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14 minutes ago, Spike said:

He was from the Levant, he was a Semitic person and they are Caucasoid

That's only hearsay, no actual proof.


16 minutes ago, Spike said:

Let's have a look at rednecks first, why do people assume they are conservative?

Actually, that's quite interesting. The only time the FBI really stepped up their extra-judicial killings of the Black Panthers was when they linked up with redneck traditional racists. The last thing the ruling class wanted was a united working class.

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3 minutes ago, Fernando said:

You only look at the case of the women, but what about that life? I know of many cases where a women was raped and the child was born and grew up. 

My pastor was one of those. His mom wanted to abort him but she changed her mind and now look at him. 

No matter what, you are still taking life that is not yours. Its murder to me because the baby has the right to live. Otherwise let's just kill my pastor because his mom had the right to abort him...... 

Weather you don't want the kid is another story. You can always give the kid away but at least your giving that baby a chance to survive. 

You got me wrong. I'm not saying that all women that are raped should get an abortion if they are impregnated, I'm just stating that I understand why they would want too especially if the woman has severe mental health issues. Do you want a child to come into this world knowing they'd suffer at the hands of a mentally unstable woman? What if the abuse from the mother causes great harm to the child? What if the child itself falls victim to the supposed 'cycle of molestation'?  You're extrapolating a hypothetical to your Pastor, I'm happy, I'm relieved that your pastor has had an incredible life that started out as woe but he isn't the rule. I think it is the ultimate cruelty to bring a life into this world knowing that their life will be abused by the people around them. You only see the possible positive and pureness of human life, but not everyone gets to experience that.  Not every child is adopted...

What if a woman is 45 years old and is pregnant with a child that has Down's Syndrome. What if she and her husband are the only family they have? What happens to the child in twenty years when they pass away? What happens to the child when they are old and cannot care for him? What happens?

I never said it wasn't murder but I'm not opposed to murder being an alternative to a life of suffering. Not everything is black and white and being a Christian man you'd have to understand that being accepted into God's grace through early death is insurmountably better than a life of suffering brought on by knowing human hands. Each life is deserves life but when that life isn't guaranteed than you are showing no mercy and only cruelty if you allow a lifetime of horribleness to happen.

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1 minute ago, Fulham Broadway said:

That's only hearsay, no actual proof.


Actually, that's quite interesting. The only time the FBI really stepped up their extra-judicial killings of the Black Panthers was when they linked up with redneck traditional racists. The last thing the ruling class wanted was a united working class.

Hearsay? The entirety of religion is based upon faith and if you have no faith in religion than it is nothing. You cannot just waive away 'the child was born in Bethleham' because it is inconvenient to your own narrative. Do you really honestly believe that a sub-Saharan family immigrated north, converted to Judaism (something that didn't happen until modern day) and gave birth to a child in Roman Israel? He could have been Ethiopian but unlikely given that his name is Yiddish for the Hebrew name Yeshua as oppsoed to Qwara or whatever Ethiopians spoke.

Do you actually have any source to that? First I've heard of it. United working class? That is such a British thing to say, only the British have some sort of bizarre pride in being working class. No one in America takes pride in being working class, the crux of the American dream is upwards mobility, the working class don't fight for being 'united' they fight for the equality of upwards mobility to escape their income class. 

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8 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Amazing when the question of abortion crops up how many men know the answer. Bottom line it's the womans choice

It really isn't. You're a man, what makes you so sure that is the answer? Equal rights = Equal say in abortion.

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1 minute ago, Spike said:


We were talking about Jesus appearance, not religion.

7 minutes ago, Spike said:

Do you actually have any source to that? First I've heard of it


Its widely sourced in documentaries

8 minutes ago, Spike said:

No one in America takes pride in being working class, the crux of the American dream is upwards mobility, the working class don't fight for being 'united' they fight for the equality of upwards mobility to escape their income class

Again the term 'class' means something different in the US. Personally I would prefer a society where the need for social mobility wasn't there


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4 minutes ago, Spike said:

It really isn't. You're a man, what makes you so sure that is the answer? Equal rights = Equal say in abortion.

That's only your opinion. If men could get pregnant, abortion would be like Starbucks. There would be two on every block and four in every airport - and the morning after pill would come in different flavors like sea salt and cool ranch.

