% to 0.4%. 

Meanwhile, expanding unemployment benefits and other policies often pushed by Democratic presidents "has a fiscal multiplier of 1.2 to 1.7," Liberum found.

In other words, tax cuts would have to be 5x larger than increases in welfare spending to have a similar economic impact.

"Readers should note that the above is not a political or ideological statement. It as an empirical observation and it holds predominantly in the United States," Liberum concluded.

liberum note fiscal multiplier.JPG







Nov 7, 2016,10:28am EST

Trump Is Right About One Thing: 'The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats'





Donald Trump has done more to destabilize the planet than anyone in 75 years: That deserves a prize


In addition to setting Iran up to be the next nuclear power, Trump could collect a prize for his handling of nuclear weapons in North Korea. Because after exchanges of cake and birthday cards, receiving beautiful notes, stamping out thousands of genuinely hideous commemorative coins, and falling into mutual authoritarian love, the number of nuclear weapons controlled by Kim Jong-un is up to somewhere between 30 and 40; the isolated dictatorship has conducted a expanded program of missile launches; and Kim maintains large stockpiles of both chemical and biological weapons. Trump’s entire outreach to North Korea appears to have resulted in an expanded travel schedule for Kim and excuses for other countries to ignore international sanctions. That’s certainly worth a No Prize.

Or perhaps Donald Trump was nominated for one of his truly outstanding international moments: The abandoning of America’s Kurdish allies. Trump pulled out the small number of U.S. forces helping to maintain order along the border between Syria and Turkey, not only allowing Kurdish fighters who had long sided with the U.S. to be trampled on by a one-two-three dictator punch of Bashar al-Assad, Recep Erdoğan, and Vladimir Putin—he also paved the way for a resurgence of ISIS, created a chaotic power vacuum ripe for creating new terrorist groups, and permanently damaged both the reputation and power of the United States. A big No Prize for that one.

Or Trump could be up for getting that big lump of gold in exchange for his sterling work in selling the bombs that are blowing up civilians in Yemen. Trump’s first out-of-the-U.S. visit was a stop with Mohammed bin Salman in Saudi Arabia, where Trump talked up the big heap o’ arms that he was selling the kingdom. Since then, Trump has defended the Saudis’ right to dictate to other nations in the region, including tweeting his wholehearted support of conducting a long-running blockade of a U.S. ally for the crime of having a free press. Trump also hasn’t let little things like the kidnapping, torture, dismemberment, and murder of a U.S. journalist get in the way of his ability to provide the bombs that are blowing up wedding tents, and hospitals, and fishing boats, and school buses, and homes, and … Quick, bring out the No Prize.

Of course, it’s hard to consider Trump’s achievements in international peace without looking at the one that has already earned him a major award: extorting the leader of Ukraine with threats to withhold U.S. military assistance unless Trump was provided with lies he could use against Joe Biden. That one earned Trump an impeachment. (If there was no medal, I would personally like to offer Trump a commemorative plaque celebrating this achievement.) The result of this action wasn’t just the immediate harm it did to Ukraine, or making the United States seem even more ridiculous. It also gave Russia a long-lasting power boost in the region and helped assure that NATO would not expand eastward. Give him all the No Prizes!

Speaking of NATO, Trump’s really outstanding achievement award might be in how much he’s weakened the military and economic relationship with Europe that has prevented World War III since World War II. Every member of the NATO alliance provided forces to assist the United States when it went into Afghanistan, and many of them suffered substantial losses. Trump has made sure that will never happen again by constantly attacking allies and turning the United States into a laughingstock. No Prize for that. 

Trump can have an auxiliary No Prize for how he’s damaged the relationships between the United States and South Korea, and the United States and Japan. But his biggest No Prize of all might be how Trump has so mishandled the relationship with China that he’s generated what’s being described as Cold War II. Having surrendered any claim to the defense of human rights, the United States is now completely ineffective at addressing genuine moments of oppression and genocide. And because Trump has been utterly ineffective at anything other than alienating allies, China has been emboldened to move faster, both internally and externally, to confront the U.S. and make its own demands on the world.

But if Trump is up for the big prize for his unmatched ability to generate worldwide conflict and destabilize the planet as it faces twin crises over the coronavirus and climate, he’s in good company



Hello, history, are you rhyming again?



stick to football m8

you are profoundly out of you depth on economics and politics

and I did not even get into the open, blaring (not a dog whistle, but a foghorn) racism and white nationalism that Trump is suicidal leading 35% of the country to re-embrace openly

or his maniacal and mass-murdering shambolic handling of the COVID-19 pandemic















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1 hour ago, 1chelsea said:

SARS is not the problem of the country it is the Government. SARS are just a small pawn


Yes it is not the only issue, but it is good to see youths come out together and protest for a cause finally.

