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Frank Lampard


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I remember in 2010 when we won PL title and I said to myself that once Terry, Lamps, Cole, Drogba,..will all become old players and how will I accept that...Well time is slowly coming and soon majority of those players will leave the club, but their goals, stories, funny moments and achievements will always stay here at SB. The stadium will remind us what these players achieved here and did to our club. I will have my respect to those players forever and there will always be a special place for them in this club. This place will never leave or get old. It will only become a legend and after 50years, we will talk about great heroism of Drogba, Lamps, Terry,...on warm CL night in Munich which was climax to their careers and the club itself. They gave all what a player can give to a club and Im proud that I have seen Lamps and Drogba and all others play in blue shirt. It was privilege and if this means the end, I can describe past ten years with only one word; MAGIC. :)

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So - Who else thinks he's going to tie or break Bobby Tambling's record this season? I for one do. And I cannot wait. Really can't.

I do think so, IF we dont buy any center-mid and he does not get injured.

Lampard >>> Zidane (no I'm not joking.)

You are not joking, you are just wrong...

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You are not joking, you are just wrong...

What could Zidane do that Lampard couldn't?

Now what has Lampard done that Zidane couldn't? 1: Be the highest scoring central midfielder in history. 2: Have the 2nd highest assists in Premier League history; and the 2nd highest assists out of the top 5 leagues for a central midfielder. 3: Hasn't jumped around clubs. He's been very loyal. Lots of stuff. All Zidane had was playmaking skills and great technique IMO.

Edit: I feel both Lampard and Iniesta are underrated. IMO, Iniesta >>> Zidane too.

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What could Zidane do that Lampard couldn't?

Now what has Lampard done that Zidane couldn't? 1: Be the highest scoring central midfielder in history. 2: Have the 2nd highest assists in Premier League history; and the 2nd highest assists out of the top 5 leagues for a central midfielder. 3: Hasn't jumped around clubs. He's been very loyal. Lots of stuff. All Zidane had was playmaking skills and great technique IMO.

Edit: I feel both Lampard and Iniesta are underrated. IMO, Iniesta >>> Zidane too.

lampard is one of the greatest midfielders but if he read your post i think he would get a nice laugh too. we are talking about ZIDANE. he is not one of the best, he is the god-damn best.

by the way if stats are the only way to go then xavi and iniesta would not stand much in any debate. lampard has that awesome positioning sense to get into scoring positions and be involved in the goals, thats one of his best quality (ie. his knack for scoring) which makes him stand apart from the crowd but zidane had his qualities too. even if u think lamps and iniesta are better than zidane, its fine, its your opinion but to say lamps & iniesta >>>> zidane is an insult to one of the best footballers to have lived

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What could Zidane do that Lampard couldn't?

Now what has Lampard done that Zidane couldn't? 1: Be the highest scoring central midfielder in history. 2: Have the 2nd highest assists in Premier League history; and the 2nd highest assists out of the top 5 leagues for a central midfielder. 3: Hasn't jumped around clubs. He's been very loyal. Lots of stuff. All Zidane had was playmaking skills and great technique IMO.

Edit: I feel both Lampard and Iniesta are underrated. IMO, Iniesta >>> Zidane too.


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In my opinion, Zidane is easily in the top 5 midfielders of the modern era - one of the indisputable greatest players of all time.

But so is Lampard in my books.

There are only a couple straight up midfielders still at it today that I would honestly rate on Zidane's level in terms of the players they have been as well as the ones they still are - which would be Lamps & Gerrard - purely because of their sheer efficacy on the pitch & ability to dictate entire matches when they are at the top of their game; as well as set up & score the goals that decide not just results, but ultimately, titles & trophies.

If you said Zidane was the most talented midfielder in history - I would agree without a doubt - he may possibly have been the most talented individual to ever kick a ball in many individual's perspectives. However, considering the fact that at the end of the day, football is really about putting the ball in the back of the net - & seeing as Zidane struggled to make double figures every season while Lamps has done so for the last 10 in a row without fail - you do have to look at the fact that one of the aspects of footballing ability that Frank has never been outdone in by any other midfielder - is scoring goals.

I regard that as possibly the most valuable talent of all, because his goals as well as the countless ones he has set up for others are what win you games & they have quite literally carried us through periods of many seasons - & yet in reality that is just a part of what makes him so special.

