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37 minutes ago, Fulham Broadway said:

Get what you're saying hes not one of the endless Bush/Clinton clan, but the political establishment in the US is the wealthy. Clinton and Bush had a large group of billionaires as ''advisors''. Lobbyists more like, arms company shareholders, hence the endless cycle of bomb, kill, destabilise, rebuild, re arm, bomb, kill....you get the picture.

It costs between 50 million and 100 million dollars to run in the Primaries, then another 75 million to run for President. Lol Trump 'noble upper class'- heir to a fortune as a baby, and  is now a 70 year old spoilt baby.

I predict a coronary or assassination...

Oh it's much more than that. Hillary spend $1.3 billion, and Trump spent $795m. That's a BIG difference, with trump spending almost half as much as Hillary, yet still winning.

I could honestly see an assassination attempt before he even takes office. But that leads me to this:

2 hours ago, iseah100 said:


Trump is not my president, i refuse to accept him, not when he has threatened the well being of my family and friends and community. 

I am genuinely embarrassed to be American because the rest of the country elected a sociopath and an unqualified, unhinged, narcissistic, racist bigot as our President. EMBARRASSED. This country has not been great for a long time and will never be great again. 
I can't believe the most qualified woman in the world lost to the least qualified man in the world. Uneducated, uninformed, disgruntled, aggressive, oblivious to global threats and a little bit addicted to guns. That's America right there and Trump is it's president.

This is not funny, this is not entertaining, this is terrifying. Not just for me, but for the whole world. We should all be scared. 

Sorry to cut up your post. I just wanted to address this. First, I can't imagine the fear that you are experiencing. I haven't had to deal with any threats to my status as an American. I've never felt unsafe in this country (coming from the government at least). I feel for you, but I personally have never felt that fear in my life, so it's hard to actually feel that sense of fear.

But as long as you live in the US, Trump is your president. You may not like the outcome, but you have to accept that it's the system we have and Trump won the election fair.

The things that Trump has said during the campaign shouldn't be said by someone looking to "lead" a country. Simple. But they're words. They're empty threats and promises until something is done to make them a reality, and that's where I (and probably a lot of Trump voters) think the words will just continue to be words. Every candidate has plans that they say they want to implement. Obama promised change. So many people voted for Obama because they believed their lives would be better because the president was black. Minorities would finally get a better chance and we'd move closer to equality. We got very little of that. We have no idea if that's what they really want or if they're just trying to appeal to a voter base. I hope and am sure that one of two things will happen:

1) Trump knows how to sell and he saw an opportunity to appeal to a large voter base that will get out and vote if they have someone they believe in. Now that he has actually won, we'll see a milder, more realistic Trump that will work as a government outsider that can bring a different aspect to government.

2) Even though the Republicans now control Congress, a lot of them distanced themselves from Trump and will be able to either tone-down or stop what Trump wants to do. Trump is not a supreme leader. He's not a dictator. There's checks and balances for a reason. Trump won't be able to build a wall (especially at someone else's expense), he won't be able to deport all of the illegal immigrants in the country, and he's not going to be able to declare war on everyone he disagrees with.

The sun will come up tomorrow, the next day, the next month, January 21st, and for years after. I hope and believe that you and everyone you care about will be fine.

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2 hours ago, iseah100 said:

It also has recently come out that Russians were in contact and coordinating with trump and his campaign from the get go.


Clinton is out of touch with reality she used fucking cold-war red-baiting tactics as her main strategy! :lol:


1 hour ago, Spike said:

I dislike Bernie Sanders. Socialism isn't something I agree with.
How has Trump threatened your family?
It isn't just Mexicans or immigrants, it is "ILLEGALS". The reason why the crime rater is lower is because of the fear of deportation, not because they are necessarily better citizens. I immigrated to American using a legal method. It was expensive and it drained me financially to the point I'm still in debt. I reject the notion of illegal immigration as it circumvents what I struggled to achieve. The reason more there are more terrible Americans than terrible Mexicans living in American is because there is around 350+ million more Americans. People think just because I'm white, I somehow had it easier getting into this country, I had to go through all the same paper work, the same bureaucracy, as many legal Mexican, South African, Canadian, Englishman, Somali and Indian. You also cannot deny the thriving gun and drug trade that exists due to Mexico and immigrated Latino organised crime.

