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Remind me?,why did Britain go to war with the Krauts in the first place?

I bet these veterans who gave up their lives and lost many loved one's sometimes ask themselves, why did we bother? :rant:

Oh so you would of been happy if hitler stayed in power ?

No.read my post properly you lemon.
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i dont even know if any of them are worth trusting.

Obviously in a perfect world there would be no illegal immigrants, no tax, more freedom, i mean you cant barely even breathe nowadays without getting into trouble or arrested. The ppl that come over here expect everything that their country had and to live just how they used to. Its like there's rules for us and different rules for them. They should all live under our rules but it doesnt seem like they do. This country is falling a part and i dont even think i can be fucked anymore. Reading the papers pisses me off and watching the news pisses me off. There's just so much shit.

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Tax evasion, or avoidance as the rich likes to call it apart from depriving us, also deprives the developing world of aid -currently runs at a staggering £221 billion a year.

Yet they prefer us to look at 'Dave down the road who is doing a bit of bycycle repair on the side' , and is a horror of horrors, a benefit cheat. Hang him.

Just another way of getting the working class to attack the working class, whilst the rich get away scot free.

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Tax evasion, or avoidance as the rich likes to call it apart from depriving us, also deprives the developing world of aid -currently runs at a staggering £221 billion a year.

Yet they prefer us to look at 'Dave down the road who is doing a bit of bycycle repair on the side' , and is a horror of horrors, a benefit cheat. Hang him.

Just another way of getting the working class to attack the working class, whilst the rich get away scot free.

Yeah, unfortunately this neo-liberal world is aimed at the rich at the moment.

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Politicians are so out of touch with the real world it is untrue, they have absolutely no idea of how the average person lives and to be honest they don't care either.

Going back to Mikes post i voted for UKIP last time around because basically i agreed with most of the things they stood for, whereas i didn't agree with the majority of the rest. I always feel i should vote because i need to have my say, but i always do my research and vote to what most resembles what i feel, otherwise it is all the mongs of the country who decide who runs the country.

Taxes are an issue, we have taxed up to the eyeballs, but this is mainly because our goverment is handing money out left right and centre. The latest hairbraind idea is to give people more money on benifit who do what they are supposed to i.e. keep their kids out of trouble (i am sure you have all seen it) What they are doing is making so that people do not have to bother working or work a minimal job doing little work and then have the government top them up so they earn the same as someone who works 10 times harder and actually pays the taxes...

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Yeah that's some idea Brown got from the US.

They intervieed the Deputy Mayoress of New York and she said it's already been tried in 20 countries and works apparently.

The mentality of it is ludicrous. Where is the logic of letting someone do little or no work earn the same as someone like me who has works hard and pays a shedload of taxes. The message is stupid:

"Do as little work as you like, it doesn't matter we will make sure you have enough money as your mates who work 10 times harder than you!"

We are a country of handouts, and the people who get screwed are the middle classes. The upper class don't give a s**t, they have enough money to not worry. The lower clas are raking in the handouts and the hard working middle class gets shafted!

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Don't bemoan the people not working for claiming benefits. Often the scenario is they do better with benefits than with a job, so why should they work? It's a problem at government level, I'd say something associated with Labour.

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Don't bemoan the people not working for claiming benefits. Often the scenario is they do better with benefits than with a job, so why should they work? It's a problem at government level, I'd say something associated with Labour.

Which is exactly the point. Too many people not bothering to work because they don't HAVE to. The logic is stupid. Most people work on the logic that no work = no money, now too many people look at it and say, why should i work?

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The mentality of it is ludicrous. Where is the logic of letting someone do little or no work earn the same as someone like me who has works hard and pays a shedload of taxes. The message is stupid:

"Do as little work as you like, it doesn't matter we will make sure you have enough money as your mates who work 10 times harder than you!"

We are a country of handouts, and the people who get screwed are the middle classes. The upper class don't give a s**t, they have enough money to not worry. The lower clas are raking in the handouts and the hard working middle class gets shafted!

i don't think it is solely aimed at people who dont work -it's a whole raft of measures including curbing anti -social behaviour. According to the Yanks it has worked in New York and around 20 other countries.

On a separate note theres the 'middle class con trick' -because people have a few possessions and gadgets, maybe own their own house, and dont have a pitbull and wear tracksuit bottoms, they think they're middle class.

Generally the middle classes are people with professions like dentists and dont earn less than 100k.

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i don't think it is solely aimed at people who dont work -it's a whole raft of measures including curbing anti -social behaviour. According to the Yanks it has worked in New York and around 20 other countries.

On a separate note theres the 'middle class con trick' -because people have a few possessions and gadgets, maybe own their own house, and dont have a pitbull and wear tracksuit bottoms, they think they're middle class.

Generally the middle classes are people with professions like dentists and dont earn less than 100k.

Was only using the term middle class very losely :)

But also you can't give money out to people for doing what they should be doing anyway! Thank you for not being a horrible little scrote heres 20 grand :D

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No Gods, No Masters. If Voting Changed anything they'd abolish it. Whoever gets in the Government wins etc. I've seen enough elections to know that whoever gets in, it makes not the slightest difference to anyones lives apart from perhaps a different rate of taxation for the very rich 0.01%.

Foreign policy is the same, whoever is in British Government at the time They jump when the US says jump. Spineless fucks all of 'em.

All the parties divide people so they're easier to rule over. Cameron worth £26 000 000, Brown and Blair multi millionaires.

The reason why V for Vendetta is so good is that Parliament actually gets blown up. Fuck 'em all they're only in it for themselves.

great reply.i was always a big labour man.but this lot will get my X.from now on.


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Was only using the term middle class very losely :)

But also you can't give money out to people for doing what they should be doing anyway! Thank you for not being a horrible little scrote heres 20 grand :D

Lol I agree the principle seems mad, but if it gets people out of the cycle of their sordid lives and stops the little fuckers attacking others, and gets their spawn to school etc maybe its worth a shot. Especially as it is alleged to have worked elsewhere.

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  • 3 years later...

even though i would agree with very few of their policies other than on the Environment i would support the Green party . I just feel that the Environment is the most important issue facing our humanity and nothing else matters if we are facing the prospects of our Grandchildren being underwater does it ? The Green party are the only true Environmentally friendly party the issue needs to be sorted .

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Apologies if this is a UK-only thread.

In the United States, our political parties are basically giant funnels for campaign donations. All you have to do is support A, B and C. This leads to considerable contradiction in the same party platform. For example, some Republicans are known for supporting less government in the social lives of citizens while others want to create laws based on "Christian values" (banning abortion, creation of a national or state school prayer, etc.). The differences are great enough to scramble the Republican voting base, but not separate from the party itself because many of the donors would be lost.

Political parties themselves are not the main problem in the USA - businesses are. In my mind, we are a corporatocracy. Every substantial donation made to a political party or candidate is from a businessman who wants his interests looked after. Money talks loudly in the states, and it dictates whether we increase offshore drilling or fund green energy initiatives. Social issues are bandied about to piss off the lower class (the middle class here is fast becoming a myth), the media spews it forth like a busted water pipe and no one really pays attention to the truly important issues. Saving a billion dollars or two when the deficit is $15 trillion is splitting hairs.

American political parties are cabals for the rich, and they work hard to make sure no new parties rise up. Some states have arcane election laws where a third-party candidate has to get X thousand signatures on a petition or a certain amount of votes on one ballot to be included on the next. And, these parties don't get meaningful donations because businesses would rather go with the devil they've paid off.

In short, the real vote is between a red tie and a blue tie. I've heard similar sentiment amongst UK voters, so I guess we aren't too different after all...

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