Politicians have taken advantage of the differences in Ethnicity and Religion in the country for so long. Anytime you want to stand for a cause, these politicians sponsor and bribe the leaders to put disunity and eventually stop any form of protest against them. Southern people trying to protest against the poor leadership from the Northern politicians will be shut down because someone will accuse you of fighting against his tribe in power (even though the Northern masses have suffered deaths brought by bokoharam  and poor leadership from the military who all come from the North) 

To see everyone unite regardless of tribe is wonderful to see and I hope the #ENDSARS campaign can come successfully. Let the youth know the benefits of uniting against these politicians for a cause.

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Yes it is not the only issue, but it is good to see youths come out together and protest for a cause finally.
Politicians have taken advantage of the differences in Ethnicity and Religion in the country for so long. Anytime you want to stand for a cause, these politicians sponsor and bribe the leaders to put disunity and eventually stop any form of protest against them. Southern people trying to protest against the poor leadership from the Northern politicians will be shut down because someone will accuse you of fighting against his tribe in power (even though the Northern masses have suffered deaths brought by bokoharam  and poor leadership from the military who all come from the North) 
To see everyone unite regardless of tribe is wonderful to see and I hope the #ENDSARS campaign can come successfully. Let the youth know the benefits of uniting against these politicians for a cause.

If this protest continue it will definitely lead to some kind of cleansing of the government system I just hope it does. The pain the government have drown the the masses into is really deep and they never want any form of protest because they know it will lead to something they can't handle (revolution) the best i pray.
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Trump reportedly wanted to rip open his button-down to reveal a Superman T-shirt to surprise people when he left the hospital


President Donald Trump floated an idea to surprise observers by ripping open his button-down shirt and reveal a Superman t-shirt underneath, according to a New York Times report.

Trump made several calls during his stay at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center last week, in which he proposed the idea of first appearing physically weak to observers.

Upon leaving the hospital, he would rip open a button-down dress shirt to reveal a shirt with the Superman logo, The Times reported.





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On 10/9/2020 at 2:34 PM, Atomiswave said:

Doesnt matter in the end, both cunts and puppets. Both waste of time.

It does matter. There has never been a more divisive president than Trump. I live far away across the pond, but I've been following US politics since his election and I've seen rapid downward spiral in US society and morality, rise of hate crimes etc... What the president SAYS matters, not only what he does. "Stand back and stand by" being the latest stuff of dictatorial proportions from his mouth. Can't wait to see him prosecuted left and right once he's ousted from the office.


On 10/9/2020 at 2:15 PM, Fernando said:

Not a cultists I only vote for him because between the option of Biden and Trump I choose Trump simple because he defends the right to live in abortions and second because of the work he is doing with Israel. He has done phenomenal work with Israel regarding the embassy to Jerusalem and then help with the peace treaty with the emirates. 

Oh, so why did he take drugs developed from cells taken from abortions? Answer me that, if he is sooooo against it?

Do you really believe he has ANY ideological beliefs besides the ideology of keeping the Trumps rich and powerful? He isn't even religious, it's plain to see, everything he has said regarding religion betrays that he has zero knowledge or genuine interest in it. 

LOL...... only a gullible person would believe that he has even read the bible. "Q: New Testament or Old Testament? Trump: Probably equal" :lol: 


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7 hours ago, Vesper said:

you obviously have very little financial acumen and macroeconomic knowledge, especially from a historical basis, as well as a lack of understanding basic multiplier impacts in regards to overarching governmental programmes and policies

the markets since WWII fair better overall under a yank Democratic President than under a Republican one

also, you truly betray a profound lack of discernment when you make a thoroughly ludicrous statement such as 

Trump is an extraordinarily DISRUPTIVE force when it comes to geo-political, geo-economic, and geo-military global stability. He is in the process of de-coupling all the meticulously built series of Western alliances and security interlocks erected Post-WWII. He gives winks and nods to outright authoritarian dictators, emboldening them to take far too adventurous stances in military theatres of tension whilst knee-capping his nation's closest allies. If he plunges the US headlong into a dystopian nightmare of a profound constitutional crisis, then all manner aggressions could start to take place on a global footprint. Think China (they already are crushing Hong Kong, which never would have happened under any previous US President, regardless of Party) making a move on Taiwan, or North Korea going rogue vis-a-vis SoKo or even Japan, or Turkey (already Erdogan is shit-stirring to a high degree in the Azerbaijani/Armenian conflict going down as we speak) making a play to once and for all ethnically cleanse the Kurds and expand his delusional fever-dream of a new caliphate, Modi in India going full genocide against Muslims in certain regions (he has a history of this, it would not be new) or, finally, Putin making a move for the whole of the Ukraine, or perhaps even going after the Balkans (as Trump has NATO in disarray).