The main reason for the immigration from South America to the US is the violence sponsored by the US itself. This has been true for decades now. From death-squads to dictatorships to actual invasions to military coups like recent one in Honduras or even right wing political coups like the recent one in Brazil and the one that keeps failing in Venezuela. Even if you put aside human empathy and natural desire to help those fleeing violence and poverty, the US as the main sponsor of the miseries of South America has a moral obligation to take in the resulting refugees at the very least.

As for the drugs from Mexico the main reason for that is Reagan's 'War on Drugs' which is a racist political strategy aimed at criminalizing black lifestyles because blacks vote Democrats. It's also a war that the US has forced onto South American governments for various foreign policy reasons even though all of them, even Colombia, want to end it. 

Those 'major issues' are easily fixable because their solution is in the hands of the US government but no one, and certainly not Trump, want to address them because they are very useful distractions from the actual reasons of the decline in jobs, which are trade agreement and lack of regulation, and the high levels of crime which have complex socio-economic reasons that are mainly rooted in the continued segregation of the country and the deeply embedded systemic racism in it on one hand and the ever increasing economic gap due to the fact that concentrated private power rules the US political system.

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Operators of private prisons are soaring on the stock market because analysts expect Trump to row back on the Department of Justice’s ruling this summer to phase out privately run institutions’ housing of federal inmates. Shares in Corrections of America, the biggest private prison operator, surged by 60% in early trading on Wednesday

Shares in Pfizer, the world’s biggest drugmaker, have risen by 10% since the result of the election. Trump and the Republicans are expected to reverse the crackdown during the furore surrounding Martin Shkreli, the pharmaceutical boss described as “the world’s most hated man”, who raised the price of a life saving Aids drug from $13.50 to $750 per pill

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1 hour ago, Spike said:

I dislike Bernie Sanders. Socialism isn't something I agree with.
How has Trump threatened your family?
It isn't just Mexicans or immigrants, it is "ILLEGALS". The reason why the crime rater is lower is because of the fear of deportation, not because they are necessarily better citizens. I immigrated to American using a legal method. It was expensive and it drained me financially to the point I'm still in debt. I reject the notion of illegal immigration as it circumvents what I struggled to achieve. The reason more there are more terrible Americans than terrible Mexicans living in American is because there is around 350+ million more Americans. People think just because I'm white, I somehow had it easier getting into this country, I had to go through all the same paper work, the same bureaucracy, as many legal Mexican, South African, Canadian, Englishman, Somali and Indian. You also cannot deny the thriving gun and drug trade that exists due to Mexico and immigrated Latino organised crime.

29% of all Hispanic voters chose Trump. 

It's not the fact that she had emails. You miss the point entirely, how can a nation trust a woman that under oath lied about it all. How can America trust a woman that has been funded by Saudis? How can America trust a woman that has been knee-deep in political scandals and corruption for over thirty years? How can American trust a woman that supports gay marriage when eight year ago she stated that 'marriage is between men and women'? How can America trust a woman that knowingly defended a child rapist and used character assassination tactics against a twelve-year old girl? How can America trust a woman that sold uranium to Iran? How can America trust a 'champion of women's rights' when she has openly threatened Bill's lovers? How can America trust a woman that has been involved in various scandals concerning racism towards Black Americans and Latinos? It isn't about that Trump is a better politician, it's because nobody can trust Clinton, this goes far, far beyond a simple scandal concerning the safe storage of confidential information. This is about trust and the American public cannot trust Clinton, they may not particularly like Trump but they see him as at least somewhat more genuine. 

Do you know what Clinton and her cabinet thinks about Latinos? You're nothing but 'needy Latinos', another demographic to manipulate. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/6777

You think, no you know Trump is evil but just because he is, doesn't mean the opposing team is good. She doesn't care about you, she doesn't care about your people, but she does care about your vote.

I could not have said this any better myself. She's a veteran politician and she knows what to say and where to stand based on what she wants for herself and her supporters. She has no spine. She has no values. I personally think she's further from a regular human being than Trump is. Just because she says she's on your side doesn't mean she actually is.