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9 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

We were talking about Jesus appearance, not religion.


Its widely sourced in documentaries

Again the term 'class' means something different in the US. Personally I would prefer a society where the need for social mobility wasn't there


Jesus appearance is religion. To dispute the religion is to dispute the faith that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. To dispute his ethnicity is to dispute history, if Jesus was real and born in Bethlehem, he would be Semitic in appearance because that is what the Jews are, that is what the Jews that lived there were. It is completely a grasp at straws to state  that Jesus was black, nothing more than a pipedream that wishes to use religion as a means of racial harmony. Facts don't care about your feelings.

That is a blog, it has no credence. I've no doubt that happened, I'm not disputing that but reading that blog and comparing it to your statement ' FBI really stepped up their extra-judicial killings of the Black Panthers was when they linked up with redneck traditional racists ' would make your statement more than a lie. Chicago is as redneck as Southampton and I read nothing suggesting that the whites were racist rednecks. The Confederate Flag means more to a lot of people than simply a 'flag for slavery' and not even mentioning the fact that Chicago isn't in the south so nobody would sincerely care about the Confederacy in Chicago. That reads like it was nothing more than a gesture of solidarity.

Humans are hierarchical in nature. There will always be those that are subservient and those that delegate. No men are equal, I'm not even equal to the man I was yesterday.

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17 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

That's only your opinion. If men could get pregnant, abortion would be like Starbucks. There would be two on every block and four in every airport - and the morning after pill would come in different flavors like sea salt and cool ranch.

That is only your opinion. If women had total control over human life, than your mother can abort you right now if she wished. The rights of being human don't suddenly and magically appear at a certain age, they either exist or they don't. 
The murder of humans isn't the domain of women, it's the domain of all of us. I have a vested interest in the future of humanity and I will not relinquish my own humanity just because some people think that only women have rights to children. It takes two to tango in the human race and equality will never exist (as well as your social classless society) if one has monopoly over the value of human life. If a woman can decide to terminate a life than she is better than a man as she has her own set of morals that are above our own, if she is better than us she exists in her own social class. 

Human life begins at the moment of fertilization. It is a child, it is a life that will grow. To suggest that a woman can destroy a life on the basis that it is inside of her (it isn't her body, it is another's body) is to suggest that all human life is meaningless. All life is equal, and to add what I said earlier of men being inequal that is in terms of ability.

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14 minutes ago, Spike said:

Jesus appearance is religion

That doesn't make any sense. . Some say it was just an allegory for a spiritual being. Maybe people don't like the notion that perhaps he was black


11 minutes ago, Spike said:

If women had total control over human life

They do when it's inside them. Your mother could have aborted you, and theres nothing your dad could have done about it. It really is amazing how some men think they have the right to interfere - they can have some input, but ultimately it's the womans choice.  Last time I checked, a man doesn't have to deal with the physical, emotional, and psychological ramifications of pregnancy and birth.

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It might sound silly, but instead of constantly being on the defensive, perhaps it is at last time for Israel to give Europe a taste of its own medicine.

After Monday’s passage of the law aimed at regulating certain land issues in Judea and Samaria, Israel’s ostensible friends in Europe wasted little time before lambasting the Jewish state in remarkably harsh terms. Mustering all the vitriol at their disposal, which appears to be boundless when the subject is Israel, the leaders of the Continent went on a rhetorical rampage that was as obscene as it was offensive.

As usual, it was the European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini, who scaled the heights of hyperbole when she called the law “new and dangerous,” as though resolving land disputes through compensation was an entirely unheard-of concept in modern law. But then Mogherini went further, declaring that “the Israeli parliament has legislated on the legal status of land within occupied territory which is an issue that remains beyond its jurisdiction.”

The irony of her own statement was apparently lost on her. After all, what “jurisdiction” does Mogherini have to interfere in Israel’s internal affairs, berate its democratically- elected parliament or interpret the legislation it chooses to pass? Other leaders, such as French President Francois Hollande, denounced the legislation, saying it would “open the way to the annexation of the occupied territories,” while the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nikolai Mladenov said that by legislating “in the occupied Palestinian lands,” Israel had crossed “a very thick red line.”

Well if European and international statesmen really want to have a debate about “occupied territories,” I say: bring it on.