It's also his unique intellect, unrivalled positional awareness, spectacular precision, unbelievable consistency, & most of all, his undying loyalty & commitment to the game & his club. As much ability as Zizou had, talent & flair don't simply trump all of those attributes on the pitch.

You can say what you want about stat sheets not reflecting the entire player, & that Zidane's moments & goals were that of an immortal legend - fair enough because they don't show how fluid & seamless he was in possession, or the kinds of passes he saw that no one else would have been able to, along with all of the glorious goals - but anyone who has been watching Chelsea for the past decade knows there is so much more to Lamps than the record-breaking stats alone.

& as sweet as that sublime volley against Leverkusen in the 2002 Champo League final was (I went absolutely mental when that flew in since I've always been a huge fan of Real), to this day I am still yet to see a better goal hit the back of the net than Frank's against Barca in 2006.

Maybe it escapes your memory since it was over 6 years ago, but I was lucky enough to witness it in person at the Nou Camp while rabid Catalonians displayed their bloodthirst a few feet in front of me as they attempted to rip & climb the flimsy 'protective' netting that was the only thing separating us; so naturally it is carved into mine for all eternity. That night, Frank proved once again that impossible is nothing - it wasn't the first time he had done so, & it certainly wasn't the last.

For every magical moment of Zidane's that you can fit on a highlight reel - I can offer you one of Lampard's that I would hold in equal regard & magnitude. For every amazing Zidane goal or pass you can show me - I can show you 3 of Frank's.

It is true that Zidane was a legend at both club as well as international level because he led them to world cup glory as well as (losing them) a final - & Lamps has never lifted an international trophy. But the fact is that at club level alone, there's not really any legitimate comparison between them. You can't just dismiss the stats as if they obscure the truth on the field, because when we're talking about something as definitive in football as goals & assists - when that is the very essence of what midfield playmakers are all about - they really just don't lie.

194 goals & 130 assists in 581 appearances for this club - & still counting.

Zinedine's still stuck on 128 last I checked... & that is from over 100 more appearances than Frank has made to this day.

If those numbers don't mean anything, you should be able to find plenty of visual evidence of them on youtube without much difficulty.

As much as saying that Lampard is better than Zidane might be wrong to you - saying that Zidane is outright better than Lampard makes you just as wrong from my perspective.

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There are players who are able to simply produce these unique moments of magic, these players are often forgiven their lack of consistency. Especially when these players are benefitted by the circumstance of achieveing for a great national team in an era, in which international football was not as discredited as it is today. Zidane is as super_frank pointed out probably the most gifted midfielder ever, but is he also the greater player? It is always difficult to compare different types of player styles from different eras and say who is better. Fact is Zidane was way more succesful on international level and got some more individuals honors therefore but Lamps has been a bit more succesful on club level and has scored waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more goals and waaaaaaaaaay more assists for club as well as for country so for me, putting things in perspective, Lampard just edges it, cos IMO a player should be rated overall, not only for his highs. Look at what Lamps has produced over a decade in the by far best league in the world. (Neither Zidane nor Xavi nor Iniesta has played there, even though it probably was not the best league for msot of Zidane's time). He has been the most consistent performer on world class level ever in that aspect no one comes close to him.

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I think this thread has jumped the shark. :confused: :confused:

Lampard does have massively impressive stats and he's one of my favourite players of all time. I can't count the number of times he's made me jump out of my seat and hug complete strangers in stadiums all over the country....all over Europe in fact.

But Zidane is probably the greatest footballer I've ever seen. He might not have scored 20 goals a season from midfield (which is a magnificent achievement if you do it just once), but he did score the winning goals in both a Champions League Final and a World Cup Final. Lampard will be the first to say that he didn't have 1/10th of Zidane's natural footballing talent but he worked harder at his game than almost any other English footballer in recent times. If you want to argue about who maximised their talents to the fullest then maybe you'd have a case.

But beyond that I think you're really on very shaky ground.

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Lampard will be the first to say that he didn't have 1/10th of Zidane's natural footballing talent

If that is not a vagrant display of your ridiculously poorly veiled anti-Lampard attitude - then I have no idea what is.