As far as the immigration stuff, yes, Trump wants to target illegal immigrants, but in doing that, it's obvious he has immigrants from one country in mind, Mexico. How do you "round them all up" without it turning into racial profiling?

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4 hours ago, iseah100 said:

except Hillary won the popular vote. 

You know that don't mean much? 

This is the way it has always been done, the electoral vote. 

So he is the president elected by the country. 

Plus is not the first time someone with the popular vote did not win it. 

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1 minute ago, Fernando said:

You know that don't mean much? 

This is the way it has always been done, the electoral vote. 

So he is the president elected by the country. 

Plus is not the first time someone with the popular vote did not win it. 

It's something that's always argued when a Republican candidate wins. It's because it gives the rural areas a larger voice in proportion to the more populated areas. There's pros and cons to it. Without it, rural America has little voice. With it, not every vote is equal.

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1 minute ago, kmk108 said:

It's something that's always argued when a Republican candidate wins. It's because it gives the rural areas a larger voice in proportion to the more populated areas. There's pros and cons to it. Without it, rural America has little voice. With it, not every vote is equal.

It's called check and balance. 

And it is why Trump will not be a fascist overnight as all those fear monger say. 

Because of Check and Balances! 

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2 hours ago, Spike said:

I dislike Bernie Sanders. Socialism isn't something I agree with.
How has Drumpf threatened your family?
It isn't just Mexicans or immigrants, it is "ILLEGALS". The reason why the crime rater is lower is because of the fear of deportation, not because they are necessarily better citizens. I immigrated to American using a legal method. It was expensive and it drained me financially to the point I'm still in debt. I reject the notion of illegal immigration as it circumvents what I struggled to achieve. The reason more there are more terrible Americans than terrible Mexicans living in American is because there is around 350+ million more Americans. People think just because I'm white, I somehow had it easier getting into this country, I had to go through all the same paper work, the same bureaucracy, as many legal Mexican, South African, Canadian, Englishman, Somali and Indian. You also cannot deny the thriving gun and drug trade that exists due to Mexico and immigrated Latino organised crime.

29% of all Hispanic voters chose Drumpf. 

It's not the fact that she had emails. You miss the point entirely, how can a nation trust a woman that under oath lied about it all. How can America trust a woman that has been funded by Saudis? How can America trust a woman that has been knee-deep in political scandals and corruption for over thirty years? How can American trust a woman that supports gay marriage when eight year ago she stated that 'marriage is between men and women'? How can America trust a woman that knowingly defended a child rapist and used character assassination tactics against a twelve-year old girl? How can America trust a woman that sold uranium to Iran? How can America trust a 'champion of women's rights' when she has openly threatened Bill's lovers? How can America trust a woman that has been involved in various scandals concerning racism towards Black Americans and Latinos? It isn't about that Drumpf is a better politician, it's because nobody can trust Clinton, this goes far, far beyond a simple scandal concerning the safe storage of confidential information. This is about trust and the American public cannot trust Clinton, they may not particularly like Drumpf but they see him as at least somewhat more genuine. 

Do you know what Clinton and her cabinet thinks about Latinos? You're nothing but 'needy Latinos', another demographic to manipulate. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/6777

You think, no you know Drumpf is evil but just because he is, doesn't mean the opposing team is good. She doesn't care about you, she doesn't care about your people, but she does care about your vote.

Socialism, done the right way, is what the country needs. If things were equal we wouldn't need it, but we do. I couldn't go to a major university because there was no way for me to pay for it so I had to go to a college in my town. Why are only the well off able to go to whatever school they choose? Shouldn't everyone have the same opportunity? Socialism would have kept Shkerli from raising the price of a life saving drug by 750%. Shouldn't people be paid a minimum wage that will allow them to at least get by? Shouldn't insurance be affordable? My mother needs a liver transplant and there is no way we can get it. We don't qualify for any programs and there is no way we can come up with that money. Socialism is not communism, it's about increasing the opportunity for people who are not as financially stable. 