Democratic presidents are better for the stock market and economy than Republicans, one study shows


Contrary to popular belief, the stock market and economy have performed better under Democratic presidents than it has under Republican presidents, according to data going back to 1946.

Liberum, a UK-based investment bank, pointed to historical stock market returns and annual GDP growth to make the case that a Republican president's drive to cut taxes and reduce government spending often leads to lower economic expansion and stock market returns than when a Democratic president is in office.

Since 1947, the S&P 500 has posted a total annual return of 10.8% under Democratic presidents, versus 5.6% under Republican presidents.

And if you exclude the Great Recession and COVID-19 pandemic, both of which happened under a Republican president, the data still points to stronger returns for Democratic presidents versus Republican presidents.

It's a widely held view that Republican presidents are better for the economy and stock market than Democratic presidents, because of their drive to cut taxes and reduce government spending. But the data says otherwise.

According to an August 21 note from Liberum, a UK-based investment bank, historical stock market returns and gross domestic product data points to a stronger economic expansion under Democratic presidents than under Republican presidents.

The firm looked at data going back to 1947, which is when official GDP calculations were introduced, to analyse who did better. Liberum credited a new president with the economic performance of the first quarter of his first year in office.

According to Liberum, the average annual US GDP growth rate under a Democratic president was 3.6%, compared to 2.6% for a Republican president. And those economic gains trickled down to stock market gains as well.

Liberum found that the stock market, represented by the S&P 500, posted an average annual total return of 10.8% under a Democratic president, compared to just 5.6% for a Republican president, since 1947.

Many would likely argue that the data is skewed to favour a Democratic president because it includes the Great Recession of 2008, and the COVID-19 induced market sell-off of 2020, both of which happened under Republican presidents.

Therefore, Liberum also looked at the historical data from 1947 to 2006, which excludes both the Great Recession and the COVID-19 pandemic.

But the data is more of the same. From 1947 to 2006, the average annual return for stocks under a Democratic president was 10.5%, versus 6.1% under a Republican president.

The difference in economic and stock market gains between a Democratic and Republican president can be explained by "fiscal multipliers," according to Liberum.

While Republicans aim to stimulate the economy via tax cuts and deregulation, Democrats aim to stimulate consumption (and thus the economy) with redistribution policies like increased unemployment benefits, increased child credits, and food stamp support, Liberum noted.

And those policy differences can lead to sizable differences in their economic impact.

If a tax cut introduced by Republicans led to a 1% decrease in tax income for the government, it would boost economic growth by 0.3% to 0.4%. 

Meanwhile, expanding unemployment benefits and other policies often pushed by Democratic presidents "has a fiscal multiplier of 1.2 to 1.7," Liberum found.

In other words, tax cuts would have to be 5x larger than increases in welfare spending to have a similar economic impact.

"Readers should note that the above is not a political or ideological statement. It as an empirical observation and it holds predominantly in the United States," Liberum concluded.

liberum note fiscal multiplier.JPG







Nov 7, 2016,10:28am EST

Trump Is Right About One Thing: 'The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats'





Donald Trump has done more to destabilize the planet than anyone in 75 years: That deserves a prize


In addition to setting Iran up to be the next nuclear power, Trump could collect a prize for his handling of nuclear weapons in North Korea. Because after exchanges of cake and birthday cards, receiving beautiful notes, stamping out thousands of genuinely hideous commemorative coins, and falling into mutual authoritarian love, the number of nuclear weapons controlled by Kim Jong-un is up to somewhere between 30 and 40; the isolated dictatorship has conducted a expanded program of missile launches; and Kim maintains large stockpiles of both chemical and biological weapons. Trump’s entire outreach to North Korea appears to have resulted in an expanded travel schedule for Kim and excuses for other countries to ignore international sanctions. That’s certainly worth a No Prize.