Mate, we're not talking about talent here - if you actually bothered reading my post you would have been able to deduce that yourself. In my personal opinion Zidane is THE most talented footballer to have ever played the game. No fucking question. He sent defenders sprawling all around him, & they could still barely get near him - truly was mesmerising to watch him in action at the peak of his powers. Definitely the classiest footballer I have been lucky enough to witness & one of the most memorable.

But to say that he had 5 times the talent of Lampard is a wild over-exaggeration, & rather derogatory coming from a Chelsea supporter. If you actually knew anything about football, you would realise that Lamps has always had plenty of talent, his shooting & passing has been exquisite from the start & has only got better, as has his positional awareness & decision making, to the point that he can now read the game like an open book. There's no question Zidane was one of the most stylish & skillful of all time - but the gulf between Lampard & himself is by no means as great as you seem to believe. Flair & talent does not determine greatness in my opinion.

In terms of how effective they were on the pitch - I'm sorry but you can't dismiss Lamps as easily as your prejudice seems to allow you. He's scored 194 fucking goals for this club, all from fucking midfield. It's going to take one hell of a player to ever top Frank's record, & he's not even done yet.

Although you may find more appreciation for Zidane's aesthetic appeal & artistry - I find considerably more appreciation for not just how you hit the back of the net, but also how many times you hit the back of the net - how many times you can provide the final pass to set up a teammate. That is the point of offensive players - to create & finish opportunities. That is what wins you games & that is what football is all about when it comes down to it. & that is why midfielders & forwards command such extortionate transfer fees.

Offensively, as a playmaker, Lamps simply surpasses Zidane in terms of both goals & assists. It's not a convenient coincidence, nor down to sheer luck - that record is there because of the player that Frank Lampard is.

As much as you can gush about Zidane, the stats do not lie. Scoring up to 12 goals a season & double figures in assists is a more than impressive haul for any midfielder - but it doesn't even come close to Lampard's five season streak of 20 goals & 10+ assists every season - including an unheard of 27 goals along with 20 assists in 09/10 - the only midfielder in the top 7 hitmen & the #1 provider in the prem; the golden boot winner, Didier Drogba, as well as this club, benefitting directly from that as we laid claim to the first league & cup double in our history.

If that isn't utterly world class - then I really don't know what is.

During the 5 seasons that Zidane was at Real Madrid - for all of his visionary magic & elusive brilliance, he only won a single La Liga title along with the Champions League in his first two seasons. If you compare that to Lampard's last 5 seasons in which he has supposedly been 'on the decline' in many people's eyes - he has won a double, along with another 2 FA cups & a Champions League medal of course. Take from that what you will, but I know that I would take 5 trophies over 2 whether a player, fan, manager, chairman or owner.

Zidane may be able to shimmy, slither & roulette his way around every player on the field as effortlessly as Santi Cazorla goes to ground - but scoring goals wins you games because that's how football is played, & no midfielder is better at making that happen than Frank Lampard.

If you're talking about which player I would want in my team if it came down to just the two: I will take efficacy over extravagance every time - & that's not to say that Lamps doesn't have his own brand of extravagance in his locker as well.

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If that is not a vagrant display of your ridiculously poorly veiled anti-Lampard attitude - then I have no idea what is.

I don't have an anti-Lampard attitude. I was there at his first game, I'll be there at his last game and I've been to hundreds in between. But I'm a Chelsea fan first and foremost and the club's interests will always be more important to me.

I've had shit from people on this forum telling me what proper Chelsea fans should think and calling into question my own support. I've had scum like you calling me a paedo and it's quite frankly ridiculous. If I thought people like you represented Chelsea fans in any way, shape or form I would probably chuck it in tomorrow but you don't.

Lampard is one of the greatest midfielders in the Premier League, he's responsible for some truly happy times in my life, he has some fantastic statistics and he's a true gentleman to cap it off. He was even one of the best midfielders in the world for a couple of seasons. But Zidane is in my view the greatest player to have ever played the game - he's certainly the greatest player I've ever seen and I've been lucky to have seen the likes of Ronaldinho, Iniesta, Messi, Rivaldo and even the Weah bear.

I'm with Makelele on this issue - there is no doubt over who the greatest player of the last 20 years is.

That doesn't mean I don't love Lampard, as I'm sure you'll tell me in a long-winded post (you need to learn the power of brevity), but it just shows that I'm capable of being objective.

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