Trump has threatened my family because my dad is an illegal immigrant. He came when he was 16,  made a stupid mistake when he was 18 and is now about to turn 50. He has lived here his entire adult life and he can't get his papers fixed because of a non-violent crime. He works 60 hours a week doing construction, paid about $9 an hour. Trump wants him gone. He wants my aunt gone. He wants my uncles, brother in law, and friends gone. He even threatened sending second generation immigrants "back". He believes you can sexually assault women if you're famous, I have 5 nieces, 3 sisters, and more important women in my life, and this offends me. He thinks global warming is a hoax. He has a VP who believes shock therapy will "cure" my gay brother. He believes women should be punished if they get an abortion. He wants to defund planned parenthood.He presided over one of the biggest HIV outbreaks in rural America, in my home state of Indiana, because of his conservative beliefs. These guys are dangerous not only to me but to the LGBT, Muslim, African American, female, and other communities and I would rather have fucking Kanye West as president over them. Also, side note  "25,000 foreign nationals — or immigrants — were arrested for homicides, but for over a 55-year period between August 1955 and April 2010. In comparison, there were 11,200 arrests for homicides in 2010 alone among the general American population, according to the U.S. Department of Justice statistics (ThinkProgress). 


It probably was easier for you to get your papers, one of my uncles in Mexico has tried for years to get his visa and they repeatedly deny him. I understand Clinton flips on her issues a lot but I am okay with that as long as they reflect the views of the people the represent. It means they are growing and paying attention. Yes she lied, but so does Trump. Trump is a fraud, he went bankrupt, refused to release his taxes, is an alleged rapist, outsources for his own company, and has been sued over 3000 times for screwing people over. While Clinton may be bad, she has political experience and would have at least been 4 more years of the progress we've made the last 8, not go backwards. 

1 hour ago, kmk108 said:

Sorry to cut up your post. I just wanted to address this. First, I can't imagine the fear that you are experiencing. I haven't had to deal with any threats to my status as an American. I've never felt unsafe in this country (coming from the government at least). I feel for you, but I personally have never felt that fear in my life, so it's hard to actually feel that sense of fear.

But as long as you live in the US, Drumpf is your president. You may not like the outcome, but you have to accept that it's the system we have and Drumpf won the election fair.

The things that Drumpf has said during the campaign shouldn't be said by someone looking to "lead" a country. Simple. But they're words. They're empty threats and promises until something is done to make them a reality, and that's where I (and probably a lot of Drumpf voters) think the words will just continue to be words. Every candidate has plans that they say they want to implement. Obama promised change. So many people voted for Obama because they believed their lives would be better because the president was black. Minorities would finally get a better chance and we'd move closer to equality. We got very little of that. We have no idea if that's what they really want or if they're just trying to appeal to a voter base. I hope and am sure that one of two things will happen:

1) Drumpf knows how to sell and he saw an opportunity to appeal to a large voter base that will get out and vote if they have someone they believe in. Now that he has actually won, we'll see a milder, more realistic Drumpf that will work as a government outsider that can bring a different aspect to government.

2) Even though the Republicans now control Congress, a lot of them distanced themselves from Drumpf and will be able to either tone-down or stop what Drumpf wants to do. Drumpf is not a supreme leader. He's not a dictator. There's checks and balances for a reason. Drumpf won't be able to build a wall (especially at someone else's expense), he won't be able to deport all of the illegal immigrants in the country, and he's not going to be able to declare war on everyone he disagrees with.

The sun will come up tomorrow, the next day, the next month, January 21st, and for years after. I hope and believe that you and everyone you care about will be fine.

I know he won't be able to do everything he says, but the fact that his entire campaign was based off of racism, islamophobia, and hate and was elected president is terrifying to me. I understand that he will be president but that doesn't mean I have to support him or call him my president. Obama had plenty of "birther" people who thought he wasn't even a citizen. 

The republicans have the house and a majority of the senate and they will likely appoint their choice as the supreme court judge because the Democrats will just bend like they usually do. Even if he doesn't get any of his hateful bills passed he still wants to get rid of the EPA and "the war on coal" as well as implement the biggest tax cuts for the top 1 percent in the history of this country. 

49 minutes ago, kmk108 said:


As far as the immigration stuff, yes, Drumpf wants to target illegal immigrants, but in doing that, it's obvious he has immigrants from one country in mind, Mexico. How do you "round them all up" without it turning into racial profiling?

