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    • If you eliminated everyone who abused the system there would be no one left, and no normal person expects the system to be perfect.. far from it! What we expect is if you say something fucking do it! End of, also on another posted you replied to saying it's selfish because of taxes etc, it's non of my business what taxes you pay and it's not for me to vote in such away that helps you with your taxes..... I'll vote for who I want because I want to, not because bob down the road might get 10% extr
    • Wars are fought for land and what ever else you said, but in the name or religion, when people are bombing arenas in the name of a god, that's an act of terrorism in the name of religion or how they see the religion, ww2 Hitler went after a certain religion and killed as many as he could, land is a profit of war but not always the reason.
    • How are araujo and hummels interchangeable? Completely different types of CB Hummels is finished. He has had one last good season after years of decline. Hummels is now super slow probably slower than 40yo Thiago who was rapid when young while Hummels was always a snail  It is not a vintage year for German cbs but if I needed to pick one apart from Toni it would be Tah and maybe koch. Both not perfect but one is a commanding presence, leader and good tactical brain, the other is PL p
    • Good post. Not sure I agree that religion plays a lesser part in wars, but do agree with the rest. Also that we'd find other ways to wage wars as well, as we have in the past. They would be prob smaller in scale tho: Yuval Noah Harari wrote in Sapiens something like (haven't found the exact quote) that religion is the most effective way to make people who have little in common, and don't even live near each other, fight for the same cause in a war. In short, religion can increase the nu
    • Rumoured fee has been around €70m+. I personally don't think he matches the profile of CF we need. I'd imagine others feel the same, considering most rumours about suitors have cooled down considerably. Also, it seems like people don't realise how much Napoli actually spent on Osimhen.
    • There is also a very strong profit motive in war. The billionaires and shareholders of #1 export in the World need to ensure their products are used. Their media billionaire mates cooperate by letting everyone know ''the world is a dangerous place and you need to be scared''. 
    • Maybe if we were still going to play 3 CB’s he could be a Thiago Silva sort of short term signing. But I wouldn’t trust him in the PL in a back 4. 
    • Vlahovic outscored VO in 3 of the last 4 seasons in Seria A. Half the price and younger. He was available last summer probably is not anymore. So from this perspective paying 120m for VO would be mental. 
    • hummels wants to leave dortmund. i would go for him if we cant buy araujo. 
    • This is false, humans are tribal, religion is another manifestation of it. Even without religion people will look for another tribe to engrain themselves into. The concept of country would still exist. Religion one of the symptoms, not the cause. Land and resources is the number 1 reason. I would argue religion has probably lowered wars. Every war is the same, it is the same tribal warfare that has been fought since the beginning. Wars been fought for the purpose and benefit of tribal leade
    • In engineering we know that no system is perfect. This is obvious to any engineer, because we deal with tradeoffs in a daily basis. And yet the majority of the population expect systems, like the Electoral system or the Political system, to be perfect. That's very silly IMO. We do the best we can, and try to minimize the corruption in politics by eliminating the people who abuse the system. Which is what some of us here say about trump, as there have been few politicians in the US (yes he i
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