A good place to start would be with some of Europe’s own colonial relics, which it greedily clings to, like a hung-over hobo grasping a bottle with a few remaining drops of vodka.

Take, for example, the island of Corsica, whose beautiful beaches, tranquil bays and dense forests conceal an ugly historical act: France’s 1768-69 invasion and annexation of the nascent republic. Despite the passage of nearly 250 years, many Corsicans continue to yearn for greater autonomy or even independence.

In December 2015, the nationalist Pè a Corsica Party dramatically won the island’s regional elections, coming within just two seats of an outright majority. And opinion polls show that two-thirds of Corsicans want to hold a referendum on independence from France.

Independence-minded Corsicans say that Paris has been deliberately trying to “Frenchify” the island, subduing its culture and language.

But when was the last time you heard European leaders, or anyone else for that matter, denouncing France for its “occupied territories”? And then, of course, there is Catalonia, where the regional government plans to hold a referendum on independence in September of this year despite opposition from Spanish authorities. Curiously, however, the Catalonians’ longing for independence doesn’t seem to elicit as much interest in Europe’s capitals as that of the Palestinians, even though the former have a much better case for a state of their own.

To begin with, there actually was a Catalonian state, albeit briefly, in the 17th century, whereas there has never been an independent Palestine in all of history. And even if one believes the Palestinians have been occupied since 1967, Spain has been occupying Catalonia for more than three centuries. That makes it a longer-running dispute, and justice delayed is justice denied. Moreover, Catalans can legitimately claim to be a nation with its own distinct language; the Palestinian Arabs cannot.

The list of course goes on, and includes places such as the Falklands.

It was 35 years ago this April that Britain dispatched a naval task force of more than 100 ships to take the islands back from Argentina, thereby reasserting their century- old colonial occupation.

More recently, in one of the biggest land-grabs in modern history, Norway cemented its hold on more than 2.7 million square kilometers of Antarctica when it unilaterally declared in June 2015 that its territory in the eastern part of the region extended all the way down to the South Pole. A white paper issued by the Norwegian Foreign Ministry stated openly that “the purpose of annexation was to subdue the land that now lies unclaimed,” and Norway asserts that the land belongs to it because it was there first.

Oddly, they don’t seem to apply the same logic to Judea and Samaria, where the Jewish presence predates the founding of Islam by over 1,500 years.

Clearly, when one puts things in historical perspective, Europe’s bellowing about Israel’s “occupied territories” is nothing more than diplomatic duplicity. This is especially true in light of the fact that Judea and Samaria are the ancient heartland of the Jewish people and the cradle of our civilization.

Unlike many of Europe’s own occupied territories, Israel has every right – morally, historically, theologically and militarily – to be in Judea and Samaria, and so we shall remain.

So next time the EU decides to holler about the need for “ending the occupation,” Israel should announce that it is sending human rights monitors to Corsica, Catalonia and other such areas, to ensure that the European occupying powers are not trampling on the rights of the indigenous residents.

And the Jewish state should also start working on some draft UN resolutions denouncing the ongoing European occupation of various parts of land around the world.

It might sound silly, but instead of constantly being on the defensive, perhaps it is at last time for Israel to give Europe a taste of its own medicine.

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4 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

That doesn't make any sense. . Some say it was just an allegory for a spiritual being. Maybe people don't like the notion that perhaps he was black


They do when it's inside them. Your mother could have aborted you, and theres nothing your dad could have done about it. It really is amazing how some men think they have the right to interfere - they can have some input, but ultimately it's the womans choice.  Last time I checked, a man doesn't have to deal with the physical, emotional, and psychological ramifications of pregnancy and birth.

Of course it makes sense, the religion states that Betheleham was Jesus' birthplace, that requires faith. If you extrapolate the faith and used what we know about Israel then it comes to a an easy conclusion that Jesus was Semitic. You cannot seem to understand that based of historical evidence, the genetics of people living in the Levant, the political era and that Jews were semitic that Jesus was semitic, and if he was black he was Ethiopian which is incredibly unlikely. Of course you bring it back to racism, that is all everyone does, you don't like an opinion so it is racist. Forget empirical evidence

It's really amazing that women think they have the right to interfere in another's life.

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