This. Just like that law that they tried to pass in Arizona. How would you know someone is an immigrant? Ask for identification? Who do you ask? People who look like immigrants, what comes to mind when people think of immigrants? Latinos. 


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9 minutes ago, Fernando said:

You know that don't mean much? 

This is the way it has always been done, the electoral vote. 

So he is the president elected by the country. 

Plus is not the first time someone with the popular vote did not win it. 

I understand the electoral college only votes as the people choose 40% of the time. That is not democracy. 

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5 minutes ago, iseah100 said:

I understand the electoral college only votes as the people choose 40% of the time. That is not democracy. 

Because that's the best way to respect the vote of everyone. 
Because for example NYC and California that has the biggest population they will skew the vote to their advantage. And if they are liberal in majority, it will leave the less population will less vote. 

This is the best way so that every state can have their fair share of opinion. Not just be overrun by the big city votes. 

America is not just NYC and California you know....

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This is why I say if those that don't like Trump, don't want to accept him as president and don't agree with the election system, then there's the door. 

Pick up your bag and leave. 

This is the way the country has been run since you was born and will continue to be way after your gone. 

P.S. I totally dislike Obama, way more then Trump, but I accepted it because that was the vote of the people. He won the election and he Is/was president. 

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7 minutes ago, iseah100 said:

Socialism, done the right way, is what the country needs. If things were equal we wouldn't need it, but we do. I couldn't go to a major university because there was no way for me to pay for it so I had to go to a college in my town. Why are only the well off able to go to whatever school they choose? Shouldn't everyone have the same opportunity? Socialism would have kept Shkerli from raising the price of a life saving drug by 750%. Shouldn't people be paid a minimum wage that will allow them to at least get by? Shouldn't insurance be affordable? My mother needs a liver transplant and there is no way we can get it. We don't qualify for any programs and there is no way we can come up with that money. Socialism is not communism, it's about increasing the opportunity for people who are not as financially stable. 


Trump has threatened my family because my dad is an illegal immigrant. He came when he was 16,  made a stupid mistake when he was 18 and is now about to turn 50. He has lived here his entire adult life and he can't get his papers fixed because of a non-violent crime. He works 60 hours a week doing construction, paid about $9 an hour. Trump wants him gone. He wants my aunt gone. He wants my uncles, brother in law, and friends gone. He even threatened sending second generation immigrants "back". He believes you can sexually assault women if you're famous, I have 5 nieces, 3 sisters, and more important women in my life, and this offends me. He thinks global warming is a hoax. He has a VP who believes shock therapy will "cure" my gay brother. He believes women should be punished if they get an abortion. He wants to defund planned parenthood.He presided over one of the biggest HIV outbreaks in rural America, in my home state of Indiana, because of his conservative beliefs. These guys are dangerous not only to me but to the LGBT, Muslim, African American, female, and other communities and I would rather have fucking Kanye West as president over them. Also, side note  "25,000 foreign nationals — or immigrants — were arrested for homicides, but for over a 55-year period between August 1955 and April 2010. In comparison, there were 11,200 arrests for homicides in 2010 alone among the general American population, according to the U.S. Department of Justice statistics (ThinkProgress). 


It probably was easier for you to get your papers, one of my uncles in Mexico has tried for years to get his visa and they repeatedly deny him. I understand Clinton flips on her issues a lot but I am okay with that as long as they reflect the views of the people the represent. It means they are growing and paying attention. Yes she lied, but so does Trump. Trump is a fraud, he went bankrupt, refused to release his taxes, is an alleged rapist, outsources for his own company, and has been sued over 3000 times for screwing people over. While Clinton may be bad, she has political experience and would have at least been 4 more years of the progress we've made the last 8, not go backwards. 

I know he won't be able to do everything he says, but the fact that his entire campaign was based off of racism, islamophobia, and hate and was elected president is terrifying to me. I understand that he will be president but that doesn't mean I have to support him or call him my president. Obama had plenty of "birther" people who thought he wasn't even a citizen. 