Or perhaps Donald Trump was nominated for one of his truly outstanding international moments: The abandoning of America’s Kurdish allies. Trump pulled out the small number of U.S. forces helping to maintain order along the border between Syria and Turkey, not only allowing Kurdish fighters who had long sided with the U.S. to be trampled on by a one-two-three dictator punch of Bashar al-Assad, Recep Erdoğan, and Vladimir Putin—he also paved the way for a resurgence of ISIS, created a chaotic power vacuum ripe for creating new terrorist groups, and permanently damaged both the reputation and power of the United States. A big No Prize for that one.

Or Trump could be up for getting that big lump of gold in exchange for his sterling work in selling the bombs that are blowing up civilians in Yemen. Trump’s first out-of-the-U.S. visit was a stop with Mohammed bin Salman in Saudi Arabia, where Trump talked up the big heap o’ arms that he was selling the kingdom. Since then, Trump has defended the Saudis’ right to dictate to other nations in the region, including tweeting his wholehearted support of conducting a long-running blockade of a U.S. ally for the crime of having a free press. Trump also hasn’t let little things like the kidnapping, torture, dismemberment, and murder of a U.S. journalist get in the way of his ability to provide the bombs that are blowing up wedding tents, and hospitals, and fishing boats, and school buses, and homes, and … Quick, bring out the No Prize.

Of course, it’s hard to consider Trump’s achievements in international peace without looking at the one that has already earned him a major award: extorting the leader of Ukraine with threats to withhold U.S. military assistance unless Trump was provided with lies he could use against Joe Biden. That one earned Trump an impeachment. (If there was no medal, I would personally like to offer Trump a commemorative plaque celebrating this achievement.) The result of this action wasn’t just the immediate harm it did to Ukraine, or making the United States seem even more ridiculous. It also gave Russia a long-lasting power boost in the region and helped assure that NATO would not expand eastward. Give him all the No Prizes!

Speaking of NATO, Trump’s really outstanding achievement award might be in how much he’s weakened the military and economic relationship with Europe that has prevented World War III since World War II. Every member of the NATO alliance provided forces to assist the United States when it went into Afghanistan, and many of them suffered substantial losses. Trump has made sure that will never happen again by constantly attacking allies and turning the United States into a laughingstock. No Prize for that. 

Trump can have an auxiliary No Prize for how he’s damaged the relationships between the United States and South Korea, and the United States and Japan. But his biggest No Prize of all might be how Trump has so mishandled the relationship with China that he’s generated what’s being described as Cold War II. Having surrendered any claim to the defense of human rights, the United States is now completely ineffective at addressing genuine moments of oppression and genocide. And because Trump has been utterly ineffective at anything other than alienating allies, China has been emboldened to move faster, both internally and externally, to confront the U.S. and make its own demands on the world.

But if Trump is up for the big prize for his unmatched ability to generate worldwide conflict and destabilize the planet as it faces twin crises over the coronavirus and climate, he’s in good company



Hello, history, are you rhyming again?



stick to football m8

you are profoundly out of you depth on economics and politics

and I did not even get into the open, blaring (not a dog whistle, but a foghorn) racism and white nationalism that Trump is suicidal leading 35% of the country to re-embrace openly

or his maniacal and mass-murdering shambolic handling of the COVID-19 pandemic















To just start throwing insults is classic and what I expected of both you and the left. I have zero financial and economic acumen? Right on, guess I work in PE on zero basis. I noticed a large imbalance on this forum to the left and wanted to even things out by posting a quick one liner and to make people laugh. I will go back up and read what you posted since I appreciate how much time you put into it (not being sarcastic), but I have my reasons as to why I support Trump and am right wing / conservative. While not an extensive list, I've had enough of political correctness, SJ, and high taxes being spent inefficiently. Trump is much better for equities and it's not even debatable although it seems like the market has accepted a Biden victory and aren't so negative about it - thank god.  

You post all this nonsense against Trump and you look at Biden and can seriously tell me he's fit to be president? He's completely senile. No wonder why China wants him in.

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If dems were in power the covid situation would be even worse - it would have been "politically incorrect" to ban flights from China. You had the witch Pelosi taking the piss on Trump by saying everyone in SF should go to china town in late february. Ultimately, it was inevitable USA would be worst hit by covid due to its size and "free" nature of Americans. It's really in the governors' hands what they do per their respective state. Did lockdowns in March and April really help? I think its obvious they didn't looking at what's going on now around the developed world. To blame Trump entirely for the covid situation in the US is a joke.

EDIT: wanted to clarify I agreed with the lockdowns and am not an anti-masker or anything, but its pretty clear we're back to the starting point.

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