The republicans have the house and a majority of the senate and they will likely appoint their choice as the supreme court judge because the Democrats will just bend like they usually do. Even if he doesn't get any of his hateful bills passed he still wants to get rid of the EPA and "the war on coal" as well as implement the biggest tax cuts for the top 1 percent in the history of this country. 

This. Just like that law that they tried to pass in Arizona. How would you know someone is an immigrant? Ask for identification? Who do you ask? People who look like immigrants, what comes to mind when people think of immigrants? Latinos. 


Socialism has its drawbacks. The monetary impact of providing all of these services would severely raise taxes and increase our national debt by a lot. Some are willing to accept that trade-off, but some aren't. I can see both sides. For me personally, I would love all of those services, but for those that are able to pay, most don't want to pay for those that can't.

For immigration, I hold the belief that you take the risk of deportation by entering illegally. Legal immigration is dependent on skill. Higher-skilled applicants have an easier time entering. It may sound harsh, but I don't think we should have an open, "apply and you're in" policy. If you're unable to legally immigrate, then by all means, try to illegally immigrate, but you are running the risk of paying the consequences of the action.

To be honest, Mike Pence scares me much more than Trump. He has political background/clout and has proven that he's actually able to enact his beliefs.

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1 minute ago, kmk108 said:

Socialism has its drawbacks. The monetary impact of providing all of these services would severely raise taxes and increase our national debt by a lot. Some are willing to accept that trade-off, but some aren't. I can see both sides. For me personally, I would love all of those services, but for those that are able to pay, most don't want to pay for those that can't.

For immigration, I hold the belief that you take the risk of deportation by entering illegally. Legal immigration is dependent on skill. Higher-skilled applicants have an easier time entering. It may sound harsh, but I don't think we should have an open, "apply and you're in" policy. If you're unable to legally immigrate, then by all means, try to illegally immigrate, but you are running the risk of paying the consequences of the action.

To be honest, Mike Pence scares me much more than Trump. He has political background/clout and has proven that he's actually able to enact his beliefs.

It does but think about the money the United States spends. Nearly 60% of taxes go to defense spending at almost $600 billion dollars. Cut that by 10% is still more than enough for than defense and would make college free for all.

Lowering student loan rates like to what Wall Street banks get from the Federal Reserve at rates below 1% would make college far more affordable. And taxing wall street could generate more revenue. 

Allowing the government to deal with prescription drug companies would at least lower drug costs. These things are all possible and no one (except wall street) would have to pay more. 

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5 minutes ago, iseah100 said:

It does but think about the money the United States spends. Nearly 60% of taxes go to defense spending at almost $600 billion dollars. Cut that by 10% is still more than enough for than defense and would make college free for all.

Lowering student loan rates like to what Wall Street banks get from the Federal Reserve at rates below 1% would make college far more affordable. And taxing wall street could generate more revenue. 

Allowing the government to deal with prescription drug companies would at least lower drug costs. These things are all possible and no one (except wall street) would have to pay more. 

It sounds great, and I 100% agree with you. I've got 5 years of student debt that I will have to start paying back in the next few months. I'm going to have to deal with my health insurance for the first time. Luckily, for now, I'm in fairly good health and I don't have any medications that I have to regularly take.

But there's no way it's going to happen. Wall Street and the big corporations are in too close with the government (including the big drug companies). The government isn't limited by our current form of government, they're profiting from it. Those that you want to pay more are paying the government to keep them from paying more. The prescription drug companies are lobbying for their drug and against others. The government is just as much at fault for everything that is going on, which is why a lot of people voted for Trump. They looked past the hate and ridiculousness because it either doesn't affect them personally or they're willing to put up with it, because he's a political outsider that is someone who has spent his life as a business professional, not a political professional.

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3 hours ago, kmk108 said:

So many incidents of Trump supporters harassing and assaulting minorities. This is what happens when you fuel the mouth breathers.

On this side of the pond it actually looks the other way round 

I get that people are unhappy - but like Brexit (I voted remain) it's now time to roll up your sleeves and say - "What can I do, to make my country a better place?"

Stopping arguing with people about the result was my first step. 

Politicians don't change the world - people do - Scientists, Inventors, people giving and sharing etc. 

Dont fixate on a falsehood of one person having all